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Where do you prefer to host your models? Thingiverse, Printables, Thangs, ...
  • Zack's Gridfinity vids were the reason I bought a printer in the first place so Thangs was my first stop, and I love that their search also indexes Printables/Thingiverse/Cults3D/etc.

    Printables has the best UI and community engagement though. Seriously, in 2023 there's no excuse for your website not having a dark mode option.

  • Garage Shelf Hook by 5tuff
  • This is brilliant! I have a ton of these shelves in my garage and kept meaning to figure out a way to hang more stuff on them. Thanks for sharing :)

  • "It's the content, stupid." - Quick Notes to Supercharge K.Bin
  • More visible promotion of active magazines would go a long way too. Almost every suggested magazine across the top of my nav bar is an empty ghost community, probably made on a whim during the Reddit kerfuffle and then abandoned.

  • What's something that you're grateful for?
  • Just got home from two weeks in Bali, we had a filter/dispenser there so at least we weren't generating plastic waste, but it's SO nice to be able to just drink/brush my teeth with tap water and not be afraid of opening my mouth in the shower.

  • What's something that you're grateful for?
  • I'm super grateful right now that my shoulder mobility is returning after a nasty fall at the bouldering gym last night. Still aches like a mofo and probably will for a week or two, but at least I can wipe my own ass :)

  • "They’re gone:” Labor bins Kyoto carryover credits, shuts carbon accounting loophole
  • Even aside from the temptation to use offsets to kick the can down the road for reduction targets, the rampant abuse of carbon credits make this absolutely the right decision.

    Relevant viewing: Wendover Productions: The Carbon Offset Problem

  • Can you recommend me a book?
  • Good to know, thanks!

  • Can you recommend me a book?
  • I'm currently halfway through Tchaikovsky's Shadows of the Apt series and I'm enjoying the plot but finding his writing style a bit tedious at times - excessive rehashing of events that happened like two chapters ago, overembellished emotional dramatics, and painstakingly spelling out every single character's internal monologue like it's a Jane Austen novel.

    I know CoT was written later, so I'm wondering if his tone/style has developed a bit? He has cool ideas, I'm just wishing he'd trust the reader enough to get a bit more 'show, don't tell' with his writing...

  • Keeping cats indoors is a rare solution where everybody wins
  • about 2m-ish I guess? Our eldest miiight be able to make it up there if he wanted to, but he's a timid momma's boy with no interest in venturing out of his safe space. His little brother would if he could, but he's built like a kitbull - all shoulders and stumpy legs, not exactly made for jumping :)

  • Keeping cats indoors is a rare solution where everybody wins
  • Our two cats get supervised time in the backyard every couple of days - we used to put them in harnesses until we moved to a place with high enough fences that they couldn't get out even if they wanted to.

    Mostly they just wanna chew grass for 15 minutes and maybe investigate a random plant bed, and they quickly learned that if they come back inside when called they get treats :)

  • Is there anyone moderating this community?
  • It's still early days, I don't think we're quite doomed just yet. Right now we're witnessing the Fediverse's initial wild west Cambrian explosion sort of era. I reckon eventually the landscape will settle as people flock to where there are already other people, and tools develop and mature to navigate and manage servers/communities.

    Obviously we need human mods to weed out morons and maintain quality, but automoderation and other mod tools for spam/astroturfing/etc. will also make a huge difference. A quick google turned up this Lemmy automod which appears to be in active development, and I'm sure there are plenty of others in the works.

  • Have you ever developed a PTSD only by watching a piece of fiction ?
  • Not a formal diagnosis, but the curbstomping scene from American History X hit me hard, to the point of developing misophonia at particular scraping sounds that trigger an association with the imagined sensation of biting concrete. That was over 20 years ago, and I still get reactions ranging from goosebumps and discomfort to outright nausea.

    Nails on a chalkboard? No problem, come at me.
    Someone else brushing their teeth? Nope, leaving the room 'til you're done.

