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Stealing everything you’ve ever typed or viewed on your own Windows PC is now possible with two lines of code — inside the Copilot+ Recall disaster.
  • Umm, no. Just...yeah, no.

    The main problem with this theory is that Microsoft is absolutely abysmal at user end security, and they always have been. Frankly, they do not understand the issue.

    But, more to the point, the whole TPM/secure boot stuff is a compromise; originally (I think this was about the time of Vista), they partnered with OEMs to have them include a DRM chip that made it literally impossible to install any non-windows OS on your laptop. They've managed to still get an implementation of TPM that makes switching your OS too confusing/difficult for the average user.

    Anyway, bottom line is they only care about money, and they neither care or even understand the security needs of the end user.

  • Talking Point: Would You Watch A New Stargate Show? » GateWorld
  • Oh, man, the opportunity to explore what humanity must do or show in order to be allowed to continue participating in a "higher level" of inter-galactic society that this opens up! I guess that'd be my hypothetical "make it or break it" issue if such a show was made: do they explore this issue, and how well do they tell this part of the story?

  • House votes to require delivery of bombs to Israel in GOP-led rebuke of Biden policies
  • Ok. So you think only one chamber needs to vote on a bill? Cause that's bonkers and completely false. Likewise, doesn't matter the bill, President gets to either sign or veto it. And then both chambers, not just one, need a super majority to overturn the veto (which is not even remotely possible with the bill in question).

    Seriously, go watch some Schoolhouse Rock or something. Yikes.

  • Judge blocks Biden administration rule capping credit card late fees at $8
  • That's a terrible argument. And love how you blame the obstructionism on the one being obstructed from accomplishing their goals.

    So, no, we have already seen the action. He did something. Will the sociopathic fascist a-holes in government overturn the action ALREADY TAKEN is what remains to be seen.

  • Four US daycare workers charged with spiking children’s food with melatonin
  • No, this is absolutely terrible advice!

    You, as the parent, make sure the child is currently safe, then give yourself a timeout. No joke! It's incredibly difficult to destress with an infant around. The moment you are at all tempted by ideas like dosing your kid, it's time to step away - isolate yourself, recenter, and try a better approach (even if it's the hundreth time).

    Anyway, I've seen multiple statements by qualified professionals about melatonin not being safe for kids. Unless you have sources to back your claim, I completely reject it. That's just the way it works...

  • GOP tries to 'correct the narrative' on use of mailed ballots after years of conflicting messages
  • Don't bother. Without any details about the ballots, this means literally nothing. I'm not wasting any more of my time on such rage bait. Heck, I'll bet money it was Republicans doing it just cause they were that afraid of losing.

    You may feel free to ignore my account; I certainly won't be noticing yours anymore!

  • GOP tries to 'correct the narrative' on use of mailed ballots after years of conflicting messages
  • Unsurprising, yet predictable. There was not, in fact, any confirmation of fraud committed in the events of that story. Republicans remain opposed to, well, whatever they're told to oppose; petty concerns such as empirical evidence have no meaning to them.

  • Removed
    I this a firm and polite way to tell an opinionated coworker to stop pushing his agenda I don't care about?
  • "I'm not interested in discussing this matter with you; please drop the subject so I can focus on work."

    Politely insist he drop it multiple times. If he refuses, depending on how severely this is affecting you, you are well within your rights to seek out a supervisor to discuss the issue. But I'd be as plain and direct as possible to minimize any chance of him turning the tables on you and complaining to a superior first.

    Or, make it clear you're not interested and just go on ignoring him?

  • In this house we share the bananas
  • I always thought capitalism was defined by the existence of stock markets, but I could easily be mistaken! So, everything you said, plus the ability to gamble on three performance of businesses.

  • Water in N.W.T.'s Great Slave Lake is now so low, some houseboats won't float
  • Yeah, that's some scary levels of cognitive distance on full display here. But, at times like this, we must try to suppress any desire to say, "I told you so." When somebody makes a statement that might imply they are somewhat aware at least of the effects of such cognitive dissonance, they need compassion, not contempt, to find a way out of their own mazes.

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