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OpenSSL goes GitHub only
  • Bad clickbait headline.

  • Discussion about unicode, fonts and transliteration.
  • Depends on what your language's script is then with assigned Unicode characters, how wide-spread it is, when fonts will support the glyphs, and what you mean by "changes to be available on my local OS". What OS? What does available mean here? Do you expect the OS UI to be in your language? Doubtful. Some desktop environment maybe somewhen. Programs using ICU are more likely to support specific script related features (e.g. word/line breaking, transliteration) when ICU will support Unicode 16 in its next version. Locale specifics may have to wait for or could be contributed to CLDR that is also used by ICU. Availability of any UI in the language mostly depends on whether translators contribute to the relevant projects.

  • Opensource/foss Discord frontend
  • They are "looking for a more private" client. With the centralized Discord service that does anything it wants with any message there is no such thing.

  • Opensource/foss Discord frontend
  • Whatever client you use, there is no privacy with Discord. Period. Full stop.

  • Quillpad is looking for new maintainers
  • Apparently not, you can check commits in;a=summary the first authored commit was 2022-01-28, then long time nothing until 2022-06-10, the first merge as committer was 2022-12-16.

  • Quillpad is looking for new maintainers
  • Making one a maintainer (with merge and possibly even direct commit/push permissions) is handing them a key to the kingdom. Recruiting a maintainer out of the blue without them being already contributor and long term participant in the project is questionable.

  • Quillpad is looking for new maintainers
  • Of the xz/liblzma backdoor incident.

  • Quillpad is looking for new maintainers
  • Malicious account holders with a long term goal need to build reputation. It doesn't matter much that such an app isn't a dependency of other software.

  • Quillpad is looking for new maintainers
  • This is how one attracts and invites Jia Tan and Hans Jansen types.

  • Looking for a good photoshop alternate
  • First choice GIMP. Then, Digikam has an image editor that provides a number of tools. Not as detailed and sophisticated as GIMP but does most things needed.

  • Best way to access to FB or Insta?
  • Meh, not available in Android versions :-/ You could disable deletion of cookies and site data, and use the Cookie AutoDelete Add-On to delete cookies and data (you'll have to enable that once) and add sites you want to keep there in the whitelist while you are visiting them.

  • Best way to access to FB or Insta?
  • When clearing Cookies and Site Data, under Manage Exceptions add the URLs of the web sites you want to keep data for, i.e. Allow.

  • uOTP : simple TOTP extension for firefox
  • RCE CVEs are a thing.

  • uOTP : simple TOTP extension for firefox
  • It's probably sufficient to be able to take over the browser remotely.

  • uOTP : simple TOTP extension for firefox
  • Lol, "the only way a team can effectively use TOTP", really? Many paid PWMs doing it already isn't a good excuse.

  • uOTP : simple TOTP extension for firefox
  • It's enough if they have access to the browser.

  • uOTP : simple TOTP extension for firefox
  • I don't have much to add to the edited version of that comment in that topic there:

  • uOTP : simple TOTP extension for firefox
  • Hell no, having OTP in the browser kinda defeats all 2FA and makes it 1FA again.

  • Block a community system-wide

    Is it possible to block a community on system level? i.e. ! is a massive nswf spam sink of hundreds local accounts. Or should we rather remove/purge it entirely?

    Mentioning ActivityPub group does not create Lemmy community posting.

    All of a sudden mentioning an ActivityPub e.g. Mastodon group does not create its Lemmy community posting anymore, see That worked before..

    How to update the community description that is shown on Mastodon?

    Creating a community also creates a corresponding ActivityPub Group, like for example for !libreoffice there's also But, its description stays whatever was entered first for the community and doesn't get updated on changes. Any way to force that?

    LibreOffice community

    LibreOffice is a free and open source office suite, used by millions around the world.

    Join the LibreOffice community!

    The search result link is on purpose. That way when you enter the community you will fetch it from your instance.

    If you're using an app that doesn't understand this or it doesn't work for other reasons, here's the direct link.

    LibreOffice community

    LibreOffice is a free and open source office suite, used by millions around the world.

    Join the LibreOffice community!

    The search result link is on purpose. That way when you enter the community you will fetch it from your instance.

    If you’re using an app that doesn’t understand this or it doesn’t work for other reasons, here’s the direct link.

    CDU übergibt Anti-Gender-Initiative mehr als 3000 Unterschriften CDU übergibt Anti-Gender-Initiative mehr als 3000 Unterschriften

    Am 21. Juli will die Volksinitiative gegen das Gendern dem Hamburger Senat ihre Unterschriftensammlung im Rathaus übergeben. Nun hat die Initiative

    CDU übergibt Anti-Gender-Initiative mehr als 3000 Unterschriften

    cross-posted from:

    > Die CDU betreibt in Hamburg queerfeindlichen Kulturkampf, während sie sich gleichzeitig bei Events wie dem IDAHOBIT oder dem CSD liberal und weltoffen präsentiert.

    Liste der Community subscribers

    Kann man als Mod eigentlich irgendwie sehen, wer eine Community subscribed hat, um evtl. jemande/n zum Mod zu machen?

    erAck erAck


    Posts 7
    Comments 60