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Voyager 1 Resumes Sending Science Data from Two Instruments - NASA
  • It was being built before or just shortly around the time that C was being made.

    Per sources found on Hacker News:

    "The spacecrafts’ original control and analysis software was written in Fortran 5 (later ported to Fortran 77). Some of the software is still in Fortran, though other pieces have now been ported to the somewhat more modern C."

    There's good discussion about it here also that may indicate that this is the ground software and was written in Fortran V, not Fortran 5. To my mind though, C was still far too new at the time for it to be the smart choice here, and I'd assume custom assembly along the lines of what was needed for the AGC is needed here.

  • And it went Gold
  • You're right, the people who do already know deserve to learn something special too.

    Here's my personal favorite mix that they've done. Not a lot of people who know them have heard it, but it's absolutely stellar.

  • [History] An editor letter by Edsger Dijkstra, titled: "go to statements considered harmful" (march 1968).
  • It can be, sure. But when used in a limited manner where it makes sense it can be the more readable option. I've used it in a try/catch to retry the operation after changing a variable. One label ("reconnect"), one goto, totally easy to understand on a surface level.

  • Donald Duck says eat the rich rule
  • I have fond opinions of Veggietales. From my recollection, it seems to be a genuine attempt at Christlike programming instead of Christian programming, if that makes sense.

    The creator has a reasonable head and has some public opinions that I vehemently agree with. I'm not currently aware of any reason that Veggietales should be considered weird Christian propaganda, even if it is Christian propaganda.

    To give context to my saying that, I grew up with friends that made me hide my harry potter book so that it wouldn't get me banned from their house as a literal spawn of satan. Veggietales was absolutely the best programming they watched, hands down, from every aspect.

  • rule of cool
  • Seems reasonable enough. Dude's allowed to have opinions I think are bad, and seems to get over his bad opinions in the face of much worse opinions, inasmuch as a direct statement from the person in question can show that.

  • 4 Tools to Share Large Files Over the Internet Securely
  • It's a bit more consumer focused, easier for Grandma kind of thing. Syncthing isn't hard, but does have in my opinion a bit more difficult of an initial setup with features like introducers that can make things difficult if configured wrong.

  • Second Boeing whistleblower dies in less than two months
  • Love how you equate commenting numbers with ability to do anything, and the reframing of my "pathetic" comment about being inflexible in your arguments once you were made aware of their disabilities as me saying you should have known from the start.

    One big love-fest here!

  • Second Boeing whistleblower dies in less than two months
  • Oh well then, that certainly does help both this person and america in general. Glad we cleared that up and justified your incredibly inflexible approach to telling a disabled person to "get off their lazy ass". You're expressing democracy, got it.

  • Second Boeing whistleblower dies in less than two months
  • I agree, and strongly believe that the most helpful way forward in this respect would be to implement ranked choice voting, which is just about as out-of-reach to most Americans as a viable third-party candidate is today.

    Maybe the next try at democracy will be the one that sticks.

  • Discord wants to void your right to sue them in court — but you can opt out of the practice
  • In email terms, a bounceback is a category of error that in this case meant that the email address didn't exist. Although, that's because I emailed opt-out instead of arbitration-opt-out. My mistake. After fixing it, it went through without a reply as has been the general experience.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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