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A Cool Guide to the 3 ADHD Types
  • More like always been our starter pokémon, it's just wayyy easier to notice the more dystopian capitalism gets considering ADHD is like the antithesis of the neurology of a "successful capitalist"

  • We have to stop ignoring AI’s hallucination problem
  • is it that difficult to look up the answer from a reliable source?

    With the current state of search engines and their content (almost completely unrelated garbage and shitty blogs make in like 3 minutes with 1/4 of the content poorly copy-pasted out of context from stackoverflow and most of the rest being pop-ups and ads), YES

    SEO ""engineers"" deserve the guillotine

  • Later, losers
  • Not gonna be active on Discord tonight. I'm meeting a girl (a real one) in half an hour (wouldn't expect a lot of you to understand anyway) so please don't DM me asking me where I am (im with the girl, ok) you'll most likely get aired because ill be with the girl (again I don't expect you to understand) shes actually really interested in me and its not a situation i can pass up for some meaningless Discord degenerates (because ill be meeting a girl, not that you really are going to understand) this is my life now. Meeting women and not wasting my precious time online, I have to move on from such simple things and branch out (you wouldnt understand) @everyone

  • Biden plans to send $1bn arms shipment to Israel
  • Man Biden is really trying to lose the upcoming election isn't he. A year ago I would not have predicted that he would fuck up such an easy reelection this badly, but here we are. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory I guess.

    Apparently Biden has always been this shitty when it comes to Palestine. Some things children just never grow out of it seems.

  • Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom
  • imagine being one of the guys to get run over by some careless celebrity's SUV though. "every bone in your body is shattered and your legs and torso are beyond recognition? too bad you can't sue me over it"

    or you know, something actually serious like getting your water supply tainted by some company dumping chemicals. that's not as funny as attempted vehicular homicide though

  • Your religion should not dictate my life
  • All that to say that taking the position that you have a right to tell others how to live is an asshole position.

    Yeah no not at all when they literally only exist to endanger the lives of others. This is like saying it's an "asshole position" that neo-Nazis and the KKK can't rally and fire guns in public spaces because they have a right to live how they want. After all, they totally aren't a danger to literally everyone who's not a right-wing white guy, they're just living how they want. Although you apparently listen to Joe Rogan so I wouldn't be surprised if you are a neonazi collaborator.

    "Science has its limits" is no reason to entertain seemingly schizophrenic beliefs in the divine. We have actual facts, they have their fake God.

    If you think "communication devices can be used by pedophiles" is anywhere comparable to "this specific type of vehicle is literally killing thousands of children and polluting the environment and is one of the greatest threats to you in your everyday life" then you're unable to be reasoned with. They have a choice to literally just use a sedan or even a van or something that isn't superbly effective at murdering pedestrians, but they choose to blow a hundred thousand on a fancy orphan-crushing tank.


    You can't prove why two people in love... You can't scientifically explain why.

    YOU LITERALLY CAN DO EXACTLY THIS. This is a matter of technological advancement and the fact that human brains have an inconceivable amount of complex data in them for our current observation methods and have a lot of plasticity, not whether it's possible. You can already use biochemistry/neurology to accurately predict this kind of stuff, even exact responses to environmental stimuli, in some simpler creatures. It is scientifically possible to do the same thing for humans, it is just physics/chemistry. You're gonna need a lot better argument than "[obviously complex thing in science] isn't solved yet so science and religion are equally as rational". It's like saying we shouldn't trust mathematics because we haven't solved the Riemann Hypothesis. We already have real, reproducable proof that physics, chemistry, and all that are objective and accurate to reality and can be used to accurately tell the future, even if we haven't completely solved them. There is no such thing for religion.

    You also can't measure "consciousness" because "consciousness" doesn't mean anything. It's a completely subjective word that wildly changes based on who you ask. There is no "having consciousness" or "not having consciousness" or "having 50% consciousness" or something. It's a ways we try to think of our perception/responses to the environment, which you can measure.

    "Rationalism" doesn't mean believing in shit some guys made up vaguely based on other shit guys made up a long time ago and saying it can't be any more absurd than science. You wanna know what Rationalism is?

    a belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response.

