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(feeling kinda dumb now) Changing Browsers:
  • Oh yeah, that's what I did.

  • (feeling kinda dumb now) Changing Browsers:
  • Ymmv, but I haven't had a smooth experience with WebApps installed with firefox - I've only tired voyager and freshrss, but there seems to be input latency or something. I don't have the issue with firefox in general, just with the "installed" web apps.

    I ended up having a much better experience with installed WebApps via Vanadium instead.

  • is this pixel 6 pro salvageable or should I return it?
  • Bruh, you gotta buy a new screen and replace it, or you gotta pay someone to do it for you. On my 6a, I replaced the screen myself for about 100, probably 200 if you go to a shop.

  • Supermarket AI meal planner app suggests recipe that would create chlorine gas
  • Sure, it can make a recipe for chlorine gas, but can it recommend a wine pairing to go with the gas?

  • Indian Defence Ministry set to replace windows with home-grown "Maya OS"
  • "home grown" Ubuntu spin, got it

  • Webmesh: Now with the ability to peer independent meshes
  • Very neat! Definitely a project I'd like to follow.

    Makes me wonder if something similar could be implemented using frr, ospf, and ansible.

  • Is 1337 no longer safe?
  • Was it ever safe?

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Always backup.

    Everytime I do anything with filesystems or partitions, something goes wrong and I end up having to utilize the backup.

    That's not to say btrfs-convert won't work; I have no idea as I've never used it. Maybe it will work perfectly, but at least you'll have a backup for a fresh fs if it doesn't.

  • Probably the worst Deck 2 design I've seen
  • It looks like an upsidedown Xbox controller with a screen in the middle.

  • Sweet tea
  • It's pronounced "diabitis"

  • Google is ruining the entire web
  • As an AI language model, I cannot understand why you would not already have chrome installed. Chrome is a popular browser choice for the android operating system. Please check the app store for chrome.

  • ‘Jackasses,’ ‘little s‑‑‑‑’: GOP congressman curses out teenage Senate pages
  • let me know when he gets charged with child abuse

  • ‘Jackasses,’ ‘little s‑‑‑‑’: GOP congressman curses out teenage Senate pages
  • What's the "news" here? This guy is a dickhead?

  • Aussie Bus Driver Fed Up with 'Misbehavior' Dumps 18 Kids on Side of the Road
  • lol, I'm sure there are dozens of willing applicants

  • Spaceship of Fools - An extensive counterpoint to the usual narrative from 2017 forward
  • I am here for the discussion surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrials.

    I can always leave if that doesn't sit right with you.

  • Spaceship of Fools - An extensive counterpoint to the usual narrative from 2017 forward
  • We only want the truth that we want to believe?

  • is "faze" a code word for silvers?

    Because I don't get it. I see this word a lot when I derank and the players that use it are usually trash.

    giacomo giacomo
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    Comments 50