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These queer farmers and ranchers are boycotting Tractor Supply and want you to join them
  • This town isn't massive, but the population is about 60,000 with 100,000 in the metro area so not super rural either- but we still have a TSC. I don't think it's about how rural you are.

  • A compelling theory.
  • I posted it less because of the conspiracy theory itself and more because of what the person thought was conclusive evidence.

  • A compelling theory.
  • Maybe, but 'I pointed an arrow at a window' is not the most compelling evidence.

  • Taxonomy
  • Taxonomy
  • I prefer Latin nomenclature in the original Klingon.

  • “Ephemeral Streams” Are Critical—and a Supreme Court Decision Puts Them at Risk
  • They're old. They're not going to be around for the bad parts and they don't care about anyone but themselves.

  • Cyclist fined for kissing wife during Tour de France
  • They have no imagination when it comes to cheating in the Tour de France these days. Now, it's all performance enhancing drugs. But back in the good old days-

    “They would trail a thin piece of wire right behind a motor car, which, at one end, had a cork fixed on to the end of it,” Cossins explains. “And the rider would wedge the cork between his teeth. And then get towed along with this thing, this wire, pulling him along.”

  • Despite war and sanctions, Russia becomes a high-income economy
  • Yes, I understand that you assumed you knew what I thought rather than just asked me. I already said that.

  • 2nd local radio host says they were given questions ahead of Biden interview
  • That sounds like a pretty standard campaign move to me.

  • InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid
    They're pretty sure.
    It's only logical to fight back
  • Jeez. Even in the 24th century the Roddenberry family wants money.

  • InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid
    Did you know that?
    InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid
    A compelling theory.
    Cyclist fined for kissing wife during Tour de France
  • He was that night, am I right guys?

  • Cyclist fined for kissing wife during Tour de France
  • The fool. It's the Tour de France.

    He was supposed to kiss his mistress.

  • Some men...
  • Honestly, the context is as innocent as everything else Mr. Rogers did. He was singing the song "Where is Thumbkin," which involves lyrics for each individual finger. There's pretty much no way to sing the song without doing that.

  • Watering Day Brings Great Honor
  • Today is a good day to daikon radish harvest!

  • Appeals Court Restores $26M Judgment Against ‘Unite The Right’ Rally White Supremacists
  • Now to be appealed to SCOTUS where they will declare white supremacy to be not only legal, but mandatory. With Clarence Thomas writing the decision on behalf of the majority.

  • “Ephemeral Streams” Are Critical—and a Supreme Court Decision Puts Them at Risk
  • Getting rid of Chevron puts the entire environment at risk. Now any case of a corporation spewing out any sort of toxic crap anywhere doesn't end up getting halted by the EPA, it gets put in front of a judge. And believe me, it will only take a few of those before we get to "corporations are presidents, my friend" in terms of what they can legally get away with.

  • Head of group responsible for Project 2025 threatens violence if people challenge their "revolution" Head of group responsible for Project 2025 threatens violence if people challenge their "revolution"

    Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, hailed a SCOTUS decision that gave partial immunity to Trump

    Head of group responsible for Project 2025 threatens violence if people challenge their "revolution"

    > "And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be," he said.

    InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid
    Experts are divided on what color skin the Incas had, but we know they invented geopolymers that poured like concrete.

    Edit: Cropped the image. The last person said a few crazy things but overall they were making a good point, so I thought better of including it.

    Microblog Memes Flying Squid
    Kids today don't know how good we used to have it...
    South Carolina Man Dies After Firework Explodes On His Head South Carolina Man Dies After Firework Explodes On His Head - WCCB Charlotte's CW

    A South Carolina man died on the Fourth of July after igniting a firework on his head.

    South Carolina Man Dies After Firework Explodes On His Head - WCCB Charlotte's CW

    > Allen Ray McGrew, 41, was found laying in the road. He put a firework on his head, and it exploded while on his head, causing massive head injuries, officials said. > > His wife, Paige McGrew, said her husband had been drinking since 6 p.m.

    See, Florida? It's not just you. Americans get drunk and do insanely stupid shit everywhere else in the country too.

    InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid
    I'd like to volunteer to join the space program. And never come back to this planet again.

    This post is dedicated to the people who insist I'm just posting trolls and not crazy people.

    That's a whole lot of trolls.

    eBay makes you wait a week to rate a sale as anything other than positive.

    Also, it won't let me double-check my order to make sure, in this case, that they really did claim that the book was in good condition when there are pages falling out. No matter what I click on, it won't let me.

    I rarely buy anything from eBay, but I really didn't think someone would be that dishonest about the condition of a book. And I guess eBay facilitated it.

    The worst part is that I used to be an eBay seller about 10 years ago and eBay would not have been this courteous to me back then. Serious enshittification.

    Can someone explain this old one-panel comic to me?

    I've been looking at it on and off all morning and I just don't get it.

    It's a New Yorker cartoon from 1967. New Yorker cartoons generally aren't especially funny, but I usually understand the point of the joke.

    Microblog Memes Flying Squid
    That book makes so much more sense now.
    While he was sitting in my lap, I discovered someone had found my dog.

    He's either violating the laws of physics or he has a clone that lives on the other side of town.

    My dog Charlie this morning for reference purposes:


    Being a failed clone that was rejected from a science lab does explain why he is extremely stupid.

    InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid
    There is no plausible way humans did the things that weren't done in the first place!
    FlyingSquid Flying Squid
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