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I'm getting tired of grabbing buckets
  • Even in this stupid meme, do you want the guy who drilled a hole in the boat to be captain?

  • FBI Arrests Man For Generating AI Child Sexual Abuse Imagery
  • If everyone you go, everyone you know thinks AI generated child sex stuff is normal, well buddy, I think I've got some news for you.

  • Removed
    Self-Driving Tesla Nearly Hits Oncoming Train, Raises New Concern On Car's Safety
  • "Sorry about your dead husband, trains weren't in the training data. Our bad. Anyway, his loss is not in vain, as now that our engineers are aware that trains can be a potential driving hazard, we are going to fix this soon in a future software update."

  • Someone stop the ride, I want to get off
  • Blaming moderate Biden for far-right Netanyahu's genocide is the fundamental error. Biden doesn't control Israel and Trump would reinforce Netanyahu's brutality and support it, where Biden is trying to leverage concessions and aid for Palestinians working with an irrational and brutal historical ally that keeps actively spiteing us. We should reconsider our relationship with Israel if they spite us in order to commit atrocities, but blaming Biden for it is fundamentally stupid.

  • Someone stop the ride, I want to get off
  • Trump wants to be dictator and is talking about a third term and you dipshits still keep on with your divisive nonsense meant to push people into political apathy. Lol this site's political discourse has been completely hijacked by bad-faith, blame Dems at all costs bullshit.

    To those not acting in bad faith, you should vote Biden because at least you know he will peacefully step down when his term is up. Trump will try more J6 style violence to stay in power. Could you imagine 20 years of Trump, or if he appointed one of his kids president?

    Pull your head out of your ass and vote Biden.

  • Sleep Paralysis Demon [Mr. Lovenstein]
  • Wanted to upvote then saw 666 upvotes and had to leave it alone.

  • FBI Arrests Man For Generating AI Child Sexual Abuse Imagery
  • No it's immoral because they are sexual gratifying themselves to pictures that look like children. Sexually desiring children or wanting to see them abused is immoral, full stop.

  • FBI Arrests Man For Generating AI Child Sexual Abuse Imagery
  • LOL, that's a lot of bullshit misdirection to defend AI child porn. Christ, can there be one social media like platform that just has normal fucking people.

  • FBI Arrests Man For Generating AI Child Sexual Abuse Imagery
  • Yikes at the responses ITT. This shit should definitely be illegal, and the people that want it probably want to abuse real children too. All of you parsing arguments to make goddamn representations of sexual child abuse legal should take a long hard look in the mirror and consider whether or not you yourself need therapy.

  • Trump floats idea of three-term presidency at NRA convention
  • This is massively media is supposed to relay relevant facts about the situation, like this one, not try to entertain people by pivoting to new forms of content constantly.

  • We may clown on him a lot but it's genuinely quite dystopian how much power Elon Musk has.
  • I agree with your sentiment generally but will say that Trump supporters are the ones who also like Kennedy....I dont see much crossover from his brand of crazy from Dems or those left of Dems.

  • We may clown on him a lot but it's genuinely quite dystopian how much power Elon Musk has.
  • Hopefully he will get some of the racist and nutbags to consider Kennedy if they are sick of Trump for some random bullshit reason (if they were going to pick a good reason to be sick of Trump, they never would have liked him to begin with.

  • Former Green Bay Packers Quarterback Aaron Rodgers Suggests Religion Is Used To Manipulate People
  • It's the rich man's philosophy too usually. People aren't really that great at philosophy.

  • In ruling color
  • Here, allow me elucidate a specific piece of information for you.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • Look, I like Porter more than Schiff, and if you want to blame Pelosi (not Feinstein) for being unfair in galvanizing support for Schiff before the contest was even started really, that's one thing.

    But the main reason Schiff won is just that he's a more prominent politician who has a wider base of support. Democrats writ large prefer him to Porter, that's primarily why he won imo.

  • Reddit brings back its old award system — ‘we messed up’
  • Some people are really confused that we aren't all perpetually online.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • Your point is wrong, Biden isn't a Zionist and if he pulled funding for Israel unilaterally, it would help him with youth vote but hurt him with other groups potentially, and GOP would pivot to claiming to be the only friend of Israel, blah blah blah.

    May i remind you that according to pew surveys, 60% of Americans still feel like Israel's war is valid and legitimate, even if some of those people say Israel is being too harsh.

    The truth is that your viewpoint is very outside of the mainstream, and if Biden did it, and it might lose him political support on the whole and might not even stick--GOP would try to overturn this and force spending support to Israel, even if at that point just as an attack on Biden, who dipshits like you would still blame if his order to stop Israeli military support was overturned.

    There, your point has been addressed, it is shit and counterproductive.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • I also love how they act like Biden is in charge of conflict in the middle east and wars being waged by other nations and is just choosing to be a comic book villain that likes genocide. Its such a fucking child's interpretation of international relations. Biden is in an incredibly hard spot that he didn't choose, and all these assholes act like he is in charge while also 50% of the time ignoring or making excuses for Hamas's role. Like, they literally have more scorn for Biden than Hamas.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • 100%. Biden is a great president who has accomplished a shitload. I appreciate everyone of you out here who can ignore the bullshit and see the signal.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • Personally if Trump wins another term I'll blame right wing propagandists and his voters.

  • gardylou gardylou
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