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Dr. Disrespect getting cooked by FaZe Banks now
  • you gotta hand it to him

  • Helpful life tip
  • WE DO its disgusting.. I swear sometimes I take my shoes off and find another pair of shoes under them.. and a bowl of unseasoned egg salad in my hand.. whiteness is a disease

  • Just met Donald Trump Guys. He looks as fit as ever.
  • Technically he looks like Paul Bearer.. the Undertakers ring manager.

  • The US never stole land either! We paid for it with some very high quality blankets!
  • he looks worse every video, hatred really is a disease

  • pure evil
  • It's probably just vice signaling. He would be terrified to actually approach a homeless person.

  • No ones ever gonna do it like him again
  • You try munching Adderal and Benadryl all day and then have to say things to large groups of people. No serious try it, it's awesome donnie is having a great time im sure.

  • We have no choice but to abandon communism
  • look ive made 100 winter coats and it took totally different amounts of linen every time I did it. Now I have all these coats and I don't think I learned theory at all.

  • caption this photo
  • officer fitness standards don't mandate being able to climb a ladder

  • Dear so called "moderators" of so called ""
  • you forced me to read this in tuckers voice.. this is violence

  • Bioshock Infinite and it's "Genius" political commentary
  • Farcry 6 made me mad several times... especially the part where the CIA is funding the rebels that are fighting against the pro western capitalist regime? Like why would the CIA do that? They never explain it. CIA just doing the exact opposite of what it is literally designed to do.

  • Mr.Bonelli
  • Mr. Bonaroo...

  • Anxiety
  • kelly Minor General

  • "We see people are going to want to leave to go make $20 an hour."
  • paying your bills and feeding your family shouldnt' be dependent on fucking tips. People regularly don't tip just because they are dumb fuck lead poisoned assholes.

  • Excuse me, Apple, why is the calculator wrong?
  • put down the lathe of heaven right now... im gonna see this exact comment in a Facebook screenshot at some point this year.

  • Husband leaves loaded gun on bed
  • my bolt action with the bolt and carrier removed is, in fact, loaded.

  • stole this one from cushvlog, can someone help me unpack this
  • some of the best chapo adjacent material is Matt ranting into a bad camera angle for an hour.

  • oscar takes on ecks dot com
  • it is incredibly mid..if you have to watch a movie about skinheads being pieces of shit Romper Stomper is a better bang for buck (also not a fantastic movie but miles ahead of American History X).

  • I like that here by "make arguments" both of them mean "misquote the half wikipedia page you skimmed"
  • I honestly forgot she crawled out of obscurity around that time.

  • oscar takes on ecks dot com
  • American history X, a movie about Neo nazi gangs, a thing that really exists and the racial terror the commit. A real thing that happens. Reverse the races and it's just weird wish fulfillment for mayos who are horny in the worst ways.

  • wut
  • volcel police?

  • drowns drowns [he/him]
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