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  • Funnily in Germany you can get in trouble with the Finanzamt (tax agency) of you charge too little rent.

  • Ford lays off 700 who were building electric version of F-150 | CNN Business
  • Well you can if you trust the government to bail you out .

  • car-brains be like
  • Beeing super dependant on cars is Freeeeedom.

  • I say double it.
  • Right is the boomer way.

  • Why is there no professional hide and seek league?
  • Monty python did this joke as a sketch.

  • A clear victory for the free fediverse: Meta now says integrating with ActivityPub is "a long way out"
  • It's simple. Meta does not do this because they are nice. Their goal is to collect data, grow the Market and remove competitors. This also includes appeasing (mostly European) Regulators by appearing nice.

    Do. Not. Trust. Them.

  • Got a game you feel passionate about? Sell it to us here!
  • Very well said. One of the greatest Games of all Time. You can go to everything you see in a Solar System and explore it. The conclusion is imho also pretty Epic. Go play it if you haven't yet.

  • World’s richest people added $852 billion to their fortunes in the first half of 2023
  • They have won life. Give them a Medal, then take away all they have so they can start a NewLife+

  • what if you are the nth person on line?
  • Like a good Boomer pass it down to the next one.

  • great_meh Great Meh

    In my talons, I shape clay, crafting life forms as I please. If I wish, I can smash it all.

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