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  • If TF2 is at 5. with 5.7 years then OP has spent at least 28.5 years in just their top 5 games that's actually crazy, congrats OP!

  • Youtube Premium
  • Hey, thanks for contacting! I'm very happy to be able to tell you, that you were correct on both sides.

    The joke was that there was someone that has Youtube Premium and wants to do an AMA and then there was someone that didn't want to do an AMA. I have Youtube ReVanced which is kind of the middle ground between Premium and free and I made my availability the middle ground between 24/7 and 1/7 availability. Well, 'middle ground' in that case is kind of the wrong word since my availability actually is just 1/7.

    Thank you for considering us!

    Yours faithfully
    me :3

  • Youtube Premium
  • I technically have it via Youtube ReVanced.

    Emails are open; Calls are relayed to Kurt due to me being on vacation. I will make sure to look at new emails at least once every day.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • It's bribe, not bet.

    GaLiGrü Thomas 😀🍺🍺

  • rule
  • My top 5 in hours spent descending would probably be:
    0. Minecraft (Won't count it since everyone of us has probably played it for many hours)

    1. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky
    2. Every other Pokemon game (+ rom hacks)
    3. Super Mario Sunshine
    4. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat (CoC)
    5. TES Daggerfall (Unity)

    considering which games I found most memorable, there's probably some games I've played more but I forgor 💀.

    Honestly I cannot complain about what I grew up with and still play =3

  • Rule
  • I hate wingnuts, they were always screwed on so tight when I wanted to take these off of random things as a kid. If I ever see another wingnut, it's screwed. This post reminded me of my hatred towards them, thank you, I will internalize the hate and wield it as a power of doom and destruction against the oldest-known metallic foe. #screwwings #bottomking #2023 #internalizethehate

  • why is it always furries rule
  • I love seeing people mention JPEG-XL in the wild, I wish it was implemented in more programs and websites too. JPEG-XL was always the superior image file format. I'm sorry if facts hurt the feelings of the webp-Kings, but them's the facts. And I will dig my own grave on this hill. Good day!

  • Tried joining Reddit again because of lack of activity in very niche communities, got banned again ,_,
  • Yea that's just what replaced the "Have my poor mans gold 🏅" now, which still somehow comes up too.

  • Tried joining Reddit again because of lack of activity in very niche communities, got banned again ,_,
  • 2 people giving me positive status effects in such little time, I wonder what the boss fight is gonna be..

  • Tried joining Reddit again because of lack of activity in very niche communities, got banned again ,_,
  • Y'indeed I love seeing notifications here and reload every few minutes to see if someone replied to me (not now obviously because I'm high and forgot to reply to you earlier and it's also taking me a good few minutes to type up this reply).

    On Reddit I usually hoped that everyone upvoted, of course, and that none of them reply. Especially when I argumented with someone, because I'm actually really bad at argumenting about things I perceive as negative. [...]

    The rest is just a stoned tirade (I didn't want to delete it because I find it amusing), there's no Tl;Dr to be made, just don't read it unless you choose to make me a god and want to use the genoxidedev1 lore to practice that new religion. Anyways:

    [...] I'm also bad at argumenting about things I'm good at, which only leaves me being good at argumenting about things I'm bad at, but I'f im good at argumenting about things I'm bad at it would mean that I'm good at argumenting about me argumenting about things I'm good at, so, if we use that logic for all the other things I could be doing I'm actually the best at everything. Wow. I just lost an argument against myself, cool or something.

  • Tried joining Reddit again because of lack of activity in very niche communities, got banned again ,_,
  • You forgot "and my axe", "to shreds you say" and "I wish they didn't remove awards so I could give you one", or maybe even the 'rare' "take my angry upvote and leave"?

    Yeah I like that we can actually hold real conversations here, as far as 'real' goes of course.

  • is he goated with the rule?
  • What do you call it when you're surprised but at the same time you're not? Asking for a friend :3

  • is he goated with the rule?
  • Wikipedia really should get its own rule (like rule34) if it doesn't have one yet. Rule 404 or something I'd think, it would go something like "Everything you can think of will have a Wikipedia entry. If you searched for something on Wikipedia and got a 404 error, refresh the site."

