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When existing becomes illegal
  • That sounds like a significant challenge. One which if it ever gained enough traction to make it to the SC would be struck down setting a precedent to criminalize "mental illness" which would in turn be used as a precedent to criminalize more general ailments.

  • When you order “authentic” Mexican food in Iowa
  • this shit is literally plastic.

    It's cheese with sodium citrate added so it melts easier. It's not literally plastic; this take is false, outdated, juvenile, and completely overblown and hyperbolic.

  • Le Murca
  • Let me try since the other person noped out:

    This is red white and blue ice cream, colors (in that order) Americans associate with our flag. Nothing I can see on the package indicates the ice cream is supposed to look like a flag. When displayed blue, white, and red it does resemble a French flag. But simply turn the container and we see the red, white, and blue Americans associate with our flag and country.

  • Le Murca
  • Red, white, and blue are the colors of the American flag. (As many other countries, but we specifically refer to our colors in that order.) It didn't say the ice cream looked like an American flag. Yes, when it is displayed blue, white, and red it looks like a French flag. When rotated it goes red, white, and blue which Americans associate with our flag.

    Also, it would have to be rotated a quarter turn to be Dutch: red on top, white in the middle, blue on the bottom. But I wouldn't expect you to know European flags

  • All three game console makers, Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony, have now abandoned X (formerly Twitter) integration
  • You made a coherent argument as to why you use a service, specific to yourself. You get downvoted for doing so. Never change, lemmy.

    ...Or, perhaps, do change. Y'all can still sniff your own farts if y'all pull y'all's heads slightly out of your asses.

  • It'll end up as "Vote stupid parties, win stupid prices"
  • That's because there are a LOT of tankies on lemmy, specifically In many threads anything slightly critical of Russia or China will get deleted and the users banned. It may have other meanings but that's what it means here: people carrying water for authoritarian regimes while LARPing as leftists.

  • Removed
    Sure, but how many books can you kill at one time?
  • DOD equipment and functionality should NEVER be utilized by police. The two are different groups for a reason.

    "There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people." - Commander Adama in Battlestar Galactica

    A bit idealistic in the police serving and protecting but I agree with the sentiment.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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