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AOC decries ‘unfolding genocide’ in Gaza, urges halting weapons to Israel
  • the most present politician in congress

  • I mean the Bourbon restoration happened sure but France objectivly does not have a monarch today so
  • an American "history buff" coworker of mine once claimed that half of France was executed by guillotine. Really stopped giving a shit about what Yankkkees think about history by that point.

  • [unfunny posting] You're not a real proletariat if you....
  • live solely off of dividends from capital investment

  • r/politics has a say on biden voters who say that israel is committing a genocide
  • I always get it wrong because fucking Germans and their compounds treating "social democratic" like a single word

  • Which gender are you?
  • I'm non-quaternary

  • Removed
    What is the purpose of the fakenews comm?
  • it's for the real hardcore newsheads

  • hexbear dot net
  • this pleases me, a non-saltinated person

  • holy fuck, r/neoliberal just disproved communism, shut this site down
  • as a former turbo lib, I sincerely believe they looked at the words with their eyes, but never actually engaged with the text.

    The first time I read Marx as a teenager hopped up on Western liberal triumphalism, I treated Capital like Mein Kampf and was prepared to scoff at every paragraph, but Marx writes such turgid fucking sentences that I gave up after a couple pages because I couldn't understand what he was saying well enough to get my rocks off.

  • sorry you gotta be this tall

    raises arm just barely above blakeus12

    to ride the communism.

    look, I don't write the rules. It's all there in the Manifesto.

  • Lemmy World is a clone of Reddit's Fed-Fun-House
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Soy Biden
  • you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

  • A Psychologist Explains The ‘NATO Dating’ Trend
  • we used to just call that NSA dating

  • Nathan Robinson most vindicated man alive
  • damn I owe dandy lad an apology

  • Found a gem in the Blahaj modlog
  • this is hexbear. I've already used my 11 alts to call them cracker.

  • Found a gem in the Blahaj modlog
  • shut the fuck up cracker

  • Biden administration waives 26 federal laws to allow border wall construction in South Texas Biden administration waives 26 federal laws to allow border wall construction in South Texas

    The Department of Homeland Security announced that the Biden administration leveraged sweeping executive power to waive 26 federal laws in South Texas.

    Biden administration waives 26 federal laws to allow border wall construction in South Texas
    Striking UAW Workers vs SCABS
    honeynut LiberalSoCalist
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    Comments 220