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Republican Congresswoman Greene launches effort to oust Johnson following passage of Ukraine aid
  • I haven't heard anyone caring. The people who would be upset are busy with culture war screeching. I think the Biden admin did something very astute by upending Trump's entire social policy within the last month - it gives a bunch of left leaning groups a win to attribute to him, and it pulled focus from these folks who can't seem to maintain their anger at any one thing for more than a week.

    Everyone I know who watches politics from the right is up in arms over the title ix stuff. None of them are paying attention to Congress right now.

  • As student protesters get arrested, they risk being banned from campus too
  • Especially if it's peaceful protest.

    Gotta build the narrative that these are disruptive individuals. If they won't do it themselves, the universities and states will just lie and hope that it will be enough to sway public opinion against the protestors.

  • Why some far-right Republicans are hell bent on ending further aid to Ukraine
  • People will seriously scream that you can't assume malice when stupidity explains it, but at the same time we have Occam's razor - the simplest explanation is usually correct.

    And if these people were stupid, sometimes they'd benefit the American people and harm Russian oligarchs. But the evidence shows close to 0 help for Americans, and every action they take aids or provides cover for kleptocrats here and abroad. The simplest explanation is that this is their intention.

  • What World Central Kitchen does and why the attack that killed 7 volunteers in Gaza matters
  • Which was probably the point. Israel said that it was "unintentional" but they've consistently bombed areas where they knew refugee operations were underway. This isn't the first time, nor will it be the last, and aid organizations aren't stupid. This will have a chilling effect on relief, and I can't help but cynically believe that this was absolutely intentional.

  • US: Russia attacked Ukraine with North Korean missiles at least 10 times
  • There's a great book called The Dictator's handbook that explains why the Russian oligarchs couldn't give less of a damn. There's a YouTube video called Rules for Rulers that does a good recap of it, and the overall political theory behind all of it is Selectorate theory.

    The long and the short is that as long as resources are available to the elite, and as long as they have enough to keep their underlings satisfied, the only time you have real unrest is when the dissatisfication from the bottom outweighs the resource allocation from the top.

    Which they've done a good job of preventing by keeping the populous off balance and unable to organize.

  • Trudeau calls Putin a “weakling” for executing Navalny, other opponents
  • He was in a penal colony. Places not known for adequate food, medical care, or reasonable work protections.

    No one is saying that someone shot him in the head. He died "naturally" because the body cannot sustain in that environment indefinitely. And who put him there, and why?

    As long as people are out in the wild trying to give cover to regressive fascists, we'll never see the end of this shit.

  • Russia’s Medvedev threatens to nuke US, UK, Germany, Ukraine if Russia loses occupied territories
  • The take is actually grounded in history.

    The US has notoriously bad spy craft when it comes to Russia. We spent literal decades believing they were an equal power, spending vast sums on defense to make sure we didn't fall behind. The government funded all sorts of "studies" but anyone who questioned the narrative got blackballed, and the people who kept getting that work just parroted back what the generals wanted to hear.

    And then the iron curtain fell and the Berlin wall came down, and we saw the state of their military...and it was abysmal.

    We are seeing the same thing with their basic war capabilities right now. Ukraine has been able to hold them off, more or less, for two years using mostly NATO cast off equipment and sunflower seeds.

    There's a pretty good book that goes over a lot of this by Anne Jacobsen called The Pentagon's Brain.

  • Sultan: Girl Scouts threaten legal action over troop's fundraiser for children in Gaza
  • Girl scouts may be wrong here, but they're still by far a better organization than the boy scouts.

    There's something to be said for the skills that are taught and the overall purported ethos, but like the Catholic church, you absolutely cannot trust them to not cover up heinous shit that they'll allow to continue forever.

    If you do, make sure you're present all the time and be aware that predators have found a home there since their inception.

  • Oklahoma police say nonbinary teen's death was not result of injuries from high school fight
  • You do realize I'm not the one who took offense to your original comment, right? I have no horse in this race. I was just trying to help you understand why you were getting the reaction you did.

    Does this happen to you often?

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