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Can Windows 11 access an encrypted Linux portion on a separate SSD?
  • Heck just read the updates on that post linked above and it looks like someone wrote something just for this. My bad for missing it earlier. It is linked in the 4th-ish answer down.

  • Can Windows 11 access an encrypted Linux portion on a separate SSD?
  • Sure you can. Here's one way that looks similar how I do it using wsl. This assumes you're on an EXT4 file system.

    There's quite a few options for this but this should at least get you closer to your goal.

    I use btrfs on my Linux installs now and there's a windows driver that is phenomenal for that here.

    Good luck!

  • Iran arrests 260 people for spreading 'satanism and nudity'
  • There's zero fun in calling out the awful things that the xtian mythology alone has done, and conveniently forgiven itself for. ZERO fun is had by anyone but those wielding the hate, and bigotry. There's centuries of bones buried that tell those stories.

  • Iran arrests 260 people for spreading 'satanism and nudity'
  • I replied to the wrong comment thread, my apologies. As for this one, I am not bound by a mythology that says "you shouldn't judge". As history keeps reminding us, religions and the subjugate nature of them, are the absolute worst thing to happen to humanity. I am going to judge those that keep spreading it's lies.

  • Iran arrests 260 people for spreading 'satanism and nudity'
  • You mean people out here fucking protesting? Yeah, I guess after 23 years, I should just keep my trap shut on the "rules" of protest and "how" it should be done.

  • Iran arrests 260 people for spreading 'satanism and nudity'
  • It's almost surreal reading how silly religious mythology is, and how silly it seems to even allow it in conversation about reality. But here we are. We're still taking seriously the imaginary friends some dudes made up before we knew why it rained. And the humans in power still use those fictions to subjugate and control the masses.

  • U.S. governors urge Turks and Caicos to release Americans as Florida woman becomes 5th tourist arrested for ammo in luggage
  • This is the only objective point to illustrate. Laws aren't monolithic across countries. We wouldn't have countries if they were.

  • Dots connected
  • The point of protest is to upset status quo, as a demonstration for attention to grievances.

    To imply that you're doing it wrong is some next generation privilege shit.


  • Dickite
  • Dickbite**

  • Removed
    Wage theft now outnumbers all other types of theft in the U.S., reaching $482 million
  • They would be. Let's keep educating on the deliberately abstract and obscure "laws". It's important to assist in correcting that ignorance.

    Here's a good start:

  • House votes to require delivery of bombs to Israel in GOP-led rebuke of Biden policies
  • If we could all just agree that no religious mythology is actually valuable, we'd solve that issue.

  • What is cake day called on Lemmy?
  • This feels like the natural choice doesn't it?

  • Pro-Israel billionaires urged New York crackdown on Gaza protests: Report
  • A "Crack-down on protests" is all you ever need to hear from those in power to know where they stand on the constitution.

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sues Meta, citing chatbot’s reply as evidence of shadowban
  • I don't think anyone "hates" him. He's just an absurd human that no one takes seriously. And we all agree we have much more dire things to discuss than what rich white people are calling managers about now.

  • Don't be a tool of the corpos and the state.
  • I remember being told that an adult could sleep in a car, but with a child, sleeping in a car is considered "endangerment". Doubly so if you're a CIS gender male with a female child. This was a Texas CPS social worker. We just had a flood and were brainstorming ideas for temporary shelter for folks.

  • But but... If gun owners are tracked, we can be targeted! 😭😭😭
  • BigPharma should get in on this. Every American made fetus gets a free Armalite rifle seed that grows with the fetus. Name it too! /s

  • Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing
  • This is the one thing that justfied buying an enterprise licensing model for my C level overlords.

  • Deactivating Facebook for just a few weeks reduces belief in fake news
  • Completely one year ago. He'll ALL social media but this instance. Look up and around more folks. There's real people holding these phones.

  • Recognizing when you're living in your best years
  • My youngest and I have been on our own since she was 8 months old. She's now 11. She has two older siblings and 4 nieces and nephews. She went to spend last summer with her sister and family and asked to stay through the next summer. That was July 16th 2023. Hardest decision I've made yet. But I couldn't find a reason to say no that wasn't selfish or self serving. She needed this time. Her mother hasn't been in her life and her 27 year old sister is the "mother figure" she clung to.

    She will be home in a few weeks.

    It's the moments like these I miss the most. Watching them in real-time discover themselves.

    Anyway, y'all just take every fucking chance you get to sit still in moments like these. Enjoy them.

  • Picard humor tips Picard Tips (

    Picard humor tip: Be thankful that April Fools' Day jokes fell out of common practice hundreds of years ago.

    Picard humor tip: Be thankful that April Fools' Day jokes fell out of common practice hundreds of years ago.

    glouriousgouda GloriousGouda

    IT pro | Generic white dude | probably high.

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