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Libs really will be like “North Korea is Bad Korea”, while simultaneously in Occupied Korea: Why Korean parents are choosing to be shut in a cell
  • Weed camps.

    Yeah in South Korea the cops will harass you until you die if they think you're using illicit drugs, even if you're a famous celebrity.

    For a society that seemingly loves alcohol so much they sure hate anything that could actually help you in any meaningful way (same with Japan, alcohol is adored but weed is somehow going to destroy society)

  • Libs really will be like “North Korea is Bad Korea”, while simultaneously in Occupied Korea: Why Korean parents are choosing to be shut in a cell
  • This is good news. The North-South reunification effort is just as much of a farce as the Two State Solution for Israel Palestine and it should have been abandoned sooner.

    Power comes from the barrel of (an artillery) gun.

  • Libs really will be like “North Korea is Bad Korea”, while simultaneously in Occupied Korea: Why Korean parents are choosing to be shut in a cell
  • I think a lot of NK media is just drowned out by the barrage of low-effort anti-communist propaganda. It has to do with the country's lack of digital infrastructure compared to South Korea. You just can't spend the same amount of resources like capitalist shitholes like Japan and South Korea on soft power if you're under heavy sanctions so they choose carefully choreographed news pieces instead.

    If technology can only be rationed to people who live in cities or on waiting lists then you can't post harder than a society where everyone has a phone and has been conditioned by decades of dictatorship and corruption to accept capitalist rule without question and have been trained to glamorize capitalism in literally every facet of their lives. Even in their depression and horrible pain like this article.

    The BBC can point at the gaping holes of South Korea and call it "Confucianism haha" while those similarly sized holes in North Korea become proof of the failure of communism. parenti-hands "nonfalsifiable anti-communist orthodoxy"

  • Goodbye to Instagram, TikTok, “X,” and a Bunch of Other Garbage
  • I used to use Unsocial Media like Instagram to find trans+queer creators that I really liked but I had to stop because they kept getting shadowbanned off the platform. Once a queer person gets any sort of traction they face so much shit.

  • anyone else use the upbear to track read/unread?
  • Sometimes I go on auto-pilot mode and upbear every post I see on a thread and then I have to go back an unbear the shit replies.

  • Libs really will be like “North Korea is Bad Korea”, while simultaneously in Occupied Korea: Why Korean parents are choosing to be shut in a cell
  • Send airborne shit packages to the target's location. The DPRK does PPB but in real life and that's why we love em! kim-peace

  • Libs really will be like “North Korea is Bad Korea”, while simultaneously in Occupied Korea: Why Korean parents are choosing to be shut in a cell
  • Read the article next time.

    smuglord: "That'll show OP, he didn't even read the article that he posted"

    It's a weird trend for parents to try and connect with their socially self isolated adult children by socially isolating themselves.

    It's a little extreme sure, but sweet in a way.

    Imagine how privileged you have to be to say this. Seems like you never grew any sort of empathy for people with mental health issues otherwise you'd know how unhelpful it would be for your parents to roleplay your depression using money and time that could have went to helping you.

  • Libs really will be like “North Korea is Bad Korea”, while simultaneously in Occupied Korea: Why Korean parents are choosing to be shut in a cell
  • Well Solution B is an honest capitalist free enterprise while Solution A is North Korean socialism propaganda. I mean, what's the point of mental health services to Occupied Korea if someone doesn't make bank on it?

  • Libs really will be like “North Korea is Bad Korea”, while simultaneously in Occupied Korea: Why Korean parents are choosing to be shut in a cell
  • The only thing connecting each tiny room at the Happiness Factory to the outside world is a feeding hole in the door.

    If I wrote this in my novel I would be teased for being too corny, but to Occupied Korea this is just an average day.

    I can't imagine how horrible it must be to be a shut-in and instead of anyone helping you materially they sell your parents a ticket to experience a superficial facsimile of your depression.

