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Pony Rule
  • Yeah, I know (I checked it before I posted on the off chance I'd find some good news). That page hasn't been updated in a while and I was only told there would be no more available back in April

  • Pony Rule
  • I haven't had a migraine free day in at least 4 years. I have tried every migraine drug on the market. The only thing that works for me is Midrin. Which was discontinued in 2009. Good thing you can get it at a compounding pharmacy. Oh wait! You can't anymore. You can't get it anywhere. This last bottle on my desk is evidently one of the last in existence. And it's the only thing that works. So no, I won't just be taking the headache medicine. I've got to save it for when I have to function, not for when I want to feel better.

  • Chronic pain mood
  • Incredibly accurate. I've had migraines since at least high school that have evolved into a migraine that hasn't stopped for a second for at least 4 years now. Most of the time I can soldier on, but I'm having an all caps night tonight.

  • Help! My Boyfriend Is 5 Years Older Than Me And Won’t Stop Making References to Early 2000s Flash Animations I Don’t Understand
  • I will very occasionally throw a LegendaryFrog reference into conversation. I've only ever had one person get it, but man oh man did it make my day when it finally happened.

  • Has exercise helped your mental health?
  • Tried it for six months, mostly body weight exercises and dumbbells, three to five times a week. Aside from a moderate improvement in fitness (which I have no interest in), it changed nothing at all. No increased energy, no happy feelings, just a waste of time.

  • What should I do to recover from a twisted ankle?
  • It's true. I injured my left ankle freshman year of high school and I'm in my 30s now and still roll it semi-badly to badly around once a year. Stupid thing is so weak.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Apparently not if you're bitching about it

  • Explosions in the Sky - Gilley's Southside Ballroom, Dallas, Tx
  • I was there too; so damn good

  • What paper is everyone else using?
  • Clairefontaine/Rhodia and new (I think) Tomoe River. My main thing is avoiding feathering, so we may have different priorities.

  • The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria - 13 Minutes of Exclusive Gameplay | gamescom 2023
  • I think that may have been the most boring gameplay demo I have ever seen. 13 minutes of fuck all

  • gangstamouse gangstamouse
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