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A cool guide to vehicles with the most DUIs
  • Dickheads drive dodge

  • Arizona Republicans call on GOP candidate to withdraw for misrepresenting military service
  • Haven't you heard? Republicans don't give a fuck about the law

  • Family of taekwondo instructors saves Texas woman from sexual assault
  • Yeah I'd probably give a few extra shits

  • What is the best movie to watch without sound?
  • A scanner darkly

  • Genovese mobster ‘Tony Cakes’ ID’d as NYC pedestrian, 86, decapitated by DOT truck
  • That's nypost reporting for you, absolute trash

  • The anti anti-fascist
  • Lol cool bro

  • Eat the rich.
  • Yeah I make good money in Cali and am happy to get taxed accordingly. It rocks here.

  • Eat the rich.
  • Got dang this sounds hot hot hot

    Quick i need a republican to tell me how this hurts the children or stifles muh innovations or something

  • Bear without fur
  • Do not lie, I know a person in a bear suit when I see one

  • What's the hardest lesson you've learned?
  • Keep business and family separate.

  • 'General Hospital' Actor Johnny Wactor Fatally Shot in Los Angeles
  • At least someone has a used catalytic converter now

    What a stupid reason to die, this timeliness sucks

  • 2024 Chinese Grand Prix - [RACE] discussion thread
  • I personally find him arrogant and grating. But he does have a few good analyses, I will say.

  • 3 April 2024
  • "Are jokes funny? Hmmm"

  • “This is insane”: RNC reportedly makes Trump’s false election claims a “litmus test” for new hires
  • Thinking these people are dumb is dumb. They're not dumb, they're evil. You don't have to believe something to say something, and they know this. Don't conflate their actions with ignorance; it's what got us into this mess.

    These are smart people with an evil agenda at the top. They may hire downstream idiots, but that doesn't make these strategies less effective. If anything, it gives those at the top more power.

  • Gary Larson's apology to the movie "Ishtar"
  • Daddy would you like some sausage

  • Even paper glows
  • Nineteen dickety two

  • can the weight of millions of balloons be heavy enough to pop the balloons at the bottom?

    Like, say you had a grain silo or some theoretical structure that would allow you to fill the structure as high as you wanted, full of balloons, all inflated with regular air, not helium.

    Is there a point where the balloons' collective miniscule weight would be enough to pop the balloons on the bottom? Or would they just bounce/float on top of each other forever and ever?

    can someone break down what happened at the start for me?

    Why were both alfa romeos struggling so hard? What caused the accident, was it simply an over reaction by zhou, or something mechanical?

    Shitty Ask Lemmy hypnotoad
    I'm always hearing about space walks. Why aren't we space running?

    Let's go somewhere fast, right? What's with the walking?

    hypnotoad__ hypnotoad

    All hail the hypnotoad

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