    "In Korea, parents often express their love and feelings through practical actions and roles rather than verbal expressions,” Prof Jeong says.

    “Parents financing their children's tuition fees through hard work is a typical example of a Confucian culture that emphasises responsibility."

    Thank you sociology Prof Jeong Go-woon, see, this "loneliness" stuff is because Koreans are just a different race with a unique racial culture.

    South Korea has some of the highest suicide rates in the world and last year, its government unveiled a five year plan aiming to address this.

    Ministers announced there would be state-funded mental health check-ups for people aged 20-34 every two years.

    Wow! 2.5 mental health checkups in 5 years! Why didn't I think of that?

    In Japan, the first wave of young people isolating themselves, in the 1990s, has led to a demographic of middle-aged people dependent on their elderly parents.

    More orientalism that is used in place of actual materialist analysis to subdue people. "Those dang Japanese and Good Koreans work too hard, it's in their blood"

    The BBC should be beaten to death with a stick before it hurts more people. kim

  • Libs always manage to surprise me
  • liberals are mind confuzzling but they're also not. There's this one FOSS dev whose mastodon I skim through (for updates on projects he's leading) and today he's just boosting posts like "Trump was able to lie and not get fact-checked and Biden is just old" and "save American democracy" and I always thought it was weird until he made a post describing how he as a lmayo was born and raised in Alabama and was taught that there are heroes and villains and the villains want to take democracy away and the heroes (usually msm approved black radicals like Rosa Parks and MLK) gave us democracy.

    He's surrounded by people with zelensky-navi in their usernames so I shouldn't be surprised. It sucks because their USian liberal worldview permeates through everything and it always feels like you're being talked down to.

  • What's a good place online to buy a new laptop for a reasonable price? (In Australia)
  • Buy a framework laptop. The earlier gen models are <1000 and you can always upgrade in the future. Their intel core ultra laptops can solidly play baldurs gate III and their AMD models as well.

  • What laptop should I buy?
  • You can get an older generation framework laptop, great Linux and Windows support and you can upgrade the computer down the line.

  • What are your most hated sci-fi/fantasy tropes?
  • Aang's never taken a life except all the times that he did and never felt anything about it.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • When the worst person you know is right type moment.

    Proprietary antivirus software is a dirty bandaid they use instead of building sustainable supply chains on nonfree operating systems (because it's all about grifting and conning people out of money and gatekeeping computers).

    But yeah this was done probably because kaspersky was disabling anti-features on Windows and was killing the competition. Kaspersky's full scale invasion of boomers' computers.

  • Facebook AI Crushing It Again
  • The veteran homeless thing always confused me. Like he's homeless and disabled, so society doesn't respect him at all. Is there some inherent understanding with boomers that the only way americans would respect their military is if they are a constant caricature of suffering?

    Probably not, just self conscious brainworms.

  • TempleOS was ahead of its time, at least there you could communicate with god and not reading garbage in garbage out text.

  • EasyOS | An experimental Linux distribution
  • Terry Davis would of went far if he understood that sins were a feature and not a bug.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • "Have you seen what the insides of a goomba looks like luigi?"

  • Looks like someone hit a nerve
  • beanis beanis it's me, i'm the beanis comrade.

  • Sloppy Jane ft. Phoebe Bridgers - Claw Machine | Official Music Video | I Saw the TV Glow

    > But my heart is like a claw machine, its only function is to reach, it can't hold on to anything

    I'm going to make a post about this movie, both positive and negative thoughts right now. This movie is so transgender it hurts.

    Apple Is Joining The AI Cash Grab

    TL;DW: Apple Intelligence is Apple training their models locally on your personal Apple product data (aka anything you do on an iPhone, Mac, iPad or your Apple ID) using their Apple Silicon chips as well as building a Apple Siri voice assistant client for OpenAI's ChatGPT. The features seem gatekept to newer Apple products and they claim it's opt-in.

