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ASUS reveal the ROG Ally X with more RAM, more storage, larger battery
  • Yep. I've been so incredibly pleasantly surprised by my steamdeck. Gaming mode works so flawlessly, I haven't had any problems getting any non steam games to run. Switching to desktop mode is so fast and even when there's like 8Gb of os and app updates it's done in minutes and the package manager is actually verbose and tells you exactly what it's doing and how long it expects to take unlike windows updates. I can't imagine dealing with windows on a handheld, especially once windows 10 goes EOL. I'm actually gearing up to switch my desktop over to Linux since I've been so pleased with gaming on the deck. People say windows "just works" but I've had way more issues with windows over the years than I have with my steamdeck so far.

  • Court challenge seeks to legalize magic mushrooms in Ontario
  • I mean there's already a bunch of physical mushroom dispensaries operating, not to mention online mail order sites. It's not hard to get good mushrooms, but criminalization of psychedelics (all drugs really but those especially) is just insane in this day and age so hopefully this goes forward.

  • Do you play non-steam games?
  • I've installed many non steam games on my deck, but the vast majority were ones I already had on my PC. I've found the easiest way by far is just to copy over the installed game folder to the steamdeck via ftp and add to steam. Only one game I've had to do any fiddling with so far, and that was just installing vcc studio dependencies with wine tricks. Other than that everything has worked with zero fiddling.

  • Completely normal- ai rule
  • The ai has done a pretty good job damaging its own reputation. This one is fake, but there's lots of real examples of it saying absurd things. Like to drink urine when you have a kidney stone, or put glue in your pizza cheese to stop it from sliding off the pizza.

  • Ah, the true path to socialism!
  • You only need one guillotine. But really though, if he's hoarding the same amount of resources as the 30 are, what's the difference? At least spread out among 30 individuals it's (somewhat) less power and influence in a single person's hands.

  • Indiana judge rules tacos and burritos are, in fact, sandwiches
  • In fact the best way to eat pizza is as a sandwich. Not just folded, but if you get two pizzas with three toppings each, or a half and half pizza, then take two different slices and place one upside down on another, you now have a pizza sandwich with 6 different toppings, but still the proper meat/cheese/sauce ratio. Gamechanger.

  • Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter
  • No. My girlfriend and I are 140 hours in and still not finished, and I'm amazed at how smooth the coop works with the story. You can each be different places doing different things, or you can travel together, you can each have your own relationships with npcs. A lot of conversations with npcs will repeat depending on who's talking, but important story ones won't. As long as you mostly stick together and make choices together, you'll have every option a single player game does.

  • Nearly all Nintendo 64 games can now be recompiled into native PC ports to add proper ray tracing, ultrawide, high FPS, and more
  • Why is n64 emulation so bad in particular? I got my girlfriend one of those handhelds preloaded up with roms and although I haven't tried any n64 games it seems to run other 3d games from other consoles of that Era fine. Also I remember having an n64 emulator on my modded original xbox that could run games fine, I played through all of mario64 on it during quarantine before I built a new gaming pc. I feel like handhelds should have similar power to an old Xbox by now but maybe not.

  • Oh Yeah
  • Sure did. He also has three heads, controls your dreams, and lives in your underwear drawer when you're not looking. I saw him. There, I've given just as much proof that the pink elephant exists as you have that your God exists. Also FYI the concept of infinity is not evidence that the specific book you choose to follow that was written by humans, not even that long ago on the scale of earth history, was in any way influenced by a higher power.

  • Ladies if all the men of the world disappeared for 24 hours, they are fine they will come back, BUT during those 24 hours what are YOU doing?
  • Are you fucked in the head? I am a man and I take no insult to this. In fact I agree, I would also rather be in the woods with a bear than with a random man. Imagine it differently for a second to maybe gain some perspective. Would you rather spend the night in the forest or in jail with the scariest ass don't drop the soap motherfuckers and no guards? That's basically what this question is like for women. A bear is generally just going to ignore you.

  • question about "synchronic displacement" in TNG 'Times Arrow'

    So in this episode they go into a cave, and can read some sort of energy field, as well as Troi having a sense that there are lifeforms present. Geordie explains that the people must be displaced in time, but only by a few milliseconds. If that's true, how is there not overlap? Say the people are a few milliseconds ahead of the enterprise when they arrive, shouldn't they appear a few milliseconds later, as they still would have had to be 'present' during that time? I don't understand how they would be consistently invisible if time is a dimension like space that can be traveled through. Some past (or future) version of them would be present regardless of the desynchronization would they not?

    Please if anyone could help me understand or shed some light on this I'd appreciate it.

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