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Next Gen of Viral Meme
  • Only if you can convince the IT department

  • Guys what is wrong with ACATS Guys what is wrong with ACATS

    Ever transferred assets between brokerages? Impressive, terrifying machinations happened in the background. No cats were harmed.

    Guys what is wrong with ACATS
    The business of wallets The business of wallets

    How digital wallets work, and how payment costs drive a lot of product decisions inside and around them.

    The business of wallets
  • This looks to just be promoting a product via linking to it on Tumblr. I will be removing this post.

  • Senate passes TikTok ban bill, sending it to Biden, who has already committed to signing it
  • Hey, even if the above is a bad faith argument, this is not a constructive or nice way to bring that up in conversation. Please try to do a better job of communicating going forward. Thanks!

  • Got a Switch today, need some recommendations.
  • OP made a normal post. This is uncalled for and rude. Please try to interact with others in a more friendly manner.

  • Hello, Im having a connection issue.
  • I am not an expert and just cobbled this together based on a couple of searches but my guess would be that the adapter is supported by your current kernel drivers but not as well as whatever drivers Windows 10 was able to fetch. It looks to me like MX uses Debian Stable sources, so you may be able to update your kernel beyond what is normally available and see if that helps. If that doesn't work, based on this post and this post on the TP-Link forums, there's a github repo that you may be able to install a better driver from. To my eyes there's fairly good instructions there, including the potential need to disable the driver you're already using in favor of the new one once you build it.

  • Anatomy of a credit card rewards program Anatomy of a credit card rewards program

    Credit card rewards are mostly funded out of interchange, a fee paid by businesses to accept cards.

    Anatomy of a credit card rewards program
    West decries Russia's reelection of Putin, China, India vow closer ties
  • Hi! This is a good post, however we don't typically allow copying and pasting the full article content into the body of the post. I'm going to remove this post, but please feel free to repost it with just a link and a summary. Thanks!

  • Financial systems take a holiday
  • Genuine question as someone who thinks blockchains are neat but doesn't really think currency is the right application, how is that better? The bank is technically closed a lot, but I never really have trouble buying stuff or sending money around in the off hours using regular dollars.

  • The history crisis is a national security problem
  • It might be your blocker, I'm not sure. Some testing on my local indicates that the ?tpcc=recirc_latest062921 at the end of the URL makes the difference, maybe some kind of gift link? If you use or can use Firefox, you can also load the page, put it into reader mode, and then refresh, and you should be able to read it that way. None of the other tools I know of to share links like this seem to work unfortunately.

  • Financial systems take a holiday Financial systems take a holiday

    Ever wondered about what happens when banks are closed or why some apps have operating hours? It's fascinating.

    Financial systems take a holiday
    The history crisis is a national security problem
  • I'm not 100% sure this is a free link so if you can't see it let me know and I'll try to work something out.

  • The business of check cashing The business of check cashing

    Check cashing, as a business, is a poorly understood "alternative" financial service.

    The business of check cashing
    Let them eat cereal rule
  • This is the second post about crazy expensive cereal today and I'm debating arbitraging cereal near me cuz I'm paying like $1.70 for a 14 ounce box of store brand Cheerios

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Hi! This submission is not well suited for the World News community. Depending on the type of discussion you were going to have, it would probably be better suited for our Humanities and Cultures community or our Socialism community. I am going to remove the post here, but please consider resubmitting to one of those communities. Thanks!

  • Payroll providers, Power, Respect Payroll providers, Power, Respect

    Payroll processors exist to provide financial infrastructure and because political economy is complicated.

    Payroll providers, Power, Respect
    Solving the Wrong Problem Solving the Wrong Problem

    On the pitfalls of focusing on the wrong problems and how to realign your efforts with your actual goals.

    Solving the Wrong Problem
    The Bond villain compliance strategy The Bond villain compliance strategy

    Jurisdictional gamesmanship is a common strategy for crypto businesses. Here is how it worked out for Binance and its CEO. Spoiler: poorly.

    The Bond villain compliance strategy
    Roman Infantry Tactics: Why the Pilum and not a Spear? Collections: Roman Infantry Tactics: Why the Pilum and not a Spear?

    This week’s post is intended to answer a question which came up in response to the last post looking at the most common type of Mediterranean spear, which to put it simply is: what is up with…

    Collections: Roman Infantry Tactics: Why the Pilum and not a Spear?
    The Downsides of Diversification The Downsides of Diversification

    On the difficulties of diversification and why even the best portfolio still loses money sometimes.

    The Downsides of Diversification
    The (Expected) Cost of Pessimism
    Looking for a "couch laptop"
  • I bought a used HP Elitebook on eBay for a similar purpose. I can browse and do video calls on a bigger screen when the fancy strikes. Pretty much any used business laptop should work. I think I paid about $300 for mine and I paid extra for particular hardware I thought was neat but you don't have to. Only thing to keep in mind is the battery will likely be pretty worn.

