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[History] An editor letter by Edsger Dijkstra, titled: "go to statements considered harmful" (march 1968).
  • For C it makes sense. The point of C is that it can work as a low level language. Basically, everything doable with assembly SHOULD be doable with C, and that's why we don't need another low level language that's basically C with goto.

    Even though almost all of C users should never use goto.

  • Mind-bending new programming language for GPUs just dropped... - Code Report
  • Yeah, and still... the example code in github is also bad. The arithmetic is so tiny that the performance of the execution can be worse than the serial execution. It makes the impression that the language parallelizes everything possible, in which case the execution would possibly get stuck at some parallel parts that's not worth parallelizing.

    There's a huge chunk of technical information missing for an expert to imagine what's going on. And too many comments here still praise the language. They don't mention anything concrete in those texts. This makes me REALLY skeptical of this post.

    Edit: there are many posts that make up BS for job interviews. I sure hope this is not one of those.

  • Mind-bending new programming language for GPUs just dropped... - Code Report
  • Sorry, how could it be correct? On that page there's no explanation on what they're measuring to begin with. No mention on the benchmark set up either. There are problems that can never scale linearly due to the reality of hardware.

  • Are there any WYSIWYG html editors? just curious
  • The trend of wysiwig editing moved onto web services from desktop apps. Those aren't FOSS. Weebly is good.

    jekyll / hugo are the FOSS option imho. There's also wordpress but I don't know if it's open source.

  • Telegram has launched a pretty intense campaign to malign Signal as insecure
  • I don't know how much of this is directed by Kremlin. Maybe Signal is catching ground in Russia's neighborhoods? The government-backed Telegram is losing users to Signal, maybe? Russia would want to spy on such users.

  • Tankies
  • I think there's even someone from North Korea..

    As a side note, I realized North Koreans would prefer to call their country DPRK because that's the only proper Korea in their mind.

  • Tankies
  • I wouldn't be surprised. The CCP is keen on building a ChatGPT style LLM on its own. Their traditional SNS is WeChat, which was a WhatsApp alternative, and thus was not as powerful as Reddit.

    They are investing in Reddit alternatives I read, and they want these SNSes to be pro-CCP because that's how they'd enforce their LLM to be pro-CCP. .ml and the Lemmy code project itself would be a perfect example.

  • OpenSUSE Aeon Security Drama (2023 But Still Relevant) Micro OS/SUSE Aeon compared to Fedora Silverblue

    Nothing prevents it, all you have to do is run the following commands (as root): transactional-update shell zypper in -t pattern yast2_desktop zypper in firewalld yast2-firewall yast2-control-center-qt (not all of the packages I listed are strictly needed - you don’t need the qt package if you’re ...

    Micro OS/SUSE Aeon compared to Fedora Silverblue
    Reddit eveninghere
    Reddit full of political bias

    Recently on Reddit there are memes after memes on election. Specifically, rather pro-Israel "No vote for Biden is vote for Trump!" If you open, you see a bunch of same-minded people complaining about anti-Bibi protestors.

    It's so everywhere I can't see Reddit without seeing such posts.

    I can like threadiverse better just for this. I don't have to see the same tiring meme everywhere thanks to having no political campaigning and no forced promotion of posts into my feed.

    "Hot" Filter Bad?

    At least recently, the hot filter only shows posts with 0 or 1 comment. These posts also get no more comments afterwards.

    This is poor. I moved back to Reddit because I simply thought fediverse was dead when it was the hot filter malfunctioning.

    [Bug] Cursor Jumps to End of Edited Text

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Tap on your comment and choose to edit it
    2. Place the cursor somewhere in the text
    3. Tap a key on the software keyboard
    4. The cursor jumps to the end of the text

    It's a huge issue to me. I'd imagine new comers would move to another lemmy after experiencing this.

    mlem Version: 1.2 (847) iOS version: 17.3.1 iPhone SE

    Comment example:

    Browser Icon in TL

    I love this app. One small room for improvement is that the browser icon in the web link thumbnail (see image) can be distracting. Any ideas?

    I'd, for example, place it bottom-right inside the image, as it's not a key information.

    > Illogical visual flow. We have seen slides that put the key information in the bottom right corner. ...Try to avoid those layouts if possible, in Western culture it’s preferable to put the most important elements at the top or center of the slide.

    Sorry, I couldn't find a more authentic source but the above is a support.

    That said, even if the icon is to be placed to the bottom-right, it'd still be distracting. Maybe increase color transparency, maybe there are better options.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 5
    Comments 287