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Your thoughts on compacts cars like this?
  • For space taken up on the road, being half a meter shorter or longer doesn't make much of a difference, since the distance between cars is much larger. And for parking, being as tall as a person greatly reduces street visibility for pedestrians. Don't get me wrong, this car is much better than a truck or SUV, but it is not 'tiny'.

  • Why do you still hate Windows?
  • It just.. lacks features? I couldn't use ZFS or Btrfs, FDE requires third-party software (veracrypt) and lots of other things that I see as standard system utilities (think ssh, git etc.) are not available on a fresh install. And then you're supposed to download and install .exe files from the internet? Since microsoft controls what goes in the windows store, that could provide the same experience as your distro's repositories. But again, most things you want aren't there, and you can't even trust the things that are there. For some reason, a billion dollar company cannot curate a software repository of the same quality as the ones maintained by unpaid volunteers in the Linux world.

    So yeah, I think it's just not there yet. Maybe in a few years windows will be a viable alternative for desktop systems.

  • Confound you, WSUS!
  • Last time I installed Windows, it looked for existing EFI partitions on other drives. I could only get windows to create an EFI partition on its own drive by physically disconnecting all other drives before starting the installation.

  • Oh tell me again how it loads faster and takes up less resources
  • I'm curious as to why Firefox is checking for updates, have you configured it to do so? I've never seen Firefox do that (and it feels weird to have a program sidestep the update mechanism of the package manager)

  • Klage der Umwelthilfe: Regierung muss beim Klimaschutz nachschärfen
  • Und hinterher sind Hybride wie beim E-Kennzeichen auch wieder begünstigt. Alle die jetzt gerne rasen und es sich leisten können tun das dann mit einen neuen Hybrid, dessen Batterie bei solchen Geschwindigkeiten sofort leer ist. Dann sind es effektiv Verbrenner, die aber ein paar hundert Kilo schwerer sind als jetzt.

  • Removed
    Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • Not saying you're wrong, but the conditional probability P(Mauled by bear | encountered bear) is way higher than the total probability P(Mauled by bear), and an argument of this kind should be based on the conditional probability.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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