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  • "same language as transphobes"

    I can't use English now? Of course you're welcome to label my opinion as whatever you'd like, I just don't agree that this is transphobia.

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  • Very constructive. That'll show me!

    What is the end goal of this reply? You aren't getting upvotes because this isn't reddit, you're not broadening my horizons with the hostility. Why bother posting in the first place if all you can do is feign niceness while still managing to be a dick?

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  • I get this response a lot, but I also see a lot of those crazies online. There are actual people who do want to bring children into this. (Using them as scapegoats to push some third agenda is another topic.)

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  • I sadly don't have the in depth knowledge to be able to give any sort of meaningful answer without a guiding hand, if you're really interested in deciphering my takes on the ideal economic model. I agree with the premise that capitalism is unsustainable, I just don't think "to each according to his needs" is necessarily the right philosophy to have when there is incentive to abuse the system. Human imperfections (namely, greed and lust and envy) have sadly shown the need for something stricter.

    Ask the political compass, and economically I am as far left as can be.

  • [meme] Pedestrians shouldn't be relegated to the sidelines
  • Me using my 1200 kg econobox to reach destinations that public transport doesn't give a hoot about is doing absolutely nothing to the planet compared to a rich person's private jet, or cobalt mining, or manufacturing and shipping all the cheap plastic stuff people buy that they don't even need from China etc.

    I am all for walkable cities, I love my hometown where walking and cycling is not only possible, but infinitely better than driving. Yet I can coexist with cars in the same spaces. But I have so far seen absolutely zero viable arguments against car ownership. It's a part of our personal freedoms that's just more lucrative to take away than to fix the systematic problems of the world.

    The main issue here? I'm not willing to give up my freedoms, and the rich fucks running this shitshow have no incentive to lower their profits.

    This community's counterpart on reddit started out great, but it quickly transformed into an extremist echo chamber of idealists that are painfully out of touch with the real world.

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  • That's a minority of people who aren't conservative so much as they are extremist. Just very vocal. On the other end of the spectrum, there are actual people who want to transition their toddlers. They are also very vocal.

    But so now you have people leaning left judging everyone right of them by the most vocal extremists on the right side, and vice versa. And then the divide between left and right seems to widen, because in politics it's apparently law that every action be met with an even bolder counter action, so if you try and be neutral about any of this you'll lose your mind!

    Can't you see that this isn't even about you versus me, both actually just very mildly distant in our ideals, but about you and me versus whoever is profiting over us spending the time to debate this in the first place?

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  • I don't know how liberal lemmy is compared to reddit, so I'll dare state my opinion, which I don't think is extremist.

    I don't feel comfortable allowing everyone to transition. I'm not religious, I'm just from a time and place (ie not the West) where this was considered worrying and individuals who battled this got the help they needed to feel comfortable in their bodies instead of butchering them and feeding them questionable drugs. It was seen as a symptom of a different problem, a societal one, a problem with one's surroundings and influences rather than a weird bug in their brain.

    I for one still believe that narrative. I don't hate the individuals, as I have many queer/trans/whatever-you-call-them-with-one-word contacts, but I'm disappointed that the system allows them to suffer and helps manifest their mental problems into a physical form, rather than treating the root cause of whatever in their life is causing their inability to accept that they have one soul and one body and they have to get them to work together to live a prosperous life.

    The fact that this is being normalized now tells me that large parts of our society have been laden with whatever this disease is. That reality can be manipulated, that with enough excuses, we can get everyone to pretend some things are real.

    Of course, punishing the individual like these laws are doing isn't the right thing to do, but the establishment has rarely prioritized the working man and his struggles.

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    shhhh dont tell them :)
  • This is going to sound weird, but hear me out; I've gotten so very unused to the concept of comments that don't really serve a purpose, or form one cohesive whole. There's no cheap jabs, no witty one liner. No great philosophy or instruction, not even any content filled with the poster's passion for the topic they're discussing. It's just so...everyday, common.

    Oh how I've missed this slow kind of internet, where content is added perhaps weekly, and the discussions around it are just fleeting thoughts of passersby, the technical possibility to respond being the only real invitation to reply at all. A stark and permanent reminder that none of this really matters, and there's a life to live outside this screen. This whole reddit fiasco has perhaps been one of the greatest things to have happened to my online life.

    Re arch,–because at this point I feel almost like trespassing without acknowledging the topic before I derailed my train of thought–I could never wrap my head around the hours needed and pages of wikis read to come to the same destination already offered out of the box by so many other distros. To me, an OS is just a baseline for other tools that I need. If using one specific distro gets me into my tools faster, without having to pour hours into installing them, then it's a no brainer to me to just go out and use that distro. I could change them visually, but really the icons and the colors shown in nautilus (or whichever prepackaged alternative) are of no significance to me.

    Maybe I'm getting old. I used to love spending hours just to fix and move minuscule things on my devices. Nowadays, I just pick whatever will take the least time to get stuff done while causing me the fewest headaches, which is what sitting at a computer has become for me anyway.

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