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Miniature train with cat in the background who has had enough
  • Catzilla. Truly a loaf incarnate.

  • Star Trek: Lower Decks Will End With Its Fifth, Final Season
  • In fairness, they were trvializing time paradoxes from the get. There are at least two in TOS S1.

  • What's your favourite coffee twist?
  • A mild cigar.

  • Deleted
    How prevalent is sealioning on Lemmy?
  • With due respect, it is time to go outside.

  • The pain is real
  • When I fall off my routine I lose a ton of progress. That first hundred K after a long rest absolutely sucks for me. I won't run on an injury, but I understand the fear of the pit.

  • Seventeen Years by Ratatat
  • All hail. I was very, very young to this.

  • Gorilla doesn't want to get his knuckles wet
  • Relatable. You know how it is when your sleeves get wet and they kinda stick to your wrists or flop around getting other stuff stuck to them... ugh.

  • Fugazi - I'm So Tired
  • My first night in my freshman dorm, I played this on the upright piano. Excellent decision. Pro tip to the young geeks: nothing waters the flowers like suicidal ideation wrapped in a veneer of artistic integrity. I can't even sing for shit, that's how well it works.

  • Greed has proven to be a more effectively harmful force against humanity than hatred. We should have greed crimes in addition to hate crimes.
  • You're right. I'm sorry for taking my frustration with the forum out on you.

  • Greed has proven to be a more effectively harmful force against humanity than hatred. We should have greed crimes in addition to hate crimes.
  • Yes, if you throw democracy in the trash, ignore the rights of the unpopular, and pass any law that appeals to today's public morality, then you'll have lots of options. I just don't want to hear you guys complain after this idealism gets spun to fuck you over by corporate lawyers more skillful than your populist politicians. But fuck me for pointing out the logical inconsistencies in the useless seething groupthink machine, I guess. Apparently I only have rights if the public likes me.

  • Greed has proven to be a more effectively harmful force against humanity than hatred. We should have greed crimes in addition to hate crimes.
  • We're talking about criminal law. Can you clearly, objectively, without arbitrary valuation of goods or services, define a legal principle which identifies the point at which a health plan cut becomes a crime?

  • Greed has proven to be a more effectively harmful force against humanity than hatred. We should have greed crimes in addition to hate crimes.
  • What's your point? That people organize themselves to commit crimes? That risky behavior is more dangerous when it's amplified by concentrated capital? None of this justifies the phenomenal leap you made to say that an employer is responsible for the lives of their employees. None of this is precedent for the further corruption of the justice system into subjectivity and emotional bias.

    Can't you see that you're actually making it worse? You go after organizations whose bread and butter is legal entanglement, using legal entanglement as your only weapon. You make the regulatory environment more difficult for startups and SMBs to compete in, and you do nothing but give your (supposed) worst enemies more political tokens with which to negotiate advantageous positions in that environment. Why do you think these corporate elites flush hundreds of millions of dollars sponsoring progressive media outlets? Do you think they're stupid?

  • Greed has proven to be a more effectively harmful force against humanity than hatred. We should have greed crimes in addition to hate crimes.
  • I'm going to ignore the insane part of your point where you equated layoffs with murder.

    Greed, like hate, is subjective. It is therefore, like hate, a terrible prerequisite for the activation of the criminal justice system. The idea that motivations for crimes should change the definition and/or penalty of those crimes has fostered popular corruption of the justice system since its inception. Industrialization has accelerated the adoption of human fears into that justice system, to the point where we can no longer even count the number of infractions under the law.

    Adding more subjective emotional consideration to a punitive system which is already weighed down beyond the ability to enact swift justice is the opposite of helpful.

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Individual data points like "I take pilates", "I work nights and weekends", and "I live in Smalltown, ST" might not mean anything on their own, but if you can connect this data to a single person, then realize there's only one pilates studio in Smalltown, then look up their hours and notice there's only one day class on weekdays, you can make a reasonable guess as to a regular time when a person is away from home. This is called data brokerage.

    This is a comically contrived example; the real danger is in the association of countless data points spread across millions of correlated identities. It's not just your data, it's the association of your data with that of your friends and family. Most people are constantly streaming their location, purchases, beliefs, and affiliations out to anyone who cares enough to look. Bad actors may collate their data and use it to take advantage of them, and the only move they have is to ask for prohibitive legislation. As if we don't already have prohibitive legislation.

