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Anon questions Light Yagami
  • Reminds me of this skit from Gianni.

  • The Framework Laptop 13 is about to become one of the world’s first RISC-V laptops
  • Kudos to Framework for their absolute devotion to their mission of repairability and interoperability.

    These sort of projects show that it's people passionate about open source technology at the helm of the company and that is something I want to support.

  • Unlike the image, I definitely encourage people to do this
  • Think spray paint would work?

  • Antibiotic Overuse Does Not Rule
  • I'm vegetarian but keep my own chickens for my eggs as the only animal products I have is that acceptable?

  • Canada's greenhouse-gas emissions will be 12 per cent lower in 2030 with carbon pricing in place than they would be if it was scrapped, new federal data published Thursday suggest.
  • This would be a good solution if they were accessible. However where I live EVS cost too much for anyone unless you are far out stripping the median income, as an example the last comprehensive study put Atlantic Canada where I live at a median income of $32,175, even the cheapest electric cars run ~$55,000, used EVS exist and are more affordably priced but often need expensive battery replacements, and are an extremely short supply.

    Municipal policy makes bikes share the road, with most of the interconnecting roads being strodes which makes biking just suicide with extra steps, I actually did try to ride a bike but a few too many close calls made me stop.

    I used the bus here for 7 years while I went to school, however as a means of transportation for employment it is just a non-option, it is neither widespread enough, nor does it run often enough.

    I'm not trying to shoot down solutions just after being in the situation for so long ICE cars are the only accessible and dependable mode of transportation in this city. And believe me I have been trying my hardest to find alternative ways and to fight the battle for better transit but as of right now I can guarantee you that all it has done is add thousands of ICE cars to the road.

  • Canada's greenhouse-gas emissions will be 12 per cent lower in 2030 with carbon pricing in place than they would be if it was scrapped, new federal data published Thursday suggest.
  • It is a legitimately good plan, I just wish they weren't also mandating the Federal workforce back to the office, kind of undercuts all of this since it will add so many additional commuters and by extension greenhouse gases.

  • Republicans push conspiracy theories after Hunter Biden verdict: ‘A fake trial’
  • Yeah sorry I should have been more clear that's what I meant, but it didn't go exactly the way they imagined in their head

  • NSFW
    What would you do if I were your girlfriend?
  • Make you watch the extremely relevant episode of Futurama

  • Republicans push conspiracy theories after Hunter Biden verdict: ‘A fake trial’
  • Yes yes everything that doesn't go your way is unfair and fake.

  • FBI's latest data shows 'historic' drop in crime: Garland
  • I wonder if we have any statistics for non-violent crime like theft, grocery stores keep going on about rising pretty theft and I have my doubts.

  • NSFW
    I wish I was Asexual.
  • Sex doesn't need to define you, neither does being a virgin.

    Sex is part of a healthy life but putting it on a pedestal and letting it impact your image of yourself will only lead to toxicity.

  • Pathetic.
  • Yeah but tall people have the problem hitting their head off of stuff that's just not a problem for most people so honestly I'd take being short if I could

    Ooh and air travel sucks as a tall person.

  • Drinking Bird
  • Nice cock

  • Starfield: Shattered Space - Official Trailer
  • Yeah! We want moss!

  • Human rulesources
  • Plot twist rectal grease is their actual name, they were trying to call them Reese to avoid saying it.

  • Gritty with the truth bomb...
  • Wealth on that level requires exploitation. No ethical person would engage in the practices necessary in order to become a billionaire.

  • Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity?
  • There's always going to be important issues that are going to be difficult to debate without some level of emotion, especially when talking about politics or the environment, you have to remember that this personally affects people's lives.

    However it can get overwhelming and it's important that you have the self-awareness to know when you need to step away.

    I know it's easy to judge the Internet by its worst actors but you have to remember that everyone needs to learn and be part of the discourse it's not just the internet, that's humanity.

  • Who is watching this?!
  • Google does a fair amount of data gathering even if you don't log in. I think it does it through cookies, fingerprinting or browser inspection

    If I use a session long enough it will start to change to my actual taste

  • BIP BIP mf !
  • Whoops, definitely a typo but I like it

  • franklin Franklin

    I'm just a man with a guillotine

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