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Why does my cat love me?
  • O

  • 😔...
  • obviously a skyrim reference. This is why dj Khaled is the realest. The first gamer rapper,,,

  • Ice cream but without brain freeze rule
  • I imagine it tastes like pennies, rubber bands, and soot.

  • Voting for the lesser evil is still evil
  • Five states banned RCV this past election. You'll never guess which group made that happen. But hey, both parties are bad.

  • Perplexity, not Google, is now the best search engine
  • The best search engine for my money is kagi. It's $5 a month but there's no ads, I get to block pinterest and I downranked fandom wikis. There's even a fediverse filter.

  • and we thought our thing with beans was bad
  • This copypasta is closer to GTA IV than GTA VI on the timeline.

  • and we thought our thing with beans was bad
  • This copypasta is closer to GTA IV than GTA VI on the timeline.

  • Spot the difference
  • Something tells me you already have an idea of what those words mean. I'm not here to have a debate, I just thought I could help with understanding the parent comment. I thought it was pretty obvious what calling Xi the CEO of China was implying.

  • Types of IT guys
  • 10 types of people in this world as the saying goes

  • Spot the difference
  • It means the parent commenter thinks "socialism with Chinese characteristics" looks an awful lot like state capitalism.

  • Hieroglyph
  • Fuck you lmao

  • Do linux users have wives?
  • One of the devs she was complaining about got fired. The blowback hit harder though. She got fired, her (former) employer and her personal blog both got DDOSed, and she received a shitload of graphic death threats.

  • allergies
  • We truly do live in a society

  • Due to Recent Events
  • ah yeah, the ouija incident

    by clicking the above link to you indemnify and hold harmless for any lost time, lost productivity, damage to property, health, or vocabulary, and all other tvtropes-related-life-ruining events

  • Is this... safe?
  • paige no

  • 62% of Americans agree US government should ensure everyone has health coverage
  • And how are we going to do that when we gave the keys to the party that banned ranked choice voting in 10 states?

  • Everyone's favorite romance story
  • "only if the grain is corn"

  • ebolapie ebolapie
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