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Will Menaker: "CA banned menthols? Fuck 40000 black lives, we need small consumer joys". Also Will: (soyfacing at the Big Tobacco movie The Insider)

Episode 4 of the Adam Friedland Show: "Small Dick Consumer Joy Mass Death Program (Ft. Pete Buttigieg)"

> The Newsom regime of Commiefornia must fall

> This scene always gives me chills

Woke idealist socialists literally care more about dogshit art and culture than actual historical materialist solidarity ("Elon Musk is saving the environment" worthless PMC manchildren lmao)

When you're a radlib, you inevitably end up doing demon praxis like simping for FBI sponsored programs of mass death of their slave worker caste with a fascist stimulant that was traditionally used as a pesticide, basically a soy version of the holocaust, so typical for the DSA! :dsa:

>>Despite Jeffrey Wigand's commitment to honor the confidentiality agreement and his initial refusal to talk to Lowell Bergman, a producer for 60 Minutes, Wigand claimed that he and his family were anonymously stalked, intimidated and threatened with death should he talk. At the time, it was thought that Brown & Williamson were behind these intimidation attempts, but, just before the movie The Insider was released, the FBI published a search warrant that was served on Wigand's home, strongly suggesting he fabricated the threats against himself. This claim is countered by an on the record interview by Wigand where he points out the local FBI Field Office was being used by Brown & Williamson via an ex-FBI agent to do dirty work for the company. Bergman provided him with armed bodyguards and, after legal consultation, urged him to testify for the State of Mississippi in a lawsuit against Big Tobacco brought by Mississippi Attorney General Mike Moore, a tactic designed to nullify his confidentiality agreement before revealing the truth in an interview with Mike Wallace for 60 Minutes. The tobacco interests responded by getting a Kentucky judge to issue a gag order that subjected Wigand to arrest upon returning to the Commonwealth.

(soulless Bookchin PMC scoffs) "I don't care about starving children ghettofied wage slaves dying because they are a denationalized surplus population like what the nazis did in Poland (Matt: "buh? Why would I read Settlers? Actually black nationalism should be destroyed"). True Marxist liberation is free association between free producers in a free market. Smash the Stalinist authoritarians state, black consumer freedom matters!!!" :pete:

wokes pretend to believe "BLM", but they're actually just anarcho-neoliberals with literally the same satanic ideology as Pete Buttigieg (the child of a PMC Gramsci anarchist, hmm!) who did consulting work at McKinsey. That company literally designed flavored products to target minorities/teens/etc with this moderate ghetto slave holocaust. They said they were "proud to be working side by side" with these literal FBI deep state collaborating corporations who profit off of bourgeois social murder. Sounds like the Liz Warren voting OWS anti-communists are proud to be class traitors as well :amber:

Broke: Vaush scoffs at black nationalists from his indoor slave gamer chair. Woke: sophisticated PMC vlog socialist Matt Christman scoffs at the book Settlers

>vlog socialist

haha why is this so funny? "Workers of the world, unite! (alone in your atomized apartments to listen to me also being an individualist dork)"

Malcolm X with the truth about the inherent counter revolutionary nature of these comfortable radlibs who scoff at the idea of actually listening to the working class instead of lecturing to them:

>The house Slave usually lived close to his master. He dressed like his master. He wore his master's second-hand clothes. He ate food that his master left on the table. And he lived in his master's house--probably in the basement or the attic--but he still lived in the master's house.

>So whenever that house Slave identified himself, he always identified himself in the same sense that his master identified himself. When his master said, "We have good food," the house Slave would say, "Yes, we have plenty of good food." "We" have plenty of good food. When the master said that "we have a fine home here," the house Slave said, "Yes, we have a fine home here." When the master would be sick, the house Slave identified himself so much with his master he'd say, "What's the matter boss, we sick?" His master's pain was his pain. And it hurt him more for his master to be sick than for him to be sick himself. When the house started burning down, that type of Slave would fight harder to put the master's house out than the master himself would.