    Anonymity is expensive, inconvenient, and fragile, but it's the only mechanism that protects individuals from the information economy, which I would put right next to ecology in terms of critical 21st-22nd century social problems. It also helps us resist censorship, but that's a different essay.

  • A Discothyrea sexarticula Borgmeier worker on the top of the head of a Dinoponera Roger worker
  • He cannot protec
    Nor can he attac
    But he is a little hat

  • Tried reaching out to my mom to see if we can try and mend our relationship. Didn't feel great, I want to try again though
  • >we've been no contact with my family on and off
    >why doesn't my family want to connect with me

    "Going no contact" ends relationships. I've noticed a lot of people will defend "going no contact" as a normal and healthy relationship tool because they've done it, erected massive walls of pain and mistrust in core relationships, and need the support of others with similar blockades to defend the disastrous results. I've seen it recommended as a response to bad table manners. The problem is you're inflicting a death on someone while refusing them permission to grieve. There is a void in their life where a person used to be, but they can't even come to terms with that and move on because the person might come back. It is the strongest possible ultimatum. Now, boundaries are healthy, and if a relationship is giving you more pain than support, it's your prerogative to end it; that's what "going no contact" usually does. If someone lets you back into their life after you've done that, you shouldn't assume that they've forgotten what it was like to live without you.

  • 'Daniel and King Cyrus in front of the Idol of Bel' by Rembrandt van Rijn
  • Rembrandt's lighting is magical. He grabs your focus without force. It's a little less dramatic but no less important in my favorite Rembrandt, The Apostle Paul.

  • Smaller and Smaller by M.C Escher
  • Alright this is the most neurotic thing I've ever written but the lizard primary->accent color map is

    '((light . dark)
      (medium . dark)
      (dark . medium))

    and at first I thought it would be more symmetrical if either the light lizards had medium accents or the medium lizards had light accents, but then I noticed that the outline is always dark, which lets the outline act as both the background and either the primary or accent color for every possible lizard configuration, adding depth. We don't have time to bring color theory into this but I would be remiss if I didn't mention that this piece is inexplicably sepia toned, which raises further questions such as "what is wrong with me" and "how am I going to put this piece in my dining room without having to defend the 1960's?"

  • Smaller and Smaller by M.C Escher
  • Alright this is the most neurotic thing I've ever written but the skin/strip color map is

  • How Many Communists Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb?

    The People's Lightbulb contains the seeds of its own revolution.


    I always wanted a cat. I like the stupid little furballs. Can't help it. I know it's irrational and expensive and environmentally suboptimal and you're basically just setting yourself up for inevitable heartbreak, but when they bump their dumb soft heads into me I melt like a chocolate bar on the dash of a black car in the August sun.

    My Dad was allergic to cats, so I wasn't allowed to have a cat. Then my Dad left and I still wasn't allowed to have a cat. In retrospect that's pretty suspicious, Mom. My college had an extreme zero tolerance policy for pets: they caught this one dude red-handed and called animal control to come murder his pet snake. Then someone in that same dorm burned a bag of popcorn and the sprinklers wouldn't shut off, flooding the entire building and destroying everybody's shit. I've never been a big fan of the "snake guy" archetype but no one deserves that degree of irony.

    In my first apartment, I wasn't allowed to have a cat because there was a cat quota which was already filled by my roommate, whose cat hated me. That cat would wait until I brought a girl over and then walk up to us while we were making out and just piss right there in the middle of the floor, making eye contact with me. At the time I really had no idea how devastating cat urine can be to a rental property.

    I stayed there for way too long because I hate moving. You know when you start to hate everyone who lives in a city, like it's their fault that your personality grew out of that lifestyle? Time to go. I carefully selected only rental units with pet clauses, paid everyone in the world, and slowly realized that the carpet was saturated with cat urine from the last tenant. I report this to the property manager, who reports it to the property owner, who replies back to the property manager, who tells me, "Yeah, no more pets."

    So now I'm sitting in a townhouse that smells like cat piss, waiting weeks for these colossal dipshit moron douchebag numbskulls who installed carpet all over a pet rental to go through the doomed process of paying a series of professionals to tell them that you can't actually get crystallized uric acid out of a carpet pad, and I'm still not allowed to have a fucking cat.

    half half

    The /s is implied. sips coffee aggressively balls: USA, Geolibertarianism, Virginia, Bisexuality, Atheistic Satanism

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