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What is/was your distrohopping journey?
  • DOS -> Windows (3.1 through to XP) -> Slackware -> Red Hat -> Fedora -> OpenSUSE -> Ubuntu -> Mint -> Ubuntu -> Arch

    It’s been quite the journey.

  • Microsoft blocks Windows 11 workaround that enabled local accounts
  • Exactly, as lest when your distro starts doing things you don’t like, another can easily take its place in your set up.

  • which OS do you like the most?
  • My work machine is macOS as the company won't let us use Linux. My home machine is Arch Linux (obligatory "BTW") which I migrated to after Ubuntu dropped Unity and started forcing Snaps on everyone.

    However, a nice shameless plug for my Terminal file manager: DF-SHOW which is designed to work on all Unix like systems.

  • Trackballs Robert Ian Hawdon
    First trackball in this community

    And it's your run of the mill Elecom Huge. Modded with ceramic bearings.

    hawdini Robert Ian Hawdon

    Service Delivery platform engineer. Linux user, self proclaimed geek, and online superhero. hawdon.crypto hawdon.eth

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