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I always say "I'm in" at work whenever I have to do something at the terminal while someone is next to me :3

  • Very clever...
  • I don't get it. I was pretty much replying with a programming related answer, being ":q". I only added my personal flair to it, being ":3". And I only expanded after another person assumed me to be a furry as well.

    If you want me gone because of that, you got to get your priorities out of the gutter, there ain't none. And fix your stereotypes too. The other person at least replied humorously. You won't get a ":3" from me. Good day!

  • Very clever...
  • Halfway true :3 I'm only a professional programmer which is why I attend in professional work fashion like thigh highs and arm warmers instead of fursuits. I'm more the stereotypical femboy programmer. Pre-edit: am i really just average 3,:

  • Mike Johnson elected House speaker with broad GOP support
  • Wow I didn't expect to see this so soon, I thought they'd do at least another dozen more votes or something.

  • Very clever...
  • I just noticed someone should try xkill if they get the chance. If that doesn't work they should rephrase the question. That is all. This will be my last grand contribution for today. Have a nice Wednesday everyone :3

  • Very clever...
  • :q :3

  • Official timelapse

    Highlight is at 3 minutes.

    They actually kept everything in.

    Fuck Spez

    Lemmy apparently hit with another bot wave tonight (+ 623686 overall users)

    I looked at the lemmy stats again today like the last few days (since the 1st of July), apparently tonight there has been another wave of bot signups.:

    Lemmy: 1,555,395 overall users (+ 2363) Kbin: 55,201 overall users (+ 433)

    Active last 30 days: Lemmy: 56,859 users (+ 1142) Kbin: 55,099 users (+ 331)

    ^ 2023-07-02 20:15:00 CEST

    Lemmy: 2,179,081 overall users (+ 623686, bots) Kbin: 55,863 (+ 764)

    Active last 30 days: Lemmy: 59,438 (+ 2579) Kbin: 55,532 (+ 433)

    ^ 2023-07-03 13:30:00 CEST

    Of course "tonight" refers to tonight in central european summer time so it probably was more middle-of-the-day for you.

    If you go to the site I linked at the beginning and sort by "Total users" you can see instances with 80000 users and 1 active user for example.

    Open signups should be prohibited and affected instances should do something against the botted accounts or defederate. New instances should at the very least start using captchas and email verification.

    [Rant] The people - or rather the attitude - of r/piracy

    This is just a short rant and is not meant to insult anyone already on here, or further newcomers that joined, join or will still join. Also reminder that this is based on my experience and not necessarily facts, YMMV.

    Anyways, in the last few days I've noticed that for some reason, especially on the r/piracy sub (although other subs are of course no exception), that there has been a more positive sentiment towards spez (the CEO of Reddit) and a very negative one against the mods and the protest.

    I can understand that a protest which you don't want to take part in may be a breach of your apathy - though what we protest will sooner or later affect everyone, not just those that want to continue using 3rd party apps. I'm guessing they just don't (want to) understand. I'm just gonna leave the following quote here do with that what thou wanteth:

    "There's something extremely pathetic about complaining about a problem that only concerns you, but wanting to pull everyone along"

    On another note they're also calling everyone who participates in the protest and or makes a comment about alternatives a "mod bootlicker". I want to thank OtakuA\* and everyone who does what they do for spreading the word, even when bombarded with downvotes which sadly and disappointingly does happen.

    What really got me over my shadow to write this rant (and first post actually) though, was the following reply I got, in return for agreeing with someone and calling the people bootlickers:

    "You're shilling for a different company lmfao...pot calling the kettle black..."

    I still haven't figured out what they meant? I don't want to call myself smart but maybe I'm not stupid enough to understand?

    Anyways, I expected nothing but was still majorly disappointed with the people over at r/piracy where I thought they would be most in favor of the protest.

    I hope this rant is coherent enough to understand and that some of you get what I'm saying. I'm not looking for solutions personally I just wanted to get this out. If there are grammatical errors I'm sorry English is not my first language and I also didn't want to read over this post too often otherwise I overthink and delete without posting.

    Tl;dr: Admin bootlickers call protesters & supporters "mod bootlickers", me mad

    I hope this post shows up I'm posting from kbin - I also didn't look if there were other posts about this already because I wanted to say this asap

    genoxidedev1 genoxidedev1

    Jack of all trades, master of Nirn. Ally

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    Comments 347