  • Thoughts on Pulsar code editor?
  • I've been on Pulsar since Atom retired and I love it. I'm mostly doing AsciiDoc with a bit of HTML, CSS, JS, J/CSON, and OAS/YAML.

    Some of our team switched to VSCode but I prefer Pulsar's UI and workflow, and especially the multicursor support. Obviously it's still under active development to tidy up leftover cruft from the fork, and there are a few more AsciiDoc-specific features I'd love to add without resorting to custom scripts, but overall it's my favourite editor by far.

  • Someone you knew well and were delighted to see pass away ?
  • 'Delighted' is a strong word, but two come immediately to mind:

    First was an acquaintance I knew in high school, we had a few mutual friends but I don't even remember his name tbh. The one and only occasion he was ever nice to me was while off his face on molly; the rest of the time he was an erratic, unpredictably destructive asshole who I just avoided. Around age 17ish he wrapped his motorcycle around a lamp post and that was that. Of course there's a chance he might have mellowed out and grown up into a decent human being eventually, but far as I'm concerned he made the world a safer place by removing himself from it.

    Second was a housemate who seemed harmless at first but turned out to be a compulsive liar with severe gambling problems - claimed to play poker professionally (he did play at comps, just wildly exaggerated his track record/earnings) and work at a local radio station (total fabrication). Amongst various other fuckery, he ran dipshit scams like selling nonexistent gaming consoles on eBay with our real home address/phone number on his profile, stole and pawned a bunch of our stuff, lied about paying his share of rent/bills while hiding our mail until we got hit with disconnections and eviction warnings, and then skipped town when it all unravelled and we threatened to go to the cops. Last we heard he was still up to his old tricks, and I know wound up serving time for tax fraud.

    A decade or so later he was abducted and murdered in some kind of drug-related dispute, and his body still hasn't been found. It's a shitty way to go and I wouldn't wish that end on anyone, but he clearly hadn't learned anything or grown a conscience in the time since we parted ways, so it's a comfort that he won't be able to hurt anyone else now.

  • A question regarding the picking of a printer that fits my use case.
  • As an Ender 3 S1 Pro owner, I say buy a Prusa 😅

    If you need to go cheaper, look at the Sovol SV06 - it's basically a Prusa clone with surprisingly positive reviews for the price, and it's Klipperable if you decide you want a performance boost down the road.

  • [Ars Technica] "Fear, loathing, and excitement as Threads adopts open standard used by Mastodon" Fear, loathing, and excitement as Threads adopts open standard used by Mastodon

    Meta promised to make Threads compatible with W3C open standard for social media.

    Fear, loathing, and excitement as Threads adopts open standard used by Mastodon

    Interesting rundown of the whole Meta/Threads/Fediverse situation so far. Not a lot of new information but might be a handy primer for curious newbies.

    Mostly sharing for this prime bit of W3C mailing list sass in response to Meta software engineer Ben Savage's self-introduction:

    > > > “The company you work for does disgusting things among others. It harms relationships and isolates people. It builds walls and lures people into them. When that doesn't suffice, brutal peer pressure does … That said, welcome to the list, Ben.” > >

    First 3D printer advice
  • S1 Pro here as well, and for 3 or 4 months my hobby was 3D printer troubleshooting before I could transition it into actual 3D printing 😅 Everyone's experience is different, which is exactly the problem with Creality - you'll probably get a decent printer but it's still a dice roll every time until they (hopefully) start investing in consistent quality control.

    If I was starting today my budget option would be a Sovol SV06. Prusa definitely has the edge on reliable (albeit somewhat pricey) bedslingers, but my initial aversion to Bambu's closed-ish ecosystem is quickly eroding at the prospect of owning a fast coreXY that just works and handles ASA/ABS straight out of the box.

  • I made a mount for my Xbox to hide it behind my free standing TV.
  • Definitely heat - pretty much all windshields/windows nowadays block UV, otherwise the dash/seats/etc. would also get wrecked way quicker than they do, not to mention drivers getting sunburn even with the windows up.

  • glittalogik glittalogik
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