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Environmental Protection Agency delays new ozone pollution standards until after the 2024 election
  • @uphillbothways @climate

    Well, in that case, we can only assume that some people think the election cycle is more important than people's lives.

  • The world's corporations produce so much climate change pollution, it could eat up about 44% of their profits if they had to pay damages for it
  • @theendismeh @silence7 @climate

    The "business as usual" approach reminds me of the saying "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail"

  • It Is No Longer Possible to Escape What We Have Done to Ourselves
  • @nottelling @CleverNameAndNumbers

    "rich people keep getting everything they want"

    Even rich people don't *want* death and destruction. They want money!

  • White House is torn over Joe Manchin’s fury at climate law he crafted
  • @VikingHippie @silence7 @climate

    The silver lining of ecological degradation is that no amount of political posturing or businesses (ignorance) greenwashing will prevent the climate from deteriorating.

    The planet's biosphere is the ultimate "authority", the ultimate power. As such, it's the ultimate "judgement" regarding how human cultures can, & can not, survive.

    The planet is, what it objectively is. Ecological limiting factors are the ultimate long-term regulators.

    Nature finds a way

  • A Texas Dairy Ranks Among the State’s Biggest Methane Emitters. But Don’t Ask the EPA or the State About It
  • @leafn4give @silence7

    The potential is certainly there. As well as liberating land for wildlife, there can be zones used for growing food using agroecological farming methods, which can also provide habitat for a variety of wildlife & locations for housing.

    FYI, when you write "research has shown" please provide a weblink too that research, so that people that haven't read the relevant research & or science-based report can read it.

    Fundamentally, mono-industrial farming is unsustainable.

  • A Texas Dairy Ranks Among the State’s Biggest Methane Emitters. But Don’t Ask the EPA or the State About It
  • @bioemerl @silence7

    The question is, are you not aware that you have been greenwashed? or are you trying to greenwash readers?

    Humans started agriculture about 12,000 years ago. Especially since the industrial revolution (fossil-fueled machines), animal farming has destroyed vast areas of wildlife habitats (e.g., species extinction) & ruminants such as cows & sheep emit methane.

    Most of our #food emissions come from processes on the farm, or from land use change.

  • Should Climate Protesters Be Less Annoying?
  • @raginghummus @AceFuzzLord @climate

    Good job that being popular isn't their primary goal because they won't be fairly treated by the popular press (where many folk get their opinions from)

  • First Scorched, Then Soaked: Weather Whiplash Confounds Farmers
  • @cerement

    Of course "farmers" covers a broad demographic (a spectrum). But yes, overall:

    heard of, yes
    acknowledge, no
    comprehend, no

    Is a fair assessment.

    Though, l'd add "heard of yes, but, excuses" (some justifiable, many, simply excuses to not change their mono-industrial farming as usual methods)

  • First Scorched, Then Soaked: Weather Whiplash Confounds Farmers
  • @silence7

    "Confounds Farmers"?

    Hadn't they heard of climate change?

  • empiricism Empiricism

    I'm a Conservation #Biologist (BSc) with a PGCert in the science of #psychology

    The header image visually represents the data on human-caused global heating (top - blue to red) & biodiversity loss (green to grey) from 1970 to 2018. Data source

    I'm the admin on the #sustainability instance

    I tend to follow accounts so as to share info related to eco-sustainability

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