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[Request] Don't filter blocked community post when directly accessing the community
  • Feels like this is the best way really. Having a separate account would also let you save those communities you’ve blocked on your primary account as favorites under your secondary account for quick retrieval.

  • National Park Service reverses Pride ban for employees in uniform after backlash from LGBTQ+ community
  • I think everyone is reading this as NPS not allowing Jane Employee to show up in uniform at Pride and hang out. Maybe they’d frown on that. But what appears to be happening is that employees are petitioning to march in Pride parades, or otherwise somehow participate, as they have in years past, and which supports the LGBTQ+ Special Emphasis Program of federal agencies, and NPS is letting those requests sit.

  • National Park Service reverses Pride ban for employees in uniform after backlash from LGBTQ+ community
  • For anyone wondering why NPS or any federal agency might participate in external events or allow employees to attend events in uniform: LGBTQ+ is one of several areas of special emphasis for federal agencies in recruitment, retention, and awareness. Others include, for example, women in government; Asian, Black, Native American, or Hispanic heritage; and people with disabilities. Special Emphasis Programs (SEP) are codified by executive order. The major intents are to dispel stereotypes, promote inclusion, and recognize the advances made by and contributions of people belonging to these groups.

    As an example of the kind of participation agencies have shown under SEPs in the past—a local office may attend and set up a booth at a career fair for a Historically Black College or University. This serves employment-related outreach efforts under the SEP for the agency while also observing and recognizing this group. There is no similar Big Gay Hiring Event at a large scale, so Pride participation makes sense to further efforts under this SEP. Even apart from recruitment, the recognition of LGBTQ+ individuals—which NPS already explicitly supports through their management of Stonewall National Monument—and outward displays of inclusion for this group are equally important for prospective and current employees, as part of the culture of the agency.

    What NPS has done is allow requests to participate in local Pride events as a form of observance and outreach to languish on the desks of NPS leadership.

  • Bookwyrm
  • Tracking my read books motivates me to read more. I’m trying to read at least one book a month this year, after years of not reading much at all. I’m on book 6 so far, but when my partner asked me the other day how far along I was in my goal I told them either 4 or 5 before I went on bookwyrm and actually checked. I have the memory of a goldfish. I also like to sometimes look back and see which books took me longer to finish. My final reason is that bookwyrm (right now) provides me reviews I think I can place a little more weight on than maybe some other platforms. It works for me, even though I agree that using it is a bit cumbersome at this stage of its development.

  • Feedback from all moderators
  • This is the first comment I’ve scrolled to where someone has asked about what moving to Sublinks means in terms of practicality, so I’ll hitch my question here too.

    To be sure I understand, are you saying that any existing community will be automatically migrated to Sublinks? Would I need to also create a new user account with Sublinks or would this also be migrated? Posts, comments, up/downvotes? Are those all migrated?

    I’m just having trouble understanding what a move to Sublinks means in a very practical sense for users and communities. Is this just a backend change that I—as a user, as a mod—would likely not notice? Thanks for any clarification you can provide.

  • Supreme Court's taking an influx of cases from one circuit
  • While I’m all too happy to criticize SCOTUS, and I’m aghast at the judge shopping that is going on, these straight numbers don’t mean anything. We need to know proportions. If 10 cases are accepted from the 5th Circuit out of 100 that apply, that’s 10%. If 3 are heard from another circuit where 5 apply, that’s 60%. From the article, it seems judge shopping in the lower courts is the real issue.

  • FeatureRequest - Copy Full Comment Text
  • I know this isn’t what you’re asking for, but I will say that the “Share as image” option is great and very versatile. You can choose whether to include the post details and mask usernames and community names.

  • Darn you Shabu!

    Came across this fun PSA from 2000 for the Will Rogers Institute. That King of the Hill movie looks way better than Flowers of Time, even without Charlton Heston or Ethan Hawke.

    Happy New Year, Arlen!

    Wingo! A bright and prosperous dang ol' 2024 to all Arlenians, I tell you hwhat. Yep.

    King of the Hill-idays

    Here’s a handy list of holiday-themed episodes to get you in the spirit. As Hank says: If you plan ahead, then when things happen, you’re prepared for them.

    Gave my dogs a job.
  • Came for the dogs, stayed for the Scully.

  • [Meta] Mod Search
  • I’d be interested in helping to moderate. I’ve never moderated a forum in my life. But I’ve read the sidebar here, I’ve read the basic Lemmy moderator documentation, and I watch King of the Hill nearly nightly.

  • hungrycat hungrycat
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    Comments 10