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Twitter's lost 13% of its daily users and its rebrand has failed
  • this fits the narrative nicely but im certain a 2 percent trade for increased profits is not a loss for them

  • France has banned pro-Palestinian protests and vowed to protect Jews from resurgent antisemitism
  • I feel like I'm being gaslit into thinking there's this huge outbreak of antisemitism when all I'm ever reading about is Muslims being murdered?? why are we constantly talking about antisemitism and only antisemitism

  • 10 Gaming Songs You Should Totally Give A Listen To 💿🎵
  • down by the river from baldurs gate should be on here lol that's such an earworm

    great list though!!

  • After Axing Headlines, Elon Musk To Hide Retweet, Like Buttons On Twitter
  • foreign governments yes (Saudi) but how does the US government benefit...?

  • Spotify Premium Will Include Instant Access to 150,000+ Audiobooks (UK/AUS tomorrow, US to follow)
  • Jesus christ the people on here are impossible to please !

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • this is just... not true or at the least extremely hyperbolic

  • What type of game you want to see that doesn't fully exist yet?
  • haven and hearth but before they nuked the xp system 😞

  • Removed
    Sen. Bob Menendez indicted again for corruption, allegedly had cash stuffed in coat, gold bars
  • it's sad. jersey is my home state but corruption has been so rampant there for so long it's just kind of accepted. mcgreevy, corzine, norcross, menendez, etc.

    bill pascrell is the goat though !

  • clothing recs
  • I second ASOS! They carry a wide variety of sizes and selections

  • How to cope with the idea you may never afford FFS?
  • are you eligible for any kind of healthcare or state healthcare that may cover FFS?

    Do you wear makeup? You can do a lot with contouring and bronzing. I can link a bunch of reccs tomorrow if you'd like. I know it's not the same but you truly can reshape your facial structure with a simple contour kit and some blush.

  • I am a woman
  • and you slay! what's the lip shade ??

  • A High Priority for Moving Away from Lemmy
  • Im sorry you had to witness that. I grew up on forums and message boards in the mid 2000s and onward and Ive still not forgotten a lot of the shock images and other vile things people would post on forums.

    You essentially sacrificed a part of your innocence to aid the community and i find that incredibly selfless and respected, although again I am truly sorry it ever had to come to that.

    I know it's not really my place as a stranger to give unsolicited advice but if you find yourself struggling, there is a form of therapy called EMDR that is supposedly very successful with getting the brain to fully digest traumatic events.

  • Deleted
    rule suggestion
  • 38 points and only 5 comments 😢 I was hoping to see more input

  • Wig advice?

    I'm looking into purchasing a wig (Ive had human pattern baldness since age 20 unfortunately) and I'm feeling a taaaaad overwhelmed with the amount of options and I'm terrified of ordering one and it's low quality.

    I wanna spend the money to get something human hair, lace front, and dark dark brown — but not super super expensive ! that said do you girls have any site recommendations or general advice?

    rule suggestion
  • I feel very similarly especially because i don't have any trans friends or safe space outside of here and the subreddit! and lately a few of the posts on here have kinda given off the impression i need to look a certain way to feel validated which I know isn't the intent but it's definitely contributing to that culture

  • The Chest Pain™ has begun
  • very exciting !! 😭

  • The Chest Pain™ has begun
  • oh? :o

    to google I go

  • I feel hopeless
  • I challenge you to take the comments you are making towards yourself and apply them to other women ("cis" or otherwise).

    my friend is almost 6 foot... would you tell her she will never be attractive?

    I have heavier friends... would you tell them theyll never find love??

    because these are statements you're making with this post and while I'm sure you are (hopefully) only applying them to yourself, theyre still hurtful to read.

    we have told you time and time again to be kinder to yourself and have offered so much reassurance but it's getting to a point where I genuinely feel like we need a ban on "do I pass" posts because they do nothing but cultivate unhealthy standards

  • why aren't my comments viewable from mastodon anymore?

    It I look up my account ( on Mastodon it shows my latest comment as 3 days ago?

    gaytswiftfan slaytswiftfan


    Posts 11
    Comments 85