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my :hitler-metal-detector: just spiked, not sure why

> the group got unfairly boycotted by extremist environmentalists who attacked the lead singer for honouring his cultural heritage, exposing themselves as closed-minded radicals.

Is the frontman of Týr a whaler? They're faroese, this has to be about whaling right? regardless this review set off my !hitler-detector I don't think prog/folk metal is your jam but you might be interested

It's a shame, the album's really good

I might have to make :hitler-metal-detector:, where the partical detector's got Varg's face in the background or something

Rachel Maddow is easily one of the most effective propagandists of the 21st century
  • a significant amount of libs opposed the Iraq war because it was started by Bush Jr. If it was a Democrat they wouldn't have been against it.

    well 99.9% is a significant amount

    Clinton's NATO bombed the Chinese embassy 5 years before and not one peep

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    falgscode [they/them]
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