    It looks like "AI" is here to stay as capitalists have placed it in most supply chains and industries. Goes without saying, but don't buy Apple, you're just buying yourself a one-way trip to a digital jail where the walls are made out of "seamless apple ecosystem" and "shiny metal devices that are cold to the touch."

    Especially don't buy anything from the Apple Store because that's trashy Global North treat brain behavior.

    Waiting for explicit sync in wayland.

    (Angrily taps foot)

    I wanna play my fitgirl repacks minus all the stuttering but nvidia is transphobic :(((

    Tried NVK but then realized that all my apps don't have it turned on yet because mesa 24.1 hasnt been released and so they default to OpenGL or don't run at all.

    The wait is so excrutiating because it's right there. Just give me my nvidia 555 driver naowhhhh!!!

    Anyone else feel like this?

    Linux gaming >>> Windows gaming tho.

    Vietnam bans Valve's monopolistic game platform Steam Steam is now banned in Vietnam

    Steam has been banned in Vietnam.As first reported by Game Developer and spotted by our sister site,,…

    Steam is now banned in Vietnam

    > However, as reported in, it's possible Steam has been taken down in Vietnam after local game developers complained about the scope and size of Steam's vast portfolio of games, claiming Vietnamese devs cannot compete with Steam's releases given they are subject to government approval and thousands of international games on Steam are not. > > Citing it as "an injustice to domestic publishers", Vietnamese studios reportedly say that local game development "will die" if Steam is able to keep releasing games without the same government scrutiny as domestic games.

    Based Vietnam protecting its domestic games industry from American capitalists. :)

    > TLDR: the online game monopolies of Vietnam complains that they can't extort the market share our Lord and Savior Gabe Newell rightfully earned," said one unhappy Steam user.

    Steam users are so fucking insufferable. They hate all capitalist game companies except this one which they will eagerly lick the boot of.

    Correcting libs on CCP vs. CPC

    It's tiring to tell libs that its actually CPC instead of CCP.

    • CCP = Chinese China Party (???)
    • CPC = Chinese Party of China (correct)

    I'm literally going to drop kick someone who gets it wrong!!!

    Thoughts? Is it worthwhile to correct people on this?

    r/linux moment: Scolds trans woman for being too mean to a transphobe

    CW: Transphobia, ableism, misgendering

    I've posted a video from Nicco Loves Linux covering the whole situation to the libre community here for context.

    TL;DR: Vaxry, the lead developer of the popular Hyprland wayland compositor and tiling window manager has been banned from ever contributing a patch to freedesktop, a highly influential software group that is responsible for the modern Linux Desktop. This was due to him violating freedesktop's code of conduct because of his toxic discord community and crypto-fash blog. Vaxry then writes two screeds and throws a public temper tantrum, leading to inevitable clash when his nazi friends harass the freedesktop people.

    (EDIT: Removed direct links to blog, the entire blog is pretty reactionary outside of the purely software related posts) The blog posts that got them banned:

    Fun screenshot


    !frothingfash: "I'M NOT MAD I'M NOT MAD"

    Critical support to Red Hat Enterprise Linux and their never-ending crusade to destroy white people !07

    I want to be vegan, how can I start?

    Background: I come from a bengali family so my diet basically consisted of curry with various different meats (lamb, chicken, beef, duck, pigeon and sometimes fish) with some sides like potatos, lentils, flatbread etc. My parents have mostly moved away from meat due to their health but I feel like I'm only getting worse. My university advertises meat and non-vegan foods a lot so it feels impossible for me to switch/don't know how to switch.

    I really want to stop eating meat and sometimes I'm able to not eat meat for a couple days but it doesn't last because I just give up whenever my parents cook something really nice or I'm eating with friends.

    So how do I start a vegan diet and actually stick to it? Mostly looking for starter vegan foods that I can use to wean myself off from my carnism while studying at university.

    hello_hello hello_hello [they/them, comrade/them]

    I'll wake up to socialism someday :)

    Read Free Software, Free Society pls

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