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What happens when every time your browser sends data to a tracker it makes a beep sound?
  • The video is a link from a mastodon instance ( So they use trackers here?

  • What happens when every time your browser sends data to a tracker it makes a beep sound?


    Found post in

    EDIT: converted to a text post instead of link. hoping someday there's easy way to re-toot Mastodon post to lemmy

    People are actually on BlueSky
  • Majority are not too techy to understand fediverse, nor they really care of the benefit decentralization provides.

  • Which of these VPS providers would you recommend?
  • based on the book 1984?

  • My iPod is better than my phone: repair, new SSD, and managing songs with Linux My iPod is better than my phone: repair, new SSD, and managing songs with Linux

    A new iPod has entered my life, and I'm excited to start using it with Rhythmbox. But first, I need to clean it up and install this awesome DosLab solid state drive and new Atomic Purple front pane...

    My iPod is better than my phone: repair, new SSD, and managing songs with Linux

    cross-posted from:

    > My iPod is better than my phone: repair, new SSD, and managing songs with Linux

    My iPod is better than my phone: repair, new SSD, and managing songs with Linux My iPod is better than my phone: repair, new SSD, and managing songs with Linux

    A new iPod has entered my life, and I'm excited to start using it with Rhythmbox. But first, I need to clean it up and install this awesome DosLab solid state drive and new Atomic Purple front pane...

    My iPod is better than my phone: repair, new SSD, and managing songs with Linux

    cross-posted from:

    > My iPod is better than my phone: repair, new SSD, and managing songs with Linux

    All Linux users, check your XZ library. You might be infected.
  • debian/ubuntu based distros:
    apt show xz-utils
    dpkg -l | grep xz
    yum info xz
    dnf info xz
    pacman -Qi xz

    EDIT: correction as suggested below

  • This was surprisingly good.
  • I just watched it and this is spot on. Now im wondering if the creators of this film thought about Spongebob spinoff drama and the result was this

  • The National Court orders to block Telegram in Spain
  • The app doesn't auto update for me.

  • The National Court orders to block Telegram in Spain
  • I installed Signal via Obtanium. Just use this URL when searching/adding the app

  • This community got removed from (again)
  • Did you import your .world data to .ee?

  • How we successfully raise multilingual kids

    cross-posted from:

    > How we successfully raise multilingual kids

    The Ubuntu Bros!
  • I've seen this same pic too many times in Lemmy

  • Can someone explain this PBF comic to me?
  • Gif is playing fine on my phone via

  • is back up! Apologies for the downtime.
  • If I understand, federating contents through ActivityPub only works once. Sounds a good feature to re-download contents again, but may introduce additional work as there should be some way to know if a content is missing then another job to rebuild

  • AI-generated images now appearing in Google image search results
  • Not my original content, I just saw this post from Mastodon

  • Mickey Mouse horror film unveiled as copyright ends
  • Waiting for a Mickey V Winnie movie

  • AI-generated images now appearing in Google image search results

    Found it first here -

    Not sure if this is the right community to discuss here in Lemmy?

    [Post Games] 31 DEC 2023
  • I didn't double checl it before posting, but looks like if you're not logged in to Mastodon then it will redirect you to original post which is twitter. The mastodon handle is only a bot mirroring Twitter feeds.

  • Is OsmAnd subscription/purchase worth it?

    Android auto for OsmAnd is a paid feature either through subscription or one-time purchase. Has anyone tried it and do you think its worth it?

    History shows command I didn't run on my VPS

    Hey guys, I saw this in my VPS when checking history: 1 chmod +x /usr/lib/virt-sysprep/scripts/0001-swapoff--dev-vda2-mkswap--dev-vda2-swapon--dev-vda2-resize2f 2 cat /usr/lib/virt-sysprep/scripts/0001-swapoff--dev-vda2-mkswap--dev-vda2-swapon--dev-vda2-resize2f 3 vi /usr/lib/virt-sysprep/scripts/0001-swapoff--dev-vda2-mkswap--dev-vda2-swapon--dev-vda2-resize2f here is the content of the script: ```

    cat /usr/lib/virt-sysprep/scripts/0001-swapoff--dev-vda2-mkswap--dev-vda2-swapon--dev-vda2-resize2f

    swapoff /dev/vda2;mkswap /dev/vda2;swapon /dev/vda2;resize2fs /dev/vda1;yum -y update;systemctl disable guestfs-firstboot;reboot ```

    This is a new server I provisioned on my VPS in racknerd. The command looks safe, but I'm wondering if these commands were executed on its own? Or someone has logged in to my VPS? This is also not normal, isn't it?

    Lightning - Arnhem - 21/04/2023 Lightning - Arnhem - 21/04/2023

    One of those rare few moments we actually have a thunderstorm!

    Lightning - Arnhem - 21/04/2023

    What online games can be played by 2 users?

    I have an online friend from the other side of the globe. We met in But I'd like to try a different game this time. We are not console gamers, but have smartphones. Are there any online games we can try for free that can be played real-time? Looking for something light and can be played in the phone browser.

    heyfrancis heyfrancis
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