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Internet Archive is continuing to face DDoS attacks after several days, says “this attack has been sustained, impactful, targeted, adaptive, and importantly, mean”
  • What makes the internet archive well-equipped for that? They have money from donations? Donations that were more than likely intended for preserving the archive, and not facilitating book piracy in an obviously illegal way that now requires them to piss those donations away in legal fees?

  • we love open source!!1!
  • Yes, Apple, like many other corporations, uses FOSS components in their closed source software because it saves them money from free labor. There are also parts that make sense for them to distribute under a free license because they need developers to implement them in their software to work with their OS or browser.

    That doesn't mean they're actually benefitting the FOSS community in any way, it just means the FOSS community is benefitting their closed source software for free.

  • OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game
  • Then I'd have grounds to sue you for stealing my likeness, just like Crispin Glover did in the example I just gave.

    Are you under the impression that's what happened here? It isn't. The voice is clearly not Scarlet Johansson's, and she doesn't have any kind of ownership over the concept of an AI in your phone using an upbeat woman's voice to speak to you.

  • OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game
  • You own the pile of money you earned for the role you played in someone else's creative project.

    This isn't back to the future 2 making a Crispin Glover face mask and putting it on an extra, its using a woman for a voice acting role for an AI speaking from your phone, and somehow that's stealing from a movie with the same concept, but not stealing from the actual phone AIs voiced by women that existed before the movie.

  • OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game
  • Having a talking woman in your phone is not stealing Scarlet Johansson's likeness, even if they sound somewhat similar. US copyright law is already ridiculous, and you want to make it even more bullshit?

    By that logic her role in Her was already stealing the voice actor for Siri's likeness, and she should have sued for that too.

  • New Details on Valve's New Game 'Deadlock' - Insider Gaming
  • I keep seeing everyone comparing this to overwatch, how is this like overwatch at all? Just because you pick a character and they have unique abilities?

    I've been playing dota for over a decade and couldn't get into any other moba I've ever tried, but I think this sounds like it could be fun and I'd give it a chance at least.

    Edit: I take that back, I've played exactly one other game I'd classify as a moba extensively, and it was Monday Night Combat, which was really similar to this concept. Super Monday Night Combat killed it and sucked though.

  • Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo
  • I'm not an expert on this by any means, but I think the issue is they would have to work out how to encode the audio for surround themselves, and then it would be up to all of the different AV receivers out there to decode it properly. Using Dolby just standardizes it to where if your receiver supports that format you know it'll decode it properly.

  • Tom Henderson: Assassin's Creed Shadows pre-orders are looking very strong. I don't have the exact numbers yet, but no one in the know is disappointed with them.
  • Still a great example on why not to preorder, the game needed years of more work to be in an acceptable state. Why waste your time and money when you could just hold off until the game is actually finished, or at least until you can confirm it's actually worth the investment based on its quality to you.

  • WTF is wrong with Killing Floor 2?
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt like this. I kept thinking maybe I just wasn't giving it a fair chance but I loved KF1 and was immediately put off by KF2.

    I felt the same way about Red Orchestra 2 to a much lesser extent. I was super hyped about Tripwire overall at the time and thought it was awesome a mod team was getting funding to make the full-scale games they wanted, and they basically just immediately lost all momentum after that.

  • New Doom Game Could Be Announced At Xbox Showcase In June
  • The lore and plot was ridiculous though. Way overdone, didn't feel like doom.

    As opposed to a screen dissolve followed by a wall of text? I thought it was fine.

    I didn't finish the DLC if it started going off the rails there, though.

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