  • Locked
    China is slowly erasing Tibet's name
  • Hey y'all! This thread has sparked a lot of discussion and it is obviously a very tense topic being discussed at a tense time in the world. With the way the thread has been going, the mod team doesn't feel we can moderate this thread thoroughly enough to make it follow our rules, so I am going to lock it.

  • How Safe is an 8% Withdrawal Rate? How Safe is an 8% Withdrawal Rate?

    On Dave Ramsey's most recent rant and the riskiness of an 8% withdrawal rate.

    How Safe is an 8% Withdrawal Rate?
    October Make Something Month: Showcase
  • Other than the two attempts at caramel making I did not accomplish anything else, but I am still pretty pleased with that. I had a lot of other things going on, and making something was good. I may try another batch this weekend in hopes that I can get the last refinement in before the holidays. Overall, I enjoyed running and participating in the event, and I am looking forward to next year!

  • October Make Something Month: Showcase

    Howdy y’all! This thread is for anyone who worked on a project for the make something month to post about it. Feel free to share pictures and links, or just write about the experience. I hope people enjoyed, and I'll see you all next year!

    Seeing like a Bank Seeing like a Bank

    The structural reasons why banks sometimes behave bizarrely in interactions with customers, like forgetting things which customers tell them.

    Seeing like a Bank
    October Make Something Month: Belated Time Call

    Howdy y’all! I meant to post this on Halloween but then got distracted with Halloween and travel. If you're still working, this is your time to stop, though if you need finishing touches or anything to document your project feel free to continue on that. This final update post, so comment below with your progress and challenges. See you all in a few more days for the showcase!

    October Make Something Month: Final Updates
  • Unfortunately I haven't been able to make any more caramel, and based on what's going on life wise I'm not going to have a chance to before the end of the month. I'm still happy that I was able to make a few attempts and make some progress though!

  • October Make Something Month: Final Updates

    Howdy y’all! We're coming in on the home stretch. This is the fourth and almost final update post, so comment below with your progress, challenges, and next steps. See you all in a few days for the time call. Then we’ll have a week for finishing touches and documenting out projects before the showcase.

    October Make Something Month: Week 3
  • I retried my recipe as a dry caramel and got improved results! I got a good color, as you can see in this picture. I think I got a little impatient and turned the heat up too high, because it was a bit burnt, although that might also have been because I forgot to prep my pan to pour into until it was almost done. The fats also went in later and were much better incorporated. I'm hoping to get one more attempt before the end of the month and have something I will feel good about making for the holidays.

  • Twitter's lost 13% of its daily users and its rebrand has failed
  • Hey, this comment reads like you're just dunking on another user. If that is not what you meant to do, please try to communicate more clearly, and if that is what you meant to do, please refrain while commenting on Beehaw in order to be(e) nice. Thanks!

  • Zoos aren’t for animals. They’re for us. | Zoos say they’re leaders in protecting wildlife. But is it true?
  • Not sure what you are talking about with the sockpuppets bit, but please try to be polite when someone confuses you for another user in the thread. It's a simple mistake and there's no need to be mean about it. Thanks!

  • October Make Something Month: Week 2
  • I haven't gotten to make more caramel, but I did eat my last batch. Definitely the right chew, but so pale it looked like raw chicken, and the fat didn't emulsify so it was, as my SO immediately described it, "gweasy." Picture:

    Recipe was as follows:

    • 192g sugar
    • 65 ml canned coconut cream
    • 28g vegan butter
    • Salt and vanilla to taste
    1. Put sugar in a pot with just enough water to fully wet it, along with the coconut cream
    2. Heat over medium heat to firm ball temperature
    3. Remove from heat, add butter, salt, and vanilla.
    4. Pour into pan lined with parchment paper

    I'm going to try again with the same ingredients but try melting the sugar dry, then adding the coconut cream. That would at least help with the color of nothing else. Failing that, I have another recipe I can try that uses corn syrup and brown sugar along with sweetened condensed coconut milk.---

  • October Make Something Month: Week 1
  • I did manage to spend a bit of time today making caramel. I followed a recipe I had written down on a sticky note last time I tried this. Currently it is chilling in the fridge to be cut tomorrow. The bit that I scraped out of the pot after definitely has the right texture, stuck to my teeth and very chewy. That said, it didn't really get a caramel color, I'll try to take a picture and add it here along with the recipe, but it stayed almost white even though it reached firm ball temp. I have another recipe that I tried before, so I might go to that and maybe use it as a starting point for experimentation if I can get better color out of it.

  • gyrfalcon gyrfalcon
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