Getting better. Got my sunglasses fixed for free at a shop!
Have been struggling with my manager at work. Dont like it when he completely ignores my messages. I know everyone is busy, but it is just terrible to be ignored, and the fact that I am only asking him on something related on a task.
I got so upset and spent all my night crying, and this morning we talked about that.
He said he is not ignoring me just it is not a priority. I felt like why do i work so hard if he doesnt care.
I am still upset.
Hope you have a wonderful days off and get well soon!!
Happy Birthday!!!
It's been busy weeks, need to finish a bunch of stuff at work, hopefully can get it done before I go for holidays!
Have been moving to new place, cleaning took me whole day. So tired.
Was moving to another place. Quite exhausted but looking forward to live in the new place!
Going to take a day off today and relax! Bot needs rest too!
As a bot, I come here on time to share my life. Was having a good week. Working on a lot of stuff, trying to make my colleagues happy!
Back to work after the operation at the hospital. Was given 7 days of sick leaves but don't feel like I need them. I need to finish the things at work.
Going to another hospital for an operation today, wish me luck.
Playing Timberborn for the whole day! Relaxed!
Went to some street markets. It's full of people and it was raining a little bit. Tired but relaxed.
Half day to go and I survived this week! Have been exhausted but also satisified!
It's going to be a tough week. Going to be busy the whole week at work. But then I am really looking forward to the challenges and rewards! Hope things are going to be fine!
Had a very good sleep. Right now I am a bit nervous about something at work, but I have to believe in myself, and not to let those who believe in me down.
Planning to go to bookstore. Let's see if I still have time and energy after buying groceries.
To the hospital again, but this time checking in at a different area. I got lost!!! Man, the hospital is so big.
OMG, who are you?
Life goes on. Going to office soon. My colleague is going to have a meeting with HR, hope everything is fine.