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Norway, Ireland and Spain recognize Palestinian state; Israel condemns move
  • I dont want to get too high on copium but is this the fall of Isreal and the West I’ve been hearing so much about?

    It's not the fall, it's a conflict that has emerged from the inherent contradictions. The conflict could escalate, wherein participants like these 3 countries could oppose the USA more forcefully, but it would likely entail a few other EU countries to escalate as well. Then the conflict will spread to be intra-EU as well. Most likely the result of this escalation would be subverting the little democracy in those countries and steering elections to compliant leaders who will crush domestic opposition. So, if this is the beginning of that fall, there's about to be a lot of "weird shit" happening in European electoralism in the next 5 years.

  • Norway, Ireland and Spain recognize Palestinian state; Israel condemns move
  • Norway is home of the Nobel Peace Prize. They also had a major NGO presence in Palestine. The political conditions might be such that their self-image, or at least the self-image of a sufficient number of the political influencers, requires them to speak up.

    Spain I have no idea.

  • China solar industry faces shakeout, but rock-bottom prices to persist
  • Subsidized monopolies are the dominant form of monopoly and oligopoly in the USA and Europe. Go look up how many billions in subsidies the USA provides to industries with only 3 dominant players, from fossil fuels to cars to phone companies to internet companies to cable companies to publishers to food conglomerates.

  • Nearly 70% of Americans want talks to end war in Ukraine
  • The opinions? No. The actions? Yes. The rich are always just a few weeks away from being completely destroyed by the working class taking actions. Propaganda isn't there because they care about public opinion. Propaganda is there to prevent mass action.

  • It seems Russia gonna wipe out UAF 🤣
  • Who the fuck do you want running defense? An unqualified elected official? A technocrat who completely disagrees with the current strategy? Like who the fuck runs defense in the USA if not pliant technocrats?!

  • Sen. Lindsey Graham Suggests Nuking Gaza, Calls Hiroshima ‘the Right Decision’
  • Sovereignty transfer doesn't mean displacement. If European settlers want national self-determination, they can go back to their nation-states, or they can live under the sovereignty of another nation. Social justice requires that the colonizers cede back the power over the land that they took through centuries of genocidal violence.

    Edit: also good to note, restorative justice would be for all the European settlers to return the land to a healthy state under the dominance of the indigenous peoples of the land. Retributive justice would be for the indigenous peoples to invade and violently occupy Europe for 600 years. No one is even asking for restorative justice at this point, just an end to the genocide and occupation.

  • (2016-2017) The West arrests far more people for speech than Russia

    The UK arresting an average of 9 people a day. Meanwhile, arrests in Russia are below 500 each year, sometimes far below.

    Lemmy Support freagle
    Cannot expand comments?

    Using the web client in Firefox, I cannot seem to expand comments below a certain level. Clicking "3 more comments ->" just spins. Any ideas?

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    China using families as 'hostages' to quash Uyghur dissent abroad

    This guy is the researcher cited:

    At first glance, he seems somewhat legit, but I've never heard of him before. What do we know about this guy, his research, and what's the best way to understand these claims?

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > Archived version: > > Archived version:

    Wild analysis of capitalist ownership structure

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    Ukraine says it downed Russian hypersonic missiles during 'exceptional' air attack on Kyiv

    Anyone got any more insight into this? Hypersonics are supposed to be a significant advantage for both Russia and China. If the West has a counter for these, that seems real bad.

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