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Todd Howard says Fallout renaissance is "beyond anything" he's seen in his career
  • That's not what renaissance means. A renaissance is lots of examples of something happening during a short period. There hasn't been a fallout game for many years.

  • Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week
  • Firefox blocks statcounter tracking by default. It's an inherently flawed metric, though Firefox is definitely in the minority still vs Chrome

  • Google Admits Its AI Overviews Search Feature Screwed Up

    The company made “more than a dozen technical improvements” to AI Overviews ...

    ... making the feature rely less heavily on user-generated content from sites like Reddit

    So it prefers the results that Google normally deprioritizes? I guess we have that in common

  • You can AfterPay your dinner now. WTAF
  • Promo collab with Baycorp

  • PC Gaming Is Growing Faster Than Consoles, Data Shows
  • PC's being better value is a new development too. Most current gen consoles were purchased while GPU prices were very inflated. It's relevant for next gen (especially with consoles already being sold at a loss) but not so much the current one. Future looks bright for PC gaming, if we can manage to excise the tumor that is Denuvo

  • PC Gaming Is Growing Faster Than Consoles, Data Shows
  • The main difference is the potential issues on console aren't game-specific. If a new game comes out on PS5 and you have a PS5, you can have good confidence that you can simply buy the game, install and play it without needing to consider anything else. No need to understand how your system compares to the game's recommended requirements, no manual configuration to optimise performance, no Denuvo arbitrarily slowing down your games. You make a good point about modern consoles not working out of the box per se either, but consoles are undoubtedly still much simpler to get reasonably working.

  • Using Google whilst Duck Duck Go is down. How long has Google been this bad?
  • They didn't make that the default. What was discussed was a way to make it default (add as a custom search engine)

    And the comments on those posts said we should actually use DDG instead lol

  • Anon helps with his gf's vaping addiction
  • Yeah upon rereading the story there's no shot, tampering with 50+ bottles of eliquid without breaking the break-off band or messing up the plug. Anon is basically a fly by night compounder

    But yeah, 35/50mg are the default strengths for majority USA salt nic eliquids off the shelf, the standard set by Juul upon first entering the market (though arbitrarily Juul measures by weight rather than by volume, so their pods are actually 59mg/mL)

  • Anon helps with his gf's vaping addiction
  • It's possible, but frequency is determined by more factors than simply relief from nicotine withdrawal. It's also possible that reducing concentration very slightly doesn't change the overall equation enough to actually drive behavioral change. But I'd agree that outcomes are better secured with conscious intent. I think quitting successfully and meaningfully means learning resilience against compulsion to engage in behaviors driven by chemical reactions in the brain, which this approach doesn't do at all.

  • Anon helps with his gf's vaping addiction
  • Just as a thought experiment, what you'd really wanna do is change the salt nic formulation, i.e. the acidic compound which is added to freebase nicotine to convert it to a salt. This directly shapes the pharmacokinetics of the resulting nicotinic effect from vaping it, which is what leads to the common knowledge that salt nic hits harder, but doesn't last as long as freebase. That isn't universally true at all, but is a result of the salt formulations that are popular in the market.

    I worked with a scientist that once formulated a 20mg/mL solution for me that had similar throat hit to the 40mg/mL products I was using & had a very steep onset curve, and I found it to still be very satisfying even immediately after swapping. It wasn't a successful product though because for the consumer, 20mg = 20mg & 40mg = 40mg

    Guess my point is that the novel ways of using tech to improve weaning off nicotine using vaping do legitimately exist, but they don't have a place in a free market so we won't have it while regulators stay luddites on the issue

  • Anon helps with his gf's vaping addiction
  • If they were vaping a whole 30ml bottle @ 50mg/mL per week, yeah probably. That's a pretty extreme dependency. I don't know anyone ingesting that much nic, after 7 years in vape industry / over a decade vaping myself. I'm not in the US though, Juul kinda fucked things up over there

  • streaming or torrenting today vs. 5 years ago
  • I'm mostly only using CCWGTV, both the original 4k model and the budget 1080p one. Neither have performance issues for me (except before filtering out 4k releases on the 1080p model)

    I'm just aiming for the simplest/smoothest experience as possible, not so much for myself but so that I can mail it out to my mum who lives out in the bush and just tell her to enter her wifi password and open kodi. She's able to manage from there without having to worry about hdr/dv content compatibility with her display, or default audio language/subtitle display etc.

    In kodi you can edit settings.xml for IPTV Simple Client addon to point playlist items to a given category in Seren, make a playlist linking to those categories a favourite, and configure Kodi to open to the favourites menu on launch. That way she has a fully on-rails and custom experience based on her preferences from the point that she runs it.

  • streaming or torrenting today vs. 5 years ago
  • I've heard good things about Stremio + Torrentio. Does it have trakt integration or similar equivalent? I think the discovery in addons that have this makes a big difference. I have many different categories to browse that might sound similar, e.g. Trending, Trending New, Most Watched, Most Popular. But each one has a specific and plainly disclosed ranking methodology and that's very useful to avoid constantly being recommended to watch The Office, Breaking Bad, cowboy soaps etc

  • streaming or torrenting today vs. 5 years ago
  • Pay for real-debrid and set up a kodi addon like Seren on a streaming box. You'll get an equivalent experience to paid/official streaming platforms without having to pay for them all, including browsing popular shows without having to download them ahead of time or manage a home server. It's still torrenting under the hood, just a lot more convenient

  • Tesla drops Steam gaming support inside its vehicles
  • Have you seen the dashboard on a Tesla? It's a big tablet and that's it. Many of the basic controls you might need easy access to are hidden behind touchscreen menus. They need to pump it with features to prevent people from thinking too much about it

  • Removed
    Slack is now using all content, including DMs, to train LLMs
  • It also explicitly states in the posted screengrab that the opting-out user's workspace won't contribute to the underlying models. How would that be separate from using info on their workspace as training data for any kind of model? My interpretation of that is the data would be used to inference on the models, not train them.

  • Found this wondering town
  • They'd still resolve via DNS to an address in ASCII though, right? Wouldn't that only be an issue if ICANN didn't have a monopoly on DNS registration? i.e what we already depend on for a semblance of convenience without totally compromising opsec

  • Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing
  • It dominates the market in vertical tabs IMO. I tried Vivaldi, Firefox extension, the works. The best-feeling alternative was Safari

  • Seriously, why aren't most people using adblock these days
  • You're right that ads supported the model, but the model was also generally anarcho-communist in nature. That people wanted to experience it without ads was expected, and considered fine. It is fine.

  • OpenAI strikes Reddit deal to train its AI on your posts
  • Well, that'd be the mechanism of how GDPR protections are actioned, yes; but leaving themselves open to these ramifications broadly would be risky. I don't think it'd satisfy 'compliance' to ignore GDPR except upon request. Perhaps the issues with it are even more significant when using it as training data, given they're investing compute and potentially needing to re-train down the track.

    Based on my understanding; de-identifying the dataset wouldn't be sufficient to be in compliance. That's actually how it worked prior to it for the most part, but I know companies largely ended up just re-identifying data by cross-referencing multiple de-identified datasets. That nullification forming part of the basis for GDPR protections being as comprehensive as they are.

    There'd almost certainly be actors who previously deleted their content that later seek to verify whether it was later used to train any public AI.

    Definitely fair to say I'm making some assumptions, but essentially I think at a certain point trying to use user-deleted content as a value add just becomes riskier than it's worth for a public company

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