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Going down for postrgres upgrade June 25th

Just an fyi, we will be going down temporarily for a postrgres upgrade tomorrow morning around 9AM cst, this is in preparation for upgrading Lemmy to 19.5. downtime shouldn't be significantly long.

Edit: upgrade complete

Week 6/24/24 PHB class reveals schedule

cross-posted from:

> 2024 Player's Handbook Reveals (all premieres at 9am PDT) > > Monday, June 24th - The Rogue > Tuesday, June 25th - The Warlock > Wednesday, June 26th - The Druid > Thursday, June 27th - The Wizard > Friday, June 28th - The Ranger

Week 6/24/24 PHB class reveals schedule

cross-posted from:

> 2024 Player's Handbook Reveals (all premieres at 9am PDT) > > Monday, June 24th - The Rogue > Tuesday, June 25th - The Warlock > Wednesday, June 26th - The Druid > Thursday, June 27th - The Wizard > Friday, June 28th - The Ranger

Week 6/24/24 PHB class reveals schedule

2024 Player's Handbook Reveals (all premieres at 9am PDT)

Monday, June 24th - The Rogue Tuesday, June 25th - The Warlock Wednesday, June 26th - The Druid Thursday, June 27th - The Wizard Friday, June 28th - The Ranger

One Year of TTRPG.Network!

Today marks one year since the TTRPG network was set up after the whole hubbub over at reddit. While we certainly haven't been the largest instance in town, we're still reasonably active, and overall i think things are going pretty good.

Not really much to say, just wanted to point out our fedi-versary. Thanks for participating and hope everyone is still enjoying themselves!

2024 Players Handbook | Everything You Need to Know | D&D - YouTube

Wotc dropped a big video today all about the upcoming edition. There's a few articles breaking down some of the information out there already.

Being Agile
  • You basically just described kanban.

  • A supportive husband
  • to be fair, nintendo set that standard before both microsoft and sony were even in the console gaming space.

  • IRS makes free tax return program permanent and is asking all states to join in 2025
  • It still blows my mind how she could defend turning down federal funding for free lunches for school children. Like, the federal dollars were already allocated, turning it down does nothing but route that money elsewhere for the same purpose, why not help starving children in your state?!

  • Switched to linux before it became mainstream
  • Tux Racer go brrrr

  • is coursera certification worthy?
  • As an interviewer, I think that certs are only useful if you take the test with a different company than you studied with. So I don’t think I’d care if you have a coursera cert, because I’d assume it just meant you finished the course that you paid for.

    It's worth noting that some coursera courses are created and maintained by actually accredited institutions, and some courses qualify as college credit with ACE accreditation. Also, many tech certifications host their courses on coursera too, like microsoft has official azure cert courses on there.

    That doesn't necessarily mean anything for any given random cert, though, because that means that the entire site is a pretty big grab bag in terms of the usefulness of their certs.

  • Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord - Launch Trailer
  • Depends on the person. It's very "old school" in it's gameplay, and very hard and punishing, grindy, has perma-death, etc.

    I'd think most modern gamers would hate it, but I personally like wizardry to games (though it helps that I'm old enough to have played older versions). If you like old school d&d, it's very much in the same vein. The remake linked here is pretty good, I already own it from early access.

  • Study Finds That 52 Percent of ChatGPT Answers to Programming Questions Are Wrong
  • sure, I'm not saying GPT4 is perfect, just that it's known to be a lot better than 3.5. Kinda why I would be interested to see how much better it actually is.

  • Study Finds That 52 Percent of ChatGPT Answers to Programming Questions Are Wrong
  • Worth noting this study was done on gpt 3.5, 4 is leagues better than 3.5. I'd be interested to see how this number has changed

  • Dungeons & Dragons will release its 2024 ruleset under a Creative Commons licence
  • The text of OGL 1.0a does not say that its irrevocable, and that was the big problem. It does say perpetual, but not irrevocable, and that was where the supposed crux of the argument came in. That said, during the OGL debacle, i saw it pointed out that the legal licensing definition of "irrevocable" was decided in court years after the ogl was written. I know the original writers of it had come out and said that they had intended it to be irrevocable, though

  • Where do I find game demakes?
  • People frequently make demakes with pico-8

  • It’s always with my best shirts
  • ![](link-to-your-image)

  • Start learning at 50
  • However, if you ask me to pick one specific project, I get overwhelmed because I don’t know what’s reasonable.

    I don’t know enough to know if my ideas are achievable, or if I’d just be bashing my head against the wall. I don’t know if they’re laughably simple tasks, multimillion-dollar propositions, or Goldilocks ideas that would be perfect to learn a coding language.

