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  • [Question] Which shell prompt do you use and why?
  • I use Zsh with Oh My Zsh!, and I use a different theme depending on which subuserland I'm in. For example, I use the gentoo theme on Debian and its derivatives, agnoster on NixOS, darkblood on Arch, strug for Mageia, apple on my macOS device, aussiegeek on FreeBSD, and gallifrey on OpenBSD. Different themes helps me remember which package manager to use and which distro-specific commands will work.

    I like Zsh because of its tab completion and command history. I also quite like its plugins.

    Before anyone asks, I have tried Fish before, and I prefer Zsh. I have tried configuring Bash before, and I prefer Zsh. I have played with Ksh and Tcsh on BSD, and I prefer Zsh. I used PowerShell a long time ago, and I prefer Zsh.

  • me_irl hellfire103
    me_irl hellfire103
    I started another community!

    Hey, everyone! I just started !2meirl4meirl for when things get to real for !me_irl

    It's modelled off the original subreddit, so if you are a current or former Redditor, you know what to do. Otherwise, please read the sidebar.


    me_irl hellfire103
    What is your favorite password manager?
  • My favourite is Bitwarden. FOSS, privacy-respecting, secure and possible to self host: what more could you want?

  • hellfire103 hellfire103

    Young writer, artist and climate change activist in the UK. Proudly LGBT. Democratic socialist. Slava Ukraini! | they/them

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