woke DSA radlibs are DOING THE WORK (Doing. The. Work. #DoingTheWork) to save the American empire :dsa:

>But then you had another Slave out in the field. The house Slave was in the minority. The masses--the field Slavees were the masses. They were in the majority. When the master got sick, they prayed that he'd die. [Laughter] If his house caught on fire, they'd pray for a wind to come along and fan the breeze.

umm actually that's Stalinist red fascism, watch my Breadtube video about Hannah Arendt's PMC holocaust revisionism to learn more about the evils of totalitarian communist violence

>If someone came to the house Slave and said, "Let's go, let's separate," naturally that Uncle Tom would say, "Go where? What could I do without boss? Where would I live? How would I dress? Who would look out for me?" That's the house Slave. But if you went to the field Slave and said, "Let's go, let's separate," he wouldn't even ask you where or how. He'd say, "Yes, let's go." And that one ended right there.

domesticated Liz Warren PMC voice: "I am a socialist, however we need a plan. Bernie does not have a plan like my neoliberal Reagan coworkers, he is not a friend of workers like us educated priests who are ordained in the practices of bourgeois accumulation"

Freddie DeBoer hosted this /r/stupidpol reactionary PMC on his Substack, seething about "white women need to sit down and listen to experienced activists" How to Sell a Shark Book

the first in a series of columns by Phoebe Maltz Bovy

How to Sell a Shark Book

educated PMC socialists: (smug anime villain voice) "Oh! You've reproduced neoliberal ideology in your twitter thread?? This is so beyond parody ho ho ho. Imagine being someone as uncouth and unvirtuous as you, I almost feel sorry for you for being so ignorant and unwashed in your public ideology"

random woman: "I'm just living my life trying to figure out how to build community without wreckers ruining our politic's project, here's an analogy (based from my lived experience as a subject of neoliberalism)"


>I started feeling sorry for Forster, a non-famous person who was undoubtedly the day’s (that morning’s) Twitter main character. But then something struck me, and that something was Forster’s Twitter display name. It is not Miriam Forster. It is, I cannot emphasize this enough: “SHARK BOOK OUT NOW.” In all-caps.

>The only way Forster’s thread makes sense is if it’s an anti-abortion psy-op. But I suspect that’s too interesting, and that the whole thing really was just about moving merch, merch being the shark books.

conspiratorial Fox News boomer paranoia of "the only reason you're being an activist is to sell products" on a PMC screed? How unexpected to see the reflex use of deadeyed instrumental rationality from that class! It's almost like these white people are completely aware they have no real core to any of their beliefs except cynical knee-jerk clout chasing to exploit current news stories for individual gain...their attempt to dunk on OP proved they were 100% correct :wonder-who-thats-for:

that twitter user made a historical materialist 101 claim about the "social contract" which white women have been trained by society into, leading them to treat activism like it's a trendy social club that awards people for having all the correct fashionable signifiers. I can imagine the detriments of that hegemony chasing behavior ("characterless opportunism" of the PMC as comrade Amber described...probably just a coincidence this radlib is so triggered by criticism of the incentivized behavior of their Liz Warren voting wrecker coworkers!

I guess there's nothing more offensive to the PMC than being told to shut up and stop lecturing, they HATE that one Kendrick Lamar song Humble

Self-proclaimed Christian Fascist tells gay people "It's going to be so fun when we take away all of your rights...All of them"
  • "Grooming is evil, God hates it!" (five minutes later) "Actually the Book of Lot is about how based our our western civilization is for being built on a rapist pedo sodomite tradition of turning young women into sex slaves for the benefit of small town Jeffrey Epstein satanists"

  • hey Hannah Arendt, can you say 'the holocaust was bad?'. Arendt: "All bureaucracies are bad: nazis, Stalinists, ABAB"

    World-historic fail-journo spreading fake news about the holocaust, whose dogshit quotes are now retweeted by woke "human rights" imperialists obscuring capitalism with false consciousness.

    Incredibly shameful legacy, funny to see her radlib acolytes supporting Ukraine nazis today, like they did with German "anti-communists" lol

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