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China's economy risks heading into recession as Producer Prices enter deflation, reports say
  • The system being set up where the only way prices broadly go down is if the economy is bad has always bothered me.

  • Yep, it's going to make everything more expensive
  • How dare you point out the hypocrisy?! Seriously though, people downvoting you need to understand that while democrats are better than trump on most issues, they're largely the same on this particular issue, so it's not exactly a point that can be pinned solely on trump.

  • Yep, it's going to make everything more expensive
  • Too bad Biden kept the tariffs Trump instituted during his term and increased them. Trump will add even more tariffs during his term, but I'm not confident that the democrat that follows won't also keep and add onto them.

  • Israel Kills Nearly 600, Displaces Tens of Thousands in Lebanon as “Civilians Are Paying the Price”
  • Countless resolutions in the UN show that it's not an accepted international norm or policy, but unfortunately nothing can actually be done while the behemoth US exercises its power.

  • The Extreme Cost of Training AI Models.
  • Now imagine if they had to pay for the content they're training the models off of.

  • Conservatives don't understand how to human.
  • Ah, early 2021... back when $15/hr was at least somewhat decent. Heck, $15/hr was being fight for about a decade before even then. Maybe in ten more years $15/hr will become minimum wage and politicians will pat themselves on the back and claim they're the most pro-worker politician in US history for instituting a minimum wage that was argued for two decades in the past.

  • It’s important to take breaks and observe local flora occasionally.
  • What's with the focus on Jill Stein? Third parties aren't relevant and the number of people who vote for them is far overshadowed by the number of people who don't vote at all. There are better uses of time than this lame two minutes hate session.

  • No One Is Buying AMD Zen 5 CPUs, So What's Going On?
  • Grocery prices is actually a great example of official inflation numbers being underestimated. My grocery bill has increased by a minimum of 50% (and more like 100%) since the pandemic, but official numbers put it at about 25%. They have a basket of goods that they base their numbers off of, but that basket changes and my suspicion is that they change it in a way to make the numbers look better than they really are. In my case, I've been buying the same stuff all along (i.e. mainly simple non-processed ingredients) with modifications only to try to reduce my bill (e.g. I haven't bought any eggs over $2 a dozen, which means I haven't bought eggs in a long time).

    I sarcastically pointed out "at least TVs are cheaper" because yes, there are categories where some things are cheaper, but the far more important categories of housing, education, food, and health care have experienced ridiculous amounts of inflation.

  • Grid-scale batteries: They’re not just lithium
  • Exciting to see all sorts of batteries for different applications. Is lithium-ion still standard for home power backup? I've heard characteristics of the new sodium-ion batteries being ideal for that use case.

  • An Announcement to Our Fans Regarding the Conclusion of Watson Amelia’s Channel Activities
  • My speculation is that this is a way to let talents retire without sacrificing the marketability of characters. For a corporation, having a character that took so much time effort to develop just to cease being used is a liability. It wouldn't be a Kizuna AI situation since that had such a negative reaction, but I could see continued usage in marketing and merch. I'm sure all parties involved would be happy with some sort of royalty arrangement. It has been described as an experimentation, so it remains to be seen how it will actually play out.

  • people with kids who have their shit together at work
  • I've been shrimping for decades with minimal back pain so I think I'm doing something right.

  • [news] “Netanyahu Wants Open-Ended War”: Palestinian Journalist & Fmr. Israeli Negotiator on Gaza Ceasefire
  • That netanyahu pile of shit is going to stink up the air when he's roasting in hell.

  • Homemade Porn Site Promises Not to Train AI on Performers
  • This makes me think the cereal used to have asbestos and is now asbestos-free. Either way I'm concerned about that cereal.

  • No One Is Buying AMD Zen 5 CPUs, So What's Going On?
  • Inflation adjusted looking pretty flat and that's if you trust their optimistic inflation calculations that likely underestimate it. Housing, education, and health care greatly outpace inflation btw, but hey, at least TVs are cheaper.

  • BYD would still have the cheapest EV in the US, even with a 100% tariff
  • Yet the only example is of a western ally pulling that shit.

  • BYD would still have the cheapest EV in the US, even with a 100% tariff
  • China is unfairly competing because US auto companies pay billions for share buybacks while Chinese companies don't.

  • Vegan Nutella, made with chickpeas and rice syrup, to hit shelves
  • I assume this will be more expensive even though it's made with cheaper ingredients.

  • Imagine.
  • A new pet on demand!

  • A charity taught children strike drills in a school compound. Days later, Israel attacked it.
  • The only purpose in normalizing relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel is to continue the divide and conquer strategy while destroying each country that opposes Israel. It's the same reason why the US showers Egypt with money, to keep it docile. As each potential enemy of Israel falls, they focus their attention on the next target. Saudi Arabia will have its turn later and when it does, the US will bring out things like involvement in 9/11 from its back pocket to justify crippling sanctions and either regime change or potentially direct military action.

    Countries useful to the US get carrots until they've outlived their usefulness, then they get impaled on the stick. Just ask Saddam after the US used him to carry out the Iran-Iraq war. Israel supported Iran in that war, by the way, because playing your enemies against each other is part of the divide and conquer strategy.

  • Australia plans minimum age for social media use, angering digital rights advocates
  • and you cannot use social media if they deem your chest too flat.

  • 【#holoJustice】Onwards and upwards, innit.【hololive English】

    Not entirely sure what this is, but it was revealed during the Jackbox collab on Calli's channel. Reveal on June 18th 8:00PM PDT apparently!

    Edit: Here's the reveal video:

    CHIMERA - Takanashi Kiara (Official Music Video)


    Hololive Fans Swarming Akihabara Mister Donut Because of FUWAMOCO Hololive Fans Swarming Akihabara Mister Donut Because of FUWAMOCO

    As a result of FUWAMOCO, Hololive Advent Vtubers Fuwawa and Mococo, posting about their Mister Donut visits, fans are heading there too.

    Hololive Fans Swarming Akihabara Mister Donut Because of FUWAMOCO

    So much power, and not even sponsored!

    hark hark
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