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Large loans in monero
  • Then you need it factored into the interest rate you decide upon that volatility may cause the price of XMR to get so high that your debtor would rather default than pay the debt.

  • Large loans in monero
  • Well you don't want to lose Monero and you don't want to lose fiat, but you can't have both. XMR isn't a stablecoin.

    If it matters more to you that you get your XMR back, then require XMR payments. You need to include the XMR volatility as part of the interest rate calculation.

    If it matters more that you get your fiat back, then require fiat-equivalent in XMR payments.

    Or, demand you get either XMR or fiat back, whichever is higher. But I don't think a borrower would like this. Tesla did this when they let you pay in BTC; Tesla reserved the right to refund you in whichever currency was cheaper. For the consumer, it a bad deal.

  • Removed
    Has anyone tried to leave Gmail for Tuta?
  • For fairness, here is Tuta's response to the allegations:

    There really is no way to verify that any email service isn't a honeypot. Even if you open source your server code, that doesn't mean it's what's actually running on the server. They could publish served code then be running totally different code on their servers with no way to tell.

    Tuta's biggest weaknesses for me right now are the seeming lack of independent audits and the lack of interoperability for encryption. Proton is the biggest competitor and seems to have both. However, Proton has grown more in the way that a honeypot would, adding VPN, cloud storage, password manager, etc, so more data collection points. Tuta is still email, contacts, and calendar.

  • The Best Private & Secure Cloud Storage in 2024

    End-to-end Encryption client-side is available from Nextcloud desktop client 3.0 and newer as a folder-level option to keep extremely sensitive data fully secure even in case of a full server breach. The server facilitates key exchange for syncing between devices and sharing but has Zero Knowledge, that is, never has access to any of the data or keys in unencrypted form.

    It's not a big deal if you self-host at home either. You can use SSL for the traffic and LUKS for the storage.

  • What College Applicants Really Think About Republicans’ Campus Panic
  • I lived through a campus shooting last year. As I watched college students climb calmly out of windows to escape the building, I realized this is a generation raised on constant shooting drills. That might explain why 38 percent of students who study on campus said they were worried about gun violence at their schools. Campus gun policies mattered at least somewhat to 80 percent of those surveyed. And of those who cared, students who wanted more restrictive gun policies outweighed those who preferred looser policies by five to one, according to the report.

    "Campus gun policies" don't stop shootings. Safe space gun bans didn't stop the campus shooting mentioned by the author. The "safety" described is an illusion.

    Maybe we should spend less time criticizing the government for not infringing on our freedoms and more time educating prospective students about how to actually be safe?

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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