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And people who don't read make fun of you for it.
  • When the English tongue we speak.
    Why is break not rhymed with freak?
    Will you tell me why it's true
    We say sew but likewise few?
    And the maker of the verse,
    Cannot rhyme his horse with worse?
    Beard is not the same as heard
    Cord is different from word.
    Cow is cow but low is low
    Shoe is never rhymed with foe.
    Think of hose, dose,and lose
    And think of goose and yet with choose
    Think of comb, tomb and bomb,
    Doll and roll or home and some.
    Since pay is rhymed with say
    Why not paid with said I pray?
    Think of blood, food and good.
    Mould is not pronounced like could.
    Wherefore done, but gone and lone -
    Is there any reason known?
    To sum up all, it seems to me
    Sound and letters don't agree.

  • [Community Challenge 39] Hybrid Animals
  • StableDiffusionXL didn't want to create a hybrid in several tries. So... I went back to the drawing board and requested an image of a mouse and then used inpaint to replace the head with that of a cat.


    Step 1:

        "prompt": "a (mouse:1.2) with the head of a cat in a corn field, autumn, golden hour, the mouse climbs on wheat to reach the ear of wheat",
        "negative_prompt": "",
        "prompt_expansion": "a (mouse:1.2) with the head of a cat in a corn field, autumn, golden hour, the mouse climbs on wheat to reach the ear of wheat, stunning, cinematic, full fiery, highly detailed, beautiful, striking intricate detail, symmetry, perfect, artistic, surreal, sharp focus, open composition, epic, atmosphere, professional, confident, winning",
        "styles": "['Fooocus V2', 'Fooocus Enhance', 'Fooocus Sharp']",
        "performance": "Speed",
        "resolution": "(1152, 896)",
        "guidance_scale": 4,
        "sharpness": 2,
        "adm_guidance": "(1.5, 0.8, 0.3)",
        "base_model": "juggernautXL_v8Rundiffusion.safetensors",
        "refiner_model": "None",
        "refiner_switch": 0.5,
        "clip_skip": 2,
        "sampler": "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu",
        "scheduler": "karras",
        "vae": "Default (model)",
        "seed": "4689928431713000288",
        "lora_combined_1": "sd_xl_offset_example-lora_1.0.safetensors : 0.1",
        "metadata_scheme": false,
        "version": "Fooocus v2.4.3"

    Step 2:

        "prompt": "head of a cat\na (mouse:1.2) with the head of a cat in a corn field, autumn, golden hour, the mouse climbs on wheat to reach the ear of wheat",
        "negative_prompt": "",
        "prompt_expansion": "head of a cat, background dramatic light, gorgeous flowing intricate detailed shining futuristic color glossy full set, formal, elegant, rich deep vivid colors, symmetry, great composition, sharp focus, cinematic, classic, fine detail, ambient, highly saturated, composed, epic, stunning, magical, striking, iconic, sublime, extremely inspirational, very creative, inspiring, beautiful, artistic",
        "styles": "['Fooocus V2', 'Fooocus Enhance', 'Fooocus Sharp']",
        "performance": "Quality",
        "resolution": "(1088, 960)",
        "guidance_scale": 4,
        "sharpness": 2,
        "adm_guidance": "(1.5, 0.8, 0.3)",
        "base_model": "juggernautXL_v8Rundiffusion.safetensors",
        "refiner_model": "None",
        "refiner_switch": 0.8,
        "clip_skip": 2,
        "sampler": "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu",
        "scheduler": "karras",
        "vae": "Default (model)",
        "seed": "1090125553965878613",
        "lora_combined_1": "sd_xl_offset_example-lora_1.0.safetensors : 0.1",
        "metadata_scheme": false,
        "version": "Fooocus v2.4.3"

  • What time is it?

    When I heard, that SD3 has much better text generation properties, I wanted to give it a try. I used the default workflow in ComfyUI, it should be embedded in the image.

  • Ich hab sie vor rund 14 Jahren auf einem Festival entdeckt als ich "nur aus Spass" mal gucken wollte, was A Capella Metal sein soll - einfach geil.

    Ui, den Eintrag in der FAQ gibt's ja nach all den Jahren immernoch Ü

    Ihr seid kein Metal. Ihr habt keine Gitarren. Ihr seid Schwuchteln.

    Danke. Endlich sagt’s mal wer. Und - wie läuft’s mit deiner Band? Wann spielt ihr auf dem Wacken? ;-)

  • What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it?
  • If the product you're using is free, the information you enter is what's being sold to someone else.

    Even paid services can and usually will sell your information, so just assume that everything that you enter is considered public information from that moment on

  • Was das Känguru wählt: Bestseller-Autor Marc-Uwe Kling gibt in Potsdam Wahlhilfe
  • Hab auch schon gesucht und finde nur Beschreibungen des Events, Links zum Kauf der Eintrittskarten, Zeigungsartikel, etc.

    Vermutlich kann man das nachhören nach der Sendung?! Dann wäre aber spannend welcher Sender das sendet...

  • Little bobby 👦
  • didn't get permission from the original author

    Tell me you don't know xkcd without saying you don't know xkcd. These comics are licensed as CC-BY-NC 2.5, which means you are allowed to remix and use them, without explicitly asking for permission, as long as you attribute the original/author (which is given here) and as long as you do it non-commercially (which is given for this post IMHO).

  • Brexit: Britische Fallschirmjäger müssen zum Jahrestag des D-Day durch den französischen Zoll
  • Stell dir vor, es ist Krieg und alle haben sich beim Einmarsch zuerst mal beim Zoll zur Passkontrolle in die Schlange gestellt...

    "Haben Sie ein Visa?"


    "Ja dann dürfen sie uns leider nicht angreifen und müssen wieder ausreisen!"

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 1
    Comments 41