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Unity by Operation Ivy
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How Did I Get Here? How Did I Get Here?

A cool-as-shit dynamic traceroute powered by custom software, married with an informative article about how the BGP routing protocol works and guides the shape of the Internet.

Hackers - Wizards of the Electronic Age
The Firm - Star Trekkin'
The Cinder Cone The Cinder Cone

In the Spring of 2014 a small group of close friends broke ground on a building project in Skamania County, Washington in the Columbia River Gorge. Their primary…

The Cinder Cone
Villa: Will the new judicial ruling in the Vizio lawsuit strengthen the GPL?

Luis Villa writes about the recent ruling in the Software Freedom Conservancy's GPL-violation lawsuit against Vizio, wherein the judge refused to agree that the SFC lacks standing to sue.

Something to ruffle some penguin feathers: The Unix Hater's Handbook
  • I've been reading this for a few weeks now.

    There's a section talking a bit about the history of unix that I quite liked. I'm young and don't know the whole story. According to this handbook, unix was used and taught in universities, so when students went out into the world they preferred unix systems. As a result, tons of companies started offering their own versions of unix touting portability with the other unixes but with their own differentiating extensions which sort of contradicts the claim of portability. People would write for one system and frustratingly find that their software doesn't work on a different vendor. I'm curious where linux fits into the story. This must have been before linux because the handbook makes no mention of it. Did linux and its free software license immediately kill off these other unixes? How much role did copyleft play?

  • Oh *you*...
  • yt-dlp has the -x option to extract the audio, and as far as I can tell it doesn't reencode which is fast. Ripping music from youtube is a single command. yt-dlp -x url

  • Why is Debian the way it is?
  • How do Debian and other distros feel about Rust? It's a fantastic language that can improve security, but it doesn't have a stable ABI and they don't really do the whole dynamically linked library thing.

  • Microsoft causes learned helplessness
  • I'll offer a balanced position and say nobody can do it all themselves, but I think everyone should strive to be self-sufficient in at least one aspect of modern living. My neighbor grows their own food. My dad is good with cars. My aunt makes quilts and dishware. A society that has crafty knowledge widely distributed like this makes it more likely everyone knows an expert on a given thing, helping prevent people from getting screwed by terrible products. An Arch Linux user might be able to manage linux for 100 close people in their social graph, or at least advocate for it. This also keeps industry from having 100% market share.

  • Canonical's Snap Store Hit By Malicious Apps
  • I have the issue that the snap version can't browse files whose path includes a hidden dot file/directory in my home directory. It doesn't seem there's any clean way for me say "no, I give you explicit permission to read these files." My workaround was to sudo mount --bind ~/.foo ~/bar and then browse from ~/bar instead. I'm not sure what they think they were preventing me from doing but they failed.

  • Has anyone tried this distro?
  • Finally, I can upgrade from Hannah Montana Linux. Really, I should have upgraded sooner. GML is still stuck on Kubuntu 9.04 and Hannah changed her name to Miley back in 2008.

  • What to know before Dual Booting Windows + Linux?
  • Some day you may find your machine booting into linux without displaying a grub menu. You were promised a menu giving you boot options. Where is it? The problem may be your grub timeout is 0. Set the timeout in /etc/default/grub and then run update-grub. See section 6.1 of the info grub manual.

  • Tired of proving you’re not a robot? Say goodbye to Captcha boxes.
  • If they manage to standardize an attestation API, they can swiftly kill off that possibility, as well as the possibility of any new successful operating systems / device manufacturers via the natural user growth that benefited the current hegemons.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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