You are fucking
It's literally the lie
So steal a bunch of money and do what with it? Simply stealing money only harms people
You're repeating lies
Forcing people to hide their face is against the interests of the community.
People die, and covid isn't going anywhere. Both are facts of life. Get over it, accept it, and keep your hands off my freedom
Nobody is taking anybody's life by refusing to hide their face in public
Nah, let's ban doomers
I'm not the one with the misinformation
Mask mandates were not only ineffective, they were harmful. They damaged the health of the public
Not when that "curbing" involves forcing people to wear religious headdresses
The only consequence to freedom is liberty
More misinformation
People with a brain and a spine won't give up their lives just because they might get a cold
What a gross exaggeration. Stop spreading misinformation
You better be wearing one every second you're not alone
Covid is nowhere near as dangerous as the fear mongering claimed, and forced masking has been definitively proven worthless.
Fake news. What isn't racist to you people?
Lol nice conspiracy theory, but it's not the truth