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  • I'm able to use .ml but .world seems to be completely down for me. Is there a platform or community outside of where they give updates?

  • How to sign up / get invited to BroadcastTheNet?

    Hi, I was wondering how to get into this private indexer. I couldn't find any information on this anywhere.

    Why are community subscriber counts different when watched from different instances?
  • Why did you formulate it so complex? 😂

    The subscribers are from your local instance. The end.

  • How do you get a better front page on Lemmy without so much old stuff?
  • Sort by either new or top today

    If you’re feeling adventurous select all and sort by new/top today

  • Feature request
  • Mlem has dark mode. It follows your system settings

  • Issues with lemmy docker-compose?
  • I used the docker-compose file from the official github repo:

    But after the comment from I changed it to pull the image from dockerhub instead of building it myself. Now it pulls correctly and the server comes online but is almost unusable. The homepage displays but I cannot login as admin or create a new user :/

    Edit: Here is the docker-compose.yml I used

    Edit 2: I think I found the issue why the server is unusable. I have websocket errors

  • Issues with lemmy docker-compose?

    Hey, does anyone else have issues running a lemmy instance with docker compose?

    I cant get it to work. I followed the guide on the wiki step by step to no avail..

    Edit: This is my error message with the docker-compose config as provided by the guide: !

    Then I tried to remove the logging bits, I get this error:


    Then I started over and pulled the github repository and edited the files in the docker subfolder and I get this error: !

    I give up 🙂

    Diablo IV is the fastest selling Blizzard game of all-time
  • How bad are the microtransactions? I'm debating getting for my steam deck because people claim that it runs well on it.

    Also that it's online only does not seem nice for the steam deck experience.

  • hyper hyper
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