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nvidia jetson + media server + ollama,stable diffusion, . . .
  • Yeah. This was obviously wishful thinking. It was also my knee jerk reaction to jumping on to AI with minimal research. I figured that it would be better suited for the whisper tts/stt but it just didn't run well. Then I attempted to throw HAOS various other versions of nix and that's when I threw in the towel cause the bootloader seems to do a sig check on boot. If it's not the Nvidia image it just hangs. Oh well. I now have an old comp running good enough to experiment with the likes of llama mixtral on just a 2070 with on average 2-3 sec delay. More if I ask too big of a question.

  • nvidia jetson + media server + ollama,stable diffusion, . . .
  • Yup bought the nano thinking it would be good for a home assistant plus some AI voice processing stuff and was severely disappointed. Not only is it slow but you are basically locked into Nvidias OS unless you know how to mess with bootloader's.

  • Justice Alito questions possibility of political compromise in secret recording
  • Again freedom of religion includes freedom FROM religion. And these nut jobs. The big difference is that sane people are willing to allow these people to believe what they want but they (religious extremists) are intolerant of others thinking differently from them.

  • Sand and CPU creation
  • No.

    Sand to wafers… Fortunately, there is no shortage of raw material. Silicon is the second most common element in the earth’s crust, comprising about 26% and exceeded only by oxygen at 49%. But silicon does not occur naturally in the pure form needed for electronic applications, for which it must contain less than one in a billion non-silicon atoms. The starting material really is sand. Not just any sand, but silica sand, specially quarried for this purpose and having concentrations of quartz (silicon dioxide) as high as 95%.

  • Louisiana set to become 1st state requiring 10 Commandments be posted in schools
  • As someone who is not religious in any form besides childhood indoctrination, all I can say is jesus fucking christ. Our country needs a purge of religious extremists. Do your fucking thing. Let me do mine. Don't push your beliefs on me. Freedom of religion also means freedom FROM religion.

  • Can someone explain what the various parts of this picture of atoms are?
  • Each of the orbs are the atoms. The brighter orbs that are nearest each other at the Praseodymium (Pr) atoms. The single orbs are the Scandium (Sc) atoms and the less prominent orbs are the Oxygen atoms. I believe based on the content of the article.The space between is just that, the space between the atoms. They are all in a lattice pattern due to how they are attracted to each other.

  • Can someone explain what the various parts of this picture of atoms are?
  • Each of the orbs are the atoms. The brighter orbs that are nearest each other at the Praseodymium (Pr) atoms and the less prominent orbs are the Scandium (Sc) atoms. The space between is just that, the space between the atoms. They are all in a lattice pattern due to how they are attracted to each other.

  • Be prepared to wait
  • Yeah. I'm now down to 6480 and the time to wait is now 1hr and 11 min! Not sure how that works but okay! Based on 15min for approximately 500 positions I should be in the vers in about 3 hours.

  • Americans Are Racking Up 'Phantom Debt' That Wall Street Can't Track
  • Ha! You think the American public has the backbone to take anything by force? Not fucking likely. Corps will utilize law enforcement who are already militarized. Large part of the bell curve of the population can't even think for themselves let alone coordinate to do something productive. They haven't got what it takes to stand up for themselves. They think they do but they don't. This goes for both sides of the 2 party system.

  • Population tipping point could arrive by 2030: global fertility will drop below replacement level years earlier than expected.
  • Replacement level for whom? To sustain the current population? Population growth? Status quo? Corporations?

    Not sure any of these things are needed to be sustained at the levels we are currently at.

    Someone please explain the detrimental repercussions of not having an equal to or greater than replacement level.

  • Understanding instead of road rage
  • You did the right thing.Definitely the safer way of handling things. Besides attempting to educate her. As someone said most people in my experience that do that type of "law enforcement" are ready for a confrontation. I prefer the finger and removing myself from the equation method which sometimes exacerbates the situation.:)

  • Understanding instead of road rage
  • I guess you are a better person than I. The issue I have is her thinking. She's attempting to be the enforcer of the rules of law based on her notion of what others are doing. She assumed that you were going to break the law so to ensure you're a good little rider she was willing to break the law and almost hit someone else not even in this stupidity. Good on you, fuck her.

  • 3 children dubbed the 'Little Rascals' accused of robbing Houston bank
  • Firstly thanks for replying.

    Therapy, works, when the individual wants to change. At this level of crime there is a slim chance of that desire.

    Their peers are likely part of the reason they are committing these crimes. Too much freedom due to the environment that they were born into , by no choice of their own, also contributed. To be clear I don't even blame the parents most of the time. Even they can't out influence the friends group. The abuse, well it's no lie that the judicial system needs to be fixed at ALL levels, but where's the money in that?

    Your method needs to happen way before they get to this point so that they have less of a chance to get here.

    So between juvi and therapy there still isn't a resolution to fix them all. Or even fix a greater percentage of offending children.

    These kids, not likey anything will fix one of them let alone all of them. Am I shity for giving up on correcting their learned behavior? Yeah most likely. Facing consequences for ones actions still seems to be the answer for me.

    You are a better person than me.

  • Prevent sensor sync when not connected to wifi?

    As the title says, I currently don't have a reliable method to connect to my home network due to pivpn having issues. In the mean time my phone trys to synced sensors constantly and is one of the power sinks. Is there a way to turn off sync when I am not connected to wifi or even better when I'm not at home?

    Saved communities don't show up?

    I've saved many postings but when I go back to view them they are no where to be found. In fact some "saved" postings are ones that I would never be interested in saving in the first place. Maybe I fat thumbed them but unlikely.

    Do saved postings only work for the instance that you are subbed to?

    Is there a way to put a block option in the upper level menu/s? Or sidebar?

    With the amount of content that I am not into seeing daily, sports, weird anime etc. It would be nice to have a quicker way to block individual instances.

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