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Greater Idaho movement: 13 counties in eastern Oregon have voted to secede and join Idaho
  • Fuck votes. Let them buy their way out. Once a fair value for the property, infrastructure, and future revenue is determined that value becomes the baseline for negotiations and the auction can begin. Oregon loses some freeloaders, gains a windfall, and becomes even more blue.

  • Israeli officials fear ICJ will rule to halt Gaza fighting, brace for sanctions
  • If you've read "Six Days of War" then this will feel familiar. During that conflict Israel was worried that international outcry would require them to stop making territorial gains so they did all they could as fast as they could to lay claim before that bell rang.

  • Removed
    This is what democracy looks like...
  • Disinformation, whataboutism, and since you persist with this Daou person I can call this guilt by association. I should warn you that the Free space is in play and I am one box short of Fallacy BINGO.

  • Reading through the Project 2025 PDF is insane
  • It will always trip me out how Mitt Romney went from being the GOP nominee for president in 2012 to a reviled RINO in less than a decade by not moving. He's the same guy with the same positions and the party shot far to the right.

  • Microsoft wants to hide the 'Sign out' button in Windows 11 behind a Microsoft 365 ad
  • Well stated. I think a lot of corporate action nowadays, especially with any industry connected to the internet, is based on similar logic. "How can we squeeze maximum (profit/market share/growth)? If we go too far, we can always undo it thanks to the internet."

    I wonder how long it'll be until BMW reintroduces the Heated Seats subscription, or GM changes their legalese to allow them to sell your driving data to 3rd party companies? Those corporate moneygrabs were rolled back due to consumer outrage recently but they'll probably be back in some form in the next five years.

  • Residents push for renaming of Trump Plaza to disassociate from ex-president
  • from Florida - didn’t he even move his “home state” status there officially a couple years back?

    He did. Probably for tax purposes. As a native, I would like the states to the north to quit sending us your racist grandparents!

  • Poll: Election interest hits new 20-year low in tight Biden-Trump race
  • Some days I think the news organizations seek out the shittiest opinions and air them in hopes of getting clicks.

    I'd also point out this is a problem of their own making; we're burnt out with the perpetual election cycle and incessant lack of adult behavior from Congress. I'm extremely dedicated to voting but I'm also fucking tired of it.

  • Why can't I see Showcases when I'm walking a route?

    When I'm walking a route, I can't see showcases even when I know they're there. Is this a known bug or unintentional feature or something? I have a route with a showcase stop in the middle of it. I've noticed over the past few showcase days that if I'm walking the route, I can't see any showcases and when I catch a pokemon that would qualify, I'm not offered the opportunity to place it in one.

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