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  • Maybe the trucks can, but they fear the drivers don't?

  • France has 'one of the worst deficits' in its history, minister says.
  • Don't worry, now that we have a right-wing government for some reason, they will finally fix our spendings by slashing public expenses in education, accessibility, healthcare, and instead will give even more to corporations and billionaires. Don't forget a sprinkle of racism and LGBTQIA-phobia and we're set!

  • Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • I do the same, and yeah I just put everything in the bag, and I empty it at checkout,I usually don't have that much stuff anyway. Never had an issue with that at the store

  • Removed Deleted
    How do you start a car and move it with manual shift "the right way"?
  • Yeah but people don't buy cars that often, and when they do it's usually a used car. So you might need to wait a few more years to see that change in dynamic towards automatic (especially with electric).

    I'm French and I've been driving for almost 14 years, and I've never used an automatic car, and my current car isn't that old. So yeah it won't be tha majority until a few years

  • type the distro you use and is and let your keyboard finish it
  • Arch Linux remains kinda like a mix of GPS and camera

  • Disapproving of automated plagiarism is classist ableism, actually: Nanowrimo
  • Oh yeah I'm not arguing with you on that. AI has become synonymous with LLM, and doing the most generic models possible, which means syphoning (well stealing actually) stupid amounts of data, and wasting a quantity of energy second only to cryptocurrencies.

    Simpler models that are specialized in one domain instead do not cost as much, and are more reliable. Hell, spam filters have been partially based on some ML for years.

    But all of that is irrelevant at the moment, because IA/ML is not one possible solution among other solutions that are not based on ML. Currently they are something that must be pushed as much as possible because it's a bubble that gets investors, and I'm so waiting forward for it to burst.

  • Disapproving of automated plagiarism is classist ableism, actually: Nanowrimo
  • No, what I'm saying is that if I had vision issues and had to use a screen reader to use my computer, if I had to choose between

    • the person who did that website didn't think about accessibility, so sucks to be you, you're not gonna know what's on those pictures
    • there's no alt, but your screen reader tries to describe the picture, you know it's not perfect, but at least you probably know it's not a dog.

    I'd take the latter. Obviously the true solution would be to make sure everyone thinks about accessibility, but come on... Even here it's not always the case and the fediverse is the place where I've seen the most focus on accessibility.

    Another domain I'd see is preprocessing (a human will do the actual work) to make some tasks a bit easier or quicker and less repetitive.

  • Disapproving of automated plagiarism is classist ableism, actually: Nanowrimo
  • AI and ML (and I'm not talking about LLM, but more about those techniques in general) have many actual uses, often when the need is "you have to make a decision quickly, and there's a high tolerance for errors or imprecision".

    Your example is a perfect example: it's not as good as a human-generated caption, it can lack context, or be wrong. But it's better than the alternative of having nothing.

  • Biohacker, 35, says he lives ‘like a vampire’ to look like a teenager forever
  • Yeah, I get looking a bit younger. Like after I started transitioning I went from being 25 and looking 35 to being and looking 25, which is honestly pretty cool.

    But that much? Hell no

  • Telegram repeatedly refused to join child protection schemes
  • As a French? Yeah fuck France...

  • Bayer is discontinuing Androcur 10mg
  • Isn't it not really advised because of side effects?

    In France for example it's really not standard at all, and decapeptyl or bica are used more often.

  • What video game genres induce hyperfocus in you?
  • Oh my god, same. Tycoons, City Builders like Transport Fever or Cities Skyline. I don't play them for months or years, then I spend like a week playing for hours and forgetting time, then I stop again for months

  • What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from?
  • And there were some really great levels in the campaign, that was a fun game

  • Turns out, I wanted a tiled window manager all along
  • I have the same issue, and I had to use a Mac for work, didn't have a choice in that matter.

    I didn't know about AeroSpace though, sounds interesting. Currently I'm using Amethyst which provides tiling, but it's not i3/sway-like, so not perfect.

  • California’s new electric train makes for a shockingly better trip—we tried it
  • Because going electric is very expensive, probably requires some legislation depending on where the railway is.

    For example there are many very short railways inside cities to access docks or industrial zones, those tracks have usually one or two trains a day, which is very low traffic, and can be located extremely close to housing. In that case it's really complicated to electrify it.

    The issue is, if you want to go electric, you need 100% electric, not 95. So it makes way more sense for freight to go diesel-electric like today

  • Anon is a soyboy
  • I know right. If it did, you can be sure trans women would know about it.

  • First look at Liverpool’s new ‘glider’ bus
  • But that utter failure of a tram was actually a tramway that would get on wheels instead of rails at some points. This looks more like the Mettis in Metz which are double articulated hybrid buses using dedicated lanes.

  • [Imaginons] Choix d'un nouveau drapeau français !
  • Je propose de remplacer le rouge par un rose un peu pastel, et le bleu par un bleu clair un peu pastel aussi. On garde le blanc

  • Boromir got what he deserved
  • Well, Moria was a different case. The expedition to retake Moria was a long time ago (25 years before Fellowship). And Moria had been lost a long time ago in the first place.

  • faercol faercol
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