    List out some ideas you're thinking of. While it may not be obvious to you, someone who is seasoned (me or someone else) might notice at least a general theme or idea to point you in the right direction for where you should go and what you should learn, regardless of if the projects are reasonable.

    Note - Most projects take teams to realize, so if your ideas are too large, they might not generally be feasible alone.

  • Start learning at 50
  • What are you looking to actually do with your programming skills? That will heavily influence which languages to recommend you learn. Do you want to make websites? build games? do AI stuff? Create enterprise-level software? something else?

  • cheugy af
  • "shizzle for rizzle" is snoop dogg slang from the 90's

  • That en passant was hot. Be my queen.
  • You can actually promote a pawn to any other piece as well (rook, bishop, knight, etc.), this is known as underpromotion. It's mostly a "why would you ever do that?" thing, though.

  • Account required to use dark mode in 2024.
  • Seconding. Can't imagine not using darkreader in this day and age.

  • Let's discuss: Earthbound / Mother
  • Earthbound is eternally on my list of games i play through every couple of years. Its such a great game. Some aspects of it are a tad clunky by modern sensibilities (inventory management, going through the menus for a lot of things, etc.), but overall it holds up really well. Also if you liked earthbound, mother 3 is also 100% worth playing. Mother 1 (or beginnings, or whatever you wanna call it), is hard to recommend to anyone but the most diehard fans, though.

    I like earthbound the most of all of em, but thats purely for nostalgia reasons. From a critical perspective, i think mother 3 is the superior game.

  • "No thanks, I research my own charities before making a donation"
  • Thats only because of how the standard deduction works; If you have to itemize, then any amount of charitable donations can be deducted (up to like 60% of your AGI i think). Basically anyone needs to "outweigh" the standard deduction with their own deductions, because doing otherwise is worse. Technically i think you could forgo the standard deduction and use your own, even if you don't go over the standard deduction, but why would you?

  • is now certified green hosted

    Just a small FYI update, the host that we used just informed us that our website is now certified green hosted by the green web foundation, meaning that our site is completely hosted by clean energy.

    You should see the badge display in our sidebar about it starting today.

    D&D Playtest Survey Results | Player's Handbook | Unearthed Arcana

    cross-posted from:

    > Discussion with crawford concerning the playtest feedback from the most recent playtest

    D&D Playtest Survey Results | Player's Handbook | Unearthed Arcana

    Discussion with crawford concerning the playtest feedback from the most recent playtest

    • Everything scored really well (in the 80s for most things, monk was the highest rated, most features in the 90s, might be considered "most improved class")

    • revised version of the healing spells scored high

    • Tasha's summoning spells will be imported into the PHB

    • 2014 conjuration/summoning spells rework scored really well and will be kept

    • They are deep in internal development for the upcoming PHB

    • May is not the release date as was purported before

    • "We will still be working on the PHB in may"

    • Dwarf art from pax is not the cover for the PHB. That's from the fighter section

    • This was the last unearthed arcana for the upcoming revisions

    • New encounter building rules are going through a lot of rework and playtesting

    • Revised DMG will have a significantly streamlined encounter building system

    Lemmy updated to 19.2

    Just an FYI, has updated to 19.2. There's apparently some potential issues with cached logins, and you must delete your cookies/cache, or log out and remove and readd your account to most apps. Let me know if you have any other problems.

    pathfinder eerongal
    Pathfinder community for you to find the path!

    Hey all, recently it was brought up that seems to be down, and for some time. So I went ahead and created a local community for all your pathfinder needs.

    For now, this is a catchall for pathfinder, both 1e and 2e, if the need arises, we can always create another community to split, but I don't think it's that important right now.

    D&D Studio Update: 2024 Core Rule Books and Survey Results

    Update video about the upcoming revision for 2024 Some highlights:

    • Fully backwards compatible with 2014+ D&D books
    • Can have a 2014 character next to a 2024 character at the same table/game
    • Most of the classes/changes theyre keeping have high approval ratings
    • Fey warlock has something like 89% approval rate
    • All major class changes/revisions have been/will be in UA before release
    • There will still be minor changes (spells, other class changes, etc.) outside of that which won't be
    • Probably will be previews next year
    • The three new books will the largest version the game has ever had (close to 1000 pages combined)
    • treasure is different (and will be noted in the MM)
    • There will be more common magic items
    • "there should be more ways to engage with high level play, and we can address that" - not sure what this will mean, but noteworthy statement
    • world tree barbarian is in, brawler is out
    • 9 of the 12 classes are moving forward, with just the druid, monk, and barbarian needing revisions