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The Elite's War on Remote Work Has Nothing to Do with Productivity
  • @silvercove I believe it has more to do with middle-manager power. They love to see people in an office, supervise what they do and how many breaks they take to go to the bathroom.

  • eco_amandine Amandine B

    Personal account. Other interests (besides academia) includes: #SciComm #cats #travel #art #cooking #food #swimming #books #insects #photography #florespondence #music

    My CW policy: CW on politics and alcohol; no CW on: food, insect or cat pictures.

    Mostly posts in Spanish and English (ocasionaly French). Queen of typos.

    I do not follow blank accounts and don't aprove follows without a bio or intro post. No DMs unless we're mutuals.

    Most of my publications are deleted after a while.

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