    And you wanna know what empiricism is?

    view that all concepts originate in experience, that all concepts are about or applicable to things that can be experienced, or that all rationally acceptable beliefs or propositions are justifiable or knowable only through experience.

    Neither of these are fond of religious garbage. They are both ways of interpreting science, and they aren't a complete dichotomy because scientists use both. Religion is just emotional, illogical, completely subjective, and not based in reality.

    Schizophrenic people may often believe the delusions in their head are real. It's excusable because it's not really their fault, but I can't excuse religious people for the same thing because they choose to believe this garbage, sometimes even well into adulthood. It is irrelevant that you think it is real or that schizophrenic people and people with dementia think their delusions are real. Or that children think the tooth fairy and santa are real. That doesn't make it any more up for consideration to actually rational people. The logical conclusions from data are far more important than the make-believe of the Pope.

  • What it's like to be a developer in 2024
  • if Kagi were open source sure, but it's $10 a month and the CEO is kind of an asshole. And a generative-AI-bro (please don't make me call them GAI-bros)

    I'd rather stick to FOSS solutions

  • The state of things
  • Idk man looking up a definition for "average" is like

    1. a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in particular the mode, median, or (most commonly) the mean, which is calculated by dividing the sum of the values in the set by their number.


    1. Any measure of central tendency, especially any mean, the median, or the mode. [from c. 1735]


    1 a : a single value (such as a mean, mode, or median) that summarizes or represents the general significance of a set of unequal values

    doesn't look like that dude's using the word "wrong" to me, a lotta people and mathematicians definitely recall using "average" meaning median

  • The state of things
  • Idk man looking up a definition for "average" is like

    1. a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in particular the mode, median, or (most commonly) the mean, which is calculated by dividing the sum of the values in the set by their number.


    1. Any measure of central tendency, especially any mean, the median, or the mode. [from c. 1735]


    1 a : a single value (such as a mean, mode, or median) that summarizes or represents the general significance of a set of unequal values

    doesn't look like that dude's using the word "wrong" to me

  • Emoji Rule
  • I'm having a tough time trying to read that, the first part is obviously 「ミスター スパーコル!」 ("misutā supākoru!"/mister sparkle) but the second part is hard to read, I think it says 「ハワー ワリーソ!」("hawā warīso!") but it doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe the ハ is just missing a handakuten and it's supposed to say "pawā"/power? But idk what the second one is supposed to be. Maybe クリーン ("kurīn"/clean)? But that's a stretch.

  • Your religion should not dictate my life
  • Religious beliefs aren't real, they're delusions, and being gay or some other random "sin" isn't at all comparable to what I'm speaking of. Cars are the #1 cause of death in the US other than health complications, most of those SUVs, they are demonstratably extremely harmful to society even if you don't consider how their dominance destroys our infrastructure design, increases stress, and how they pollute the Earth a ton.

    It's silly to cater to people who believe in Christianity or something similar when we have actual problems that we have proven solutions for, like getting rid of car-dependent infrastructure. Compared to say, being gay or uttering the words "oh my God", which according to Christian belief are equally as bad as murder, slavery, and rape or even worse than it on the sin scale. If a religion believes in a hell, especially when believing in an omniscient and omnipotent future-seeing God, it's worth immediately disregarding everything from.

    Even entertaining the idea that the Christian ideas of morality have any basis in reality, especially putting it on the same level as actual science, is unbelievable.

  • What GUI library do you use for apps on Windows?

    I find that a lot of libraries tend to be Linux-focused and generally kind of ugly on Windows, so what do you use when you want to make something that looks nice and performs well on Windows?

    The best looking ones I've seen were web frontends like in Tauri. A runner up would maybe be iced-rs. Which is a shame because I really wanted to use relm or fltk-rs but it looks like I'd almost have to use the web renderer to get "sleek, sexy" GUIs...

    How to automatically view All/stop it from resetting

    I don't have any subscriptions so I want to know how to automatically view All, or to make it so it doesn't reset back to viewing your personal feed when you exit a post. Because that behaviour gets pretty annoying

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