Glimpythegoblin @ Glimpythegoblin Posts 3Comments 119Joined 2 yr. ago
The coast is just as bad. I've done the east arkansas to new Orleans drive. Never again.
Maybe they don't care about the pool. Fuck an hoa
Same with the jeep liberty. They hall have trailer hitches as a quick fix to protect the tank.
Sounds like a job for Tuvix
Oh yeah dude it's nuts. I'm having to move out of town next year to even consider owning a house. Houses that were $170k are $400k now.
I just put mint on a 2015 dell shit laptop that barley functioned with windows. Now it's a perfectly fine computer. I don't do much besides use the internet but it struggled with that before.
Is it stored in direct sunlight? Blue absorbs more UV than other colors so it might be damaged more quickly by the sun than the other blocks.
No my opinion is the only good one!
I really like the way they look. I think it's just one of those designs you either love or really hate. That angle is goofy though.
I had a Mazda MX-6 as my first car. Not super rare but I've only ever seen 2 other ones.
Currently I have an 09 Lexus GS460. Only 1600 total built and only 56 in 2009 so it's exceptionally rare but no one cares.
Turns out a $65000 V8 sedan didn't sell well when gas was $4/gal and the economy was in shambles.
What speedometer reads in decimal divisions?
Not to mention that they make helium leak detectors. I'm not an expert but I built a helium tight 60000psi system a couple weeks ago first try. Granted it didn't have to survive a trip on a rocket.
AM is ante meridian and PM is post meridian. It's referenced to the prime meridian through Greenwich UK. If the sun is to the east of the line (ie. Before noon where it is vertical) it's before (ante) the meridian. If it's after (post) noon it's after the meridian. It's all outdated but that's how time works.
Yeah WD 40 is great for adhesive removal. I used it all the time on materials that can't stand up to acetone or harder solvents. Just wash with IPA or dish soap after so you don't have slippery shoes.
2kwH is worth about $0.18 here. I'd have to charge it ~19,500 times to offset